
Defines functions cache_filesystem

Documented in cache_filesystem

#' Filesystem Cache
#' Use a cache on the local filesystem that will persist between R sessions.
#' @param path Directory in which to store cached items.
#' @param compress Argument passed to \code{saveRDS}. One of FALSE, "gzip",
#' "bzip2" or "xz". Default: FALSE.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Use with Dropbox
#' db <- cache_filesystem("~/Dropbox/.rcache")
#' mem_runif <- memoise(runif, cache = db)
#' # Use with Google Drive
#' gd <- cache_filesystem("~/Google Drive/.rcache")
#' mem_runif <- memoise(runif, cache = gd)
#' }
#' @export
#' @inheritParams cache_memory
cache_filesystem <- function(path, algo = "xxhash64", compress = FALSE) {
  if (!(requireNamespace("digest"))) { stop("Package `digest` must be installed for `cache_filesystem()`.") } # nocov

  if (!dir.exists(path)) {
    dir.create(path, showWarnings = FALSE)

  # convert to absolute path so it will work with user working directory changes
  path <- normalizePath(path)

  cache_reset <- function() {
    cache_files <- list.files(path, full.names = TRUE)

  cache_set <- function(key, value) {
    saveRDS(value, file = file.path(path, key), compress = compress)

  cache_get <- function(key) {
    readRDS(file = file.path(path, key))

  cache_has_key <- function(key) {
    file.exists(file.path(path, key))

  cache_drop_key <- function(key) {
    file.remove(file.path(path, key))

    digest = function(...) digest::digest(..., algo = algo),
    reset = cache_reset,
    set = cache_set,
    get = cache_get,
    has_key = cache_has_key,
    drop_key = cache_drop_key,
    keys = function() list.files(path)
r-lib/memoise documentation built on Jan. 17, 2024, 3:24 p.m.