
Defines functions xml_nodes_to_lints

Documented in xml_nodes_to_lints

#' Convert an XML node or nodeset into a Lint
#' Convenience function for converting nodes matched by XPath-based
#'   linter logic into a [Lint()] object to return.
#' @details
#' The location XPaths, `column_number_xpath`, `range_start_xpath` and `range_end_xpath` are evaluated using
#' [xml2::xml_find_num()] and will usually be of the form `"number(./relative/xpath)"`.
#' Note that the location line number cannot be changed and lints spanning multiple lines will ignore `range_end_xpath`.
#' `column_number_xpath` and `range_start_xpath` are assumed to always refer to locations on the starting line of the
#' `xml` node.
#' @inheritParams lint-s3
#' @param xml An `xml_node` object (to generate one `Lint`) or an
#'   `xml_nodeset` object (to generate several `Lint`s), e.g. as returned by
#'   [xml2::xml_find_all()] or [xml2::xml_find_first()] or a
#'   list of `xml_node` objects.
#' @param source_expression A source expression object, e.g. as
#'   returned typically by [lint()], or more generally
#'   by [get_source_expressions()].
#' @param lint_message The message to be included as the `message`
#'   to the `Lint` object. If `lint_message` is a character vector the same length as `xml`,
#'   the `i`-th lint will be given the `i`-th message.
#' @param column_number_xpath XPath expression to return the column number location of the lint.
#'   Defaults to the start of the range matched by `range_start_xpath`. See details for more information.
#' @param range_start_xpath XPath expression to return the range start location of the lint.
#'   Defaults to the start of the expression matched by `xml`. See details for more information.
#' @param range_end_xpath XPath expression to return the range end location of the lint.
#'   Defaults to the end of the expression matched by `xml`. See details for more information.
#' @return For `xml_node`s, a `lint`. For `xml_nodeset`s, `lints` (a list of `lint`s).
#' @export
xml_nodes_to_lints <- function(xml, source_expression, lint_message,
                               type = c("style", "warning", "error"),
                               column_number_xpath = range_start_xpath,
                               range_start_xpath = "number(./@col1)",
                               range_end_xpath = "number(./@col2)") {
  if (length(xml) == 0L) {
  if (is_nodeset_like(xml)) {
    lints <- .mapply(
      dots = list(xml = xml, lint_message = lint_message),
      MoreArgs = list(
        source_expression = source_expression,
        type = type,
        column_number_xpath = column_number_xpath,
        range_start_xpath = range_start_xpath,
        range_end_xpath = range_end_xpath
    class(lints) <- "lints"
  } else if (!is_node(xml)) {
      x = "Expected an {.cls xml_nodeset}, a {.cls list} of xml_nodes, or an {.cls xml_node}.",
      i = "Instead got {.obj_type_friendly {xml}}."
  type <- match.arg(type, c("style", "warning", "error"))
  line1 <- xml_attr(xml, "line1")
  col1 <- xp_find_location(xml, range_start_xpath)
  if (is.na(col1)) {
      x = "Could not find range start for lint.",
      i = "Defaulting to start of line."
    col1 <- 1L

  lines <- source_expression[["lines"]]
  if (is.null(lines)) lines <- source_expression[["file_lines"]]

  if (xml_attr(xml, "line2") == line1) {
    col2 <- xp_find_location(xml, range_end_xpath)
    if (is.na(col2)) {
        x = "Could not find range end for lint.",
        i = "Defaulting to width 1."
      col2 <- col1
  } else {
    col2 <- nchar(lines[[line1]])

  column_number <- xp_find_location(xml, column_number_xpath)
  if (is.na(column_number)) {
      x = "Could not find location for lint.",
      i = "Defaulting to start of range."
    column_number <- col1

    filename = source_expression$filename,
    line_number = as.integer(line1),
    column_number = column_number,
    type = type,
    message = lint_message,
    line = lines[[line1]],
    ranges = list(c(col1, col2))
r-lib/lintr documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 4:41 a.m.