Man pages for r-lib/hugodown
Make websites with hugo and RMarkdown

create_site_academicCreate a hugo academic site
embed_gistGenerate hugo shortcodes to embed various types of media
hugo_buildBuild site
hugo_documentDeprecated: please use 'md_document()'
hugodown-packagehugodown: Make websites with hugo and RMarkdown
hugo_installInstall specified version of hugo
hugo_locateLocates a specific Hugo installation
hugo_startManage the hugo server
hugo_versionFind hugo version needed for current site
md_documentAn Rmd output format that produces Hugo-flavoured markdown
shortcodeGenerate a hugo shortcode
site_outdatedFind '.Rmd's that need to be re-rendered.
use_netlify_tomlCreate 'netlify.toml'
use_postCreate a new post
use_tidy_postVarious helpers for and similar sites
r-lib/hugodown documentation built on Nov. 24, 2022, 10:06 a.m.