
Defines functions unnecessary_nesting_linter

Documented in unnecessary_nesting_linter

#' Block instances of unnecessary nesting
#' Excessive nesting harms readability. Use helper functions or early returns
#'   to reduce nesting wherever possible.
#' @param allow_assignment Logical, default `TRUE`, in which case
#'   braced expressions consisting only of a single assignment are skipped.
#'   if `FALSE`, all braced expressions with only one child expression are linted.
#'   The `TRUE` case facilitates interaction with [implicit_assignment_linter()]
#'   for certain cases where an implicit assignment is necessary, so a braced
#'   assignment is used to further distinguish the assignment. See examples.
#' @param allow_functions Character vector of functions which always allow
#'   one-child braced expressions. `testthat::test_that()` is always allowed because
#'   testthat requires a braced expression in its `code` argument. The other defaults
#'   similarly compute on expressions in a way which is worth highlighting by
#'   em-bracing them, even if there is only one expression, while [switch()] is allowed
#'   for its use as a control flow analogous to `if`/`else`.
#' @examples
#' # will produce lints
#' code <- "if (A) {\n  stop('A is bad!')\n} else {\n  do_good()\n}"
#' writeLines(code)
#' lint(
#'   text = code,
#'   linters = unnecessary_nesting_linter()
#' )
#' code <- "tryCatch(\n  {\n    foo()\n  },\n  error = identity\n)"
#' writeLines(code)
#' lint(
#'   text = code,
#'   linters = unnecessary_nesting_linter()
#' )
#' code <- "expect_warning(\n  {\n    x <- foo()\n  },\n  'warned'\n)"
#' writeLines(code)
#' lint(
#'   text = code,
#'   linters = unnecessary_nesting_linter(allow_assignment = FALSE)
#' )
#' writeLines("if (x) { \n  if (y) { \n   return(1L) \n  } \n}")
#' lint(
#'   text = "if (x) { \n  if (y) { \n   return(1L) \n  } \n}",
#'   linters = unnecessary_nesting_linter()
#' )
#' lint(
#'   text = "my_quote({x})",
#'   linters = unnecessary_nesting_linter()
#' )
#' # okay
#' code <- "if (A) {\n  stop('A is bad because a.')\n} else {\n  stop('!A is bad too.')\n}"
#' writeLines(code)
#' lint(
#'   text = code,
#'   linters = unnecessary_nesting_linter()
#' )
#' code <- "capture.output({\n  foo()\n})"
#' writeLines(code)
#' lint(
#'   text = code,
#'   linters = unnecessary_nesting_linter()
#' )
#' code <- "expect_warning(\n  {\n    x <- foo()\n  },\n  'warned'\n)"
#' writeLines(code)
#' lint(
#'   text = code,
#'   linters = unnecessary_nesting_linter()
#' )
#' writeLines("if (x && y) { \n  return(1L) \n}")
#' lint(
#'   text = "if (x && y) { \n  return(1L) \n}",
#'   linters = unnecessary_nesting_linter()
#' )
#' writeLines("if (x) { \n  y <- x + 1L\n  if (y) { \n   return(1L) \n  } \n}")
#' lint(
#'   text = "if (x) { \n  y <- x + 1L\n  if (y) { \n   return(1L) \n  } \n}",
#'   linters = unnecessary_nesting_linter()
#' )
#' lint(
#'   text = "my_quote({x})",
#'   linters = unnecessary_nesting_linter(allow_functions = "my_quote")
#' )
#' @evalRd rd_tags("unnecessary_nesting_linter")
#' @seealso
#'  - [cyclocomp_linter()] for another linter that penalizes overly complex code.
#'  - [linters] for a complete list of linters available in lintr.
#' @export
unnecessary_nesting_linter <- function(
    allow_assignment = TRUE,
    allow_functions = c(
      "try", "tryCatch", "withCallingHandlers",
      "quote", "expression", "bquote", "substitute",
      "reactive", "observe", "observeEvent",
      "renderCachedPlot", "renderDataTable", "renderImage", "renderPlot",
      "renderPrint", "renderTable", "renderText", "renderUI"
    )) {
  exit_calls <- c("stop", "return", "abort", "quit", "q")
  exit_call_expr <- glue("
  # block IF here for cases where a nested if/else is entirely within
  #   one of the branches.
  no_exit_call_expr <- glue("
    and expr[
      position() = last()
      and not(IF)
      and not(expr[SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL[{xp_text_in_table(exit_calls)}]])
  # condition for ELSE should be redundant, but include for robustness
  # condition on parent::expr[IF] ensures we're at the first `if` of a sequence of if/else statements
  # condition on expr uses following-sibling or preceding-sibling to ensure
  #   that the other expr falls on a different branch (earlier used separate
  #   conditions on two expr[], but seems to allow any branch with >1 statement
  #   to lead to a lint.
  # use position() = last() to ignore any expr but the last one in any branch.
  if_else_exit_xpath <- glue("
    and ELSE
    and not(parent::expr[IF])
    and expr[
      and expr[position() = last() and {exit_call_expr}]
      and (
        or preceding-sibling::{no_exit_call_expr}

  assignment_cond <- if (allow_assignment) "expr[LEFT_ASSIGN or RIGHT_ASSIGN]" else "false"

  # several carve-outs of common cases where single-expression braces are OK
  #   - control flow statements: if, for, while, repeat
  #       + include foreach() as a common package-based for loop extension
  #   - function definitions
  #       + includes purrr-like anonymous functions as ~ {...}
  #   - rlang's double-brace expressions like {{ var }}
  #       + NB: both braces would trigger here, so we must exclude both of them
  #   - any expression starting like `({` or `[{` or ending like `})` or `}]`
  #       + note that nesting is not improved by "fixing" such cases, and could also be worsened
  #       + motivated by the most common cases:
  #          * test_that("test", { expr })
  #          * with(x, { expr }) / within(x, { expr })
  #          * suppressWarnings({ expr })
  #          * DataTable[, { expr }]
  #          * DataTable[, col := { expr }] <- requires carve-out for `:=`
  unnecessary_brace_xpath <- glue("
      count(expr) = 1
      and not(preceding-sibling::*[
        or self::FOR
        or self::IF
        or self::WHILE
        or self::REPEAT
        or self::expr/SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL[{ xp_text_in_table(c('test_that', allow_functions)) }]
        or self::expr/expr/SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL[text() = 'foreach']
        or self::OP-TILDE
        or self::LEFT_ASSIGN[text() = ':=']
      and not(expr/OP-LEFT-BRACE)
      and not(preceding-sibling::OP-LEFT-BRACE)
      and not(
        OP-LEFT-BRACE/@end - 1 = preceding-sibling::*[1][self::OP-LEFT-PAREN or self::OP-LEFT-BRACKET]/@end
        or OP-RIGHT-BRACE/@end + 1 = following-sibling::*[1][self::OP-RIGHT-PAREN or self::OP-RIGHT-BRACKET]/@end
      and not({assignment_cond})

  unnecessary_nested_if_xpath <- paste0(
      # catch if (cond) if (other_cond) { ... }
      "following-sibling::expr[IF and not(ELSE)]",
      # catch if (cond) { if (other_cond) { ... } }
      "following-sibling::expr[OP-LEFT-BRACE and count(expr) = 1]/expr[IF and not(ELSE)]"
    collapse = " | "

  unnecessary_else_brace_xpath <- "//IF/parent::expr[parent::expr[preceding-sibling::ELSE and count(expr) = 1]]"

  Linter(linter_level = "expression", function(source_expression) {
    xml <- source_expression$xml_parsed_content

    if_else_exit_expr <- xml_find_all(xml, if_else_exit_xpath)
    if_else_exit_lints <- xml_nodes_to_lints(
      source_expression = source_expression,
      lint_message = paste0(
        "Reduce the nesting of this if/else statement by unnesting the ",
        "portion without an exit clause (i.e., ",
        paste0(exit_calls, "()", collapse = ", "),
      type = "warning"

    unnecessary_brace_expr <- xml_find_all(xml, unnecessary_brace_xpath)
    unnecessary_brace_lints <- xml_nodes_to_lints(
      source_expression = source_expression,
      lint_message = "Reduce the nesting of this statement by removing the braces {}.",
      type = "warning"

    unnecessary_nested_if_expr <- xml_find_all(xml, unnecessary_nested_if_xpath)
    unnecessary_nested_if_lints <- xml_nodes_to_lints(
      source_expression = source_expression,
      lint_message = paste(
        "Don't use nested `if` statements, where a single `if` with the combined conditional expression will do.",
        "For example, instead of `if (x) { if (y) { ... }}`, use `if (x && y) { ... }`."
      type = "warning"

    unnecessary_else_brace_expr <- xml_find_all(xml, unnecessary_else_brace_xpath)
    unnecessary_else_brace_lints <- xml_nodes_to_lints(
      source_expression = source_expression,
      lint_message = "Simplify this condition by using 'else if' instead of 'else { if.",
      type = "warning"

    c(if_else_exit_lints, unnecessary_brace_lints, unnecessary_nested_if_lints, unnecessary_else_brace_lints)
r-lib/lintr documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 4:41 a.m.