
Defines functions backend_factory default_backend_auto default_backend_env_or_auto default_backend

Documented in default_backend

#' Select the default backend and default keyring
#' The default backend is selected
#' 1. based on the `keyring_backend` option. See [base::options()].
#'    This can be set to a character string, and then the
#'    *backend_*`string` class is used to create the default backend.
#' 1. If this is not set, then the `R_KEYRING_BACKEND` environment variable
#'    is checked.
#' 1. If this is not set, either, then the backend is selected
#'    automatically, based on the OS:
#'    1. On Windows, the Windows Credential Store (`"wincred"`) is used.
#'    1. On macOS, Keychain services are selected (`"macos"`).
#'    1. Linux uses the Secret Service API (`"secret_service"`),
#'       and it also checks that the service is available. It is typically
#'       only available on systems with a GUI.
#'    1. If the file backend (`"file"`) is available, it is selected.
#'    1. On other operating systems, secrets are stored in environment
#'       variables (`"env"`).
#' Most backends support multiple keyrings. For these the keyring is
#' selected from:
#' 1. the supplied `keyring` argument (if not `NULL`), or
#' 1. the `keyring_keyring` option.
#'     - You can change this by using `options(keyring_keyring = "NEWVALUE")`
#' 1. If this is not set, the `R_KEYRING_KEYRING` environment variable.
#'     - Change this value with `Sys.setenv(R_KEYRING_KEYRING = "NEWVALUE")`, 
#'     either in your script or in your `.Renviron` file. 
#'     See [base::Startup] for information about using `.Renviron`
#' 1. Finally, if neither of these are set, the OS default keyring is used.
#'     - Usually the keyring is automatically unlocked when the user logs in.
#' @param keyring Character string, the name of the keyring to use,
#'   or `NULL` for the default keyring.
#' @return The backend object itself.
#' @seealso [backend_env], [backend_file], [backend_macos],
#'          [backend_secret_service], [backend_wincred]
#' @export
#' @name backends

default_backend <- function(keyring = NULL) {

  backend <- getOption("keyring_backend", "")
  if (identical(backend, "")) backend <- default_backend_env_or_auto()

  ## Is it just a backend name?
  if (is_string(backend)) backend <- backend_factory(backend)

  ## At this point 'backend' is a backend R6 class
  ## Check if a specific keyring is requested
  if (is.null(keyring)) {
    keyring <- getOption(
      Sys.getenv("R_KEYRING_KEYRING", "")

  if (! is.null(keyring) && nzchar(keyring)) {
    backend$new(keyring = keyring)
  } else {

default_backend_env_or_auto <- function() {
  backend <- Sys.getenv("R_KEYRING_BACKEND", "")
  if (identical(backend, "")) backend <- default_backend_auto()

default_backend_auto <- function() {
  sysname <- tolower(Sys.info()[["sysname"]])

  if (sysname == "windows" && "wincred" %in% names(known_backends)) {

  } else if (sysname == "darwin" && "macos" %in% names(known_backends)) {

  } else if (sysname == "linux" && "secret_service" %in% names(known_backends) &&
             backend_secret_service$new()$is_available()) {
  } else if ("file" %in% names(known_backends)) {

  } else {
    if (getOption("keyring_warn_for_env_fallback", TRUE)) {
      warning("Selecting ", sQuote("env"), " backend. ",
              "Secrets are stored in environment variables")

backend_factory <- function(name) {
  if (!name %in% names(known_backends)) {
    stop("Unknown backend: ", sQuote(name))
  class_name <- paste0("backend_", name)
  get(class_name, envir = parent.frame())

known_backends <- list(
  "wincred" = backend_wincred,
  "macos" = backend_macos,
  "secret_service" = backend_secret_service,
  "env" = backend_env,
  "file" = backend_file
r-lib/keyring documentation built on Aug. 29, 2024, 6:11 p.m.