
Defines functions create_node_info create_node_from_nested create_node_from_nested_root create_tree_from_pd_with_default_style_attributes create_tree

Documented in create_node_from_nested create_node_from_nested_root create_tree

#' Create a tree from text
#' Create a tree representation from a text.
#' @param text A character vector.
#' @inheritParams create_node_from_nested_root
#' @return A data frame.
#' @keywords internal
create_tree <- function(text, structure_only = FALSE) {
  compute_parse_data_nested(text, transformers = NULL) %>%
    pre_visit_one(default_style_guide_attributes) %>%

create_tree_from_pd_with_default_style_attributes <- function(pd,
                                                              structure_only = FALSE) {
  pd %>%
    create_node_from_nested_root(structure_only) %>%
    # don't use `styler_df()` here; `vctrs::data_frame()` only accepts a vector, not a <Node/R6> object

#' Convert a nested data frame into a node tree
#' This function is convenient to display all nesting levels of a nested data frame
#' at once.
#' @param pd_nested A nested data frame.
#' @param structure_only Whether or not create a tree that represents the
#'   structure of the expression without any information on the tokens. Useful
#'   to check whether two structures are identical.
#' @return An object of class "Node" and "R6".
#' @examples
#' if (rlang::is_installed("data.tree")) {
#'   withr::with_options(
#'     list(styler.cache_name = NULL), # temporarily deactivate cache
#'     {
#'       code <- "a <- function(x) { if(x > 1) { 1+1 } else {x} }"
#'       nested_pd <- compute_parse_data_nested(code)
#'       initialized <- styler:::pre_visit_one(
#'         nested_pd, default_style_guide_attributes
#'       )
#'       styler:::create_node_from_nested_root(initialized,
#'         structure_only = FALSE
#'       )
#'     }
#'   )
#' }
#' @keywords internal
create_node_from_nested_root <- function(pd_nested, structure_only) {
  name <- if (structure_only) {
    "Hierarchical structure"
  } else {
    "ROOT (token: short_text [lag_newlines/spaces] {pos_id})"
  n <- data.tree::Node$new(name)
  create_node_from_nested(pd_nested, n, structure_only)
#' Create node from nested parse data
#' @inheritParams create_node_from_nested_root
#' @param parent The parent of the node to be created.
#' @keywords internal
create_node_from_nested <- function(pd_nested, parent, structure_only) {
  if (is.null(pd_nested)) {
  node_info <- create_node_info(pd_nested, structure_only)
  child_nodes <- map(node_info, parent$AddChild)
  map2(pd_nested$child, child_nodes, create_node_from_nested, structure_only)

create_node_info <- function(pd_nested, structure_only) {
  if (structure_only) {
    return(seq2(1L, nrow(pd_nested)))
    pd_nested$token, ": ",
    pd_nested$short, " [",
    pd_nested$lag_newlines, "/",
    pd_nested$spaces, "] {",
    pd_nested$pos_id, "}"
r-lib/styler documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 1:11 p.m.