
#' Read the result object from the output file, or the error
#' Even if an error happens, the output file might still exist,
#' because [saveRDS()] creates the file before evaluating its object
#' argument. So we need to check for the error file to decide
#' if an error happened.
#' @param output List of the output object from [run()] and
#'   the name of the result file to read. For the error file,
#'   `.error` is appended to this.
#' @param options The context, including all parameters.
#' @return If no error happened, the result is returned. Otherwise
#'   we handle the error.
#' @keywords internal

get_result <- function(output, options) {

  res <- options$result_file

  ## Timeout?
  if (output$timeout) throw(new_callr_crash_error(output))

  ## No output file and no error file? Some other (system?) error then,
  ## unless exit status was zero, which is probably just quit().
  ## (Newer R versions do not write a corrupt RDS file in this case.)
  ret <- NULL
  errorres <- paste0(res, ".error")
  killmsg <- paste(
    "could not start R, exited with non-zero status,",
    "has crashed or was killed")
  if (! file.exists(res) && ! file.exists(errorres)) {
    if ($status) || output$status != 0) {
      throw(new_callr_crash_error(output, killmsg))
    } else  {

  ## No error file? Then probably all is well, return the output
  ## If this is corrupt, then the R process has crashed
  ## This cannot happen from R 3.5.0, because that version only writes
  ## out the output file if no error or crash has happened.
  ## (Older R versions write a corrupt RDS file in this case.)
  if (! file.exists(errorres)) {
      ret <- readRDS(res),
      error = function(e) {
        if ($status) || output$status != 0) {
          throw(new_callr_crash_error(output, killmsg))
        } else {
            "could not read result from callr"


  # To work around an errors.R bug, if the format method is registered
  # from another package. errors.R expects that the parent error has a
  # message, but if it is an interrupt (and perhaps some other rare cases),
  # it does not.
  fix_msg <- function(cnd) {
    if (is.null(cnd$message)) {
      if (inherits(cnd, "interrupt")) {
        cnd$message <- "interrupt"
      } else {
        cnd$message <- ""

  ## The error RDS might be corrupt, too, if we crashed/got killed after
  ## an error
    remerr <- readRDS(errorres),
    error = function(e) throw(new_callr_crash_error(output, killmsg))

  if (remerr[[1]] == "error") {
    throw(callr_remote_error(remerr, output), parent = fix_msg(remerr[[3]]))

  } else if (remerr[[1]] == "stack") {
    throw(callr_remote_error_with_stack(remerr, output), parent = fix_msg(remerr[[2]]))

  } else if (remerr[[1]] == "debugger") {

  } else {
    throw(new_error("Unknown callr error strategy: ", remerr[[1]])) # nocov

clean_stack <- function(stack) {
  att <- attributes(stack)
  att$names <- utils::head(utils::tail(att$names, -11), -2)
  res <- utils::head(utils::tail(stack, -11), -2)
  attributes(res) <- att

r-lib/pak documentation built on May 28, 2024, 10:33 p.m.