#' Control when a request will retry, and how long it will wait between tries
#' @description
#' `req_retry()` alters [req_perform()] so that it will automatically retry
#' in the case of failure. To activate it, you must specify either the total
#' number of requests to make with `max_tries` or the total amount of time
#' to spend with `max_seconds`. Then `req_perform()` will retry if the error is
#' "transient", i.e. it's an HTTP error that can be resolved by waiting. By
#' default, 429 and 503 statuses are treated as transient, but if the API you
#' are wrapping has other transient status codes (or conveys transient-ness
#' with some other property of the response), you can override the default
#' with `is_transient`.
#' Additionally, if you set `retry_on_failure = TRUE`, the request will retry
#' if either the HTTP request or HTTP response doesn't complete successfully
#' leading to an error from curl, the lower-level library that httr2 uses to
#' perform HTTP request. This occurs, for example, if your wifi is down.
#' It's a bad idea to immediately retry a request, so `req_perform()` will
#' wait a little before trying again:
#' * If the response contains the `Retry-After` header, httr2 will wait the
#' amount of time it specifies. If the API you are wrapping conveys this
#' information with a different header (or other property of the response)
#' you can override the default behaviour with `retry_after`.
#' * Otherwise, httr2 will use "truncated exponential backoff with full
#' jitter", i.e. it will wait a random amount of time between one second and
#' `2 ^ tries` seconds, capped to at most 60 seconds. In other words, it
#' waits `runif(1, 1, 2)` seconds after the first failure, `runif(1, 1, 4)`
#' after the second, `runif(1, 1, 8)` after the third, and so on. If you'd
#' prefer a different strategy, you can override the default with `backoff`.
#' @inheritParams req_perform
#' @param max_tries,max_seconds Cap the maximum number of attempts with
#' `max_tries` or the total elapsed time from the first request with
#' `max_seconds`. If neither option is supplied (the default), [req_perform()]
#' will not retry.
#' `max_tries` is the total number of attempts make, so this should always
#' be greater than one.`
#' @param is_transient A predicate function that takes a single argument
#' (the response) and returns `TRUE` or `FALSE` specifying whether or not
#' the response represents a transient error.
#' @param retry_on_failure Treat low-level failures as if they are
#' transient errors, and can be retried.
#' @param backoff A function that takes a single argument (the number of failed
#' attempts so far) and returns the number of seconds to wait.
#' @param after A function that takes a single argument (the response) and
#' returns either a number of seconds to wait or `NULL`, which indicates
#' that a precise wait time is not available that the `backoff` strategy
#' should be used instead..
#' @returns A modified HTTP [request].
#' @export
#' @seealso [req_throttle()] if the API has a rate-limit but doesn't expose
#' the limits in the response.
#' @examples
#' # google APIs assume that a 500 is also a transient error
#' request("http://google.com") |>
#' req_retry(is_transient = \(resp) resp_status(resp) %in% c(429, 500, 503))
#' # use a constant 10s delay after every failure
#' request("http://example.com") |>
#' req_retry(backoff = ~10)
#' # When rate-limited, GitHub's API returns a 403 with
#' # `X-RateLimit-Remaining: 0` and an Unix time stored in the
#' # `X-RateLimit-Reset` header. This takes a bit more work to handle:
#' github_is_transient <- function(resp) {
#' resp_status(resp) == 403 &&
#' identical(resp_header(resp, "X-RateLimit-Remaining"), "0")
#' }
#' github_after <- function(resp) {
#' time <- as.numeric(resp_header(resp, "X-RateLimit-Reset"))
#' time - unclass(Sys.time())
#' }
#' request("http://api.github.com") |>
#' req_retry(
#' is_transient = github_is_transient,
#' after = github_after
#' )
req_retry <- function(req,
max_tries = NULL,
max_seconds = NULL,
retry_on_failure = FALSE,
is_transient = NULL,
backoff = NULL,
after = NULL) {
check_number_whole(max_tries, min = 2, allow_null = TRUE)
check_number_whole(max_seconds, min = 0, allow_null = TRUE)
retry_max_tries = max_tries,
retry_max_wait = max_seconds,
retry_on_failure = retry_on_failure,
retry_is_transient = as_callback(is_transient, 1, "is_transient"),
retry_backoff = as_callback(backoff, 1, "backoff"),
retry_after = as_callback(after, 1, "after")
retry_max_tries <- function(req) {
has_max_wait <- !is.null(req$policies$retry_max_wait)
req$policies$retry_max_tries %||% if (has_max_wait) Inf else 1
retry_max_seconds <- function(req) {
req$policies$retry_max_wait %||% Inf
retry_is_transient <- function(req, resp) {
if (is_error(resp)) {
return(req$policies$retry_on_failure %||% FALSE)
req_policy_call(req, "retry_is_transient", list(resp),
default = function(resp) resp_status(resp) %in% c(429, 503)
retry_backoff <- function(req, i) {
req_policy_call(req, "retry_backoff", list(i), default = backoff_default)
retry_after <- function(req, resp, i, error_call = caller_env()) {
if (is_error(resp)) {
return(retry_backoff(req, i))
after <- req_policy_call(req, "retry_after", list(resp), default = resp_retry_after)
# TODO: apply this idea to all callbacks
if (!is_number_or_na(after)) {
not <- obj_type_friendly(after)
"The {.code after} callback to {.fn req_retry} must return a single number or NA, not {not}.",
call = error_call
if (is.na(after)) {
retry_backoff(req, i)
} else {
is_number_or_na <- function(x) {
(is.numeric(x) && length(x) == 1) || identical(x, NA)
# Helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Exponential backoff with full-jitter, capped to 60s wait
# https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/exponential-backoff-and-jitter/
backoff_default <- function(i) {
round(min(stats::runif(1, min = 1, max = 2^i), 60), 1)
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