
Defines functions expect_reference expect_equivalent expect_waldo_equal expect_identical expect_equal

Documented in expect_equal expect_equivalent expect_identical expect_reference

#' Does code return the expected value?
#' @description
#' These functions provide two levels of strictness when comparing a
#' computation to a reference value. `expect_identical()` is the baseline;
#' `expect_equal()` relaxes the test to ignore small numeric differences.
#' In the 2nd edition, `expect_identical()` uses [identical()] and
#' `expect_equal` uses [all.equal()]. In the 3rd edition, both functions use
#' [waldo](https://github.com/r-lib/waldo). They differ only in that
#' `expect_equal()` sets `tolerance = testthat_tolerance()` so that small
#' floating point differences are ignored; this also implies that (e.g.) `1`
#' and `1L` are treated as equal.
#' @param object,expected Computation and value to compare it to.
#'   Both arguments supports limited unquoting to make it easier to generate
#'   readable failures within a function or for loop. See [quasi_label] for
#'   more details.
#' @param ...
#'   **3e**: passed on to [waldo::compare()]. See its docs to see other
#'   ways to control comparison.
#'   **2e**: passed on to [testthat::compare()]/[identical()].
#' @param tolerance
#'   **3e**: passed on to [waldo::compare()]. If non-`NULL`, will
#'   ignore small floating point differences. It uses same algorithm as
#'   [all.equal()] so the tolerance is usually relative (i.e.
#'   `mean(abs(x - y) / mean(abs(y)) < tolerance`), except when the differences
#'   are very small, when it becomes absolute (i.e. `mean(abs(x - y) < tolerance`).
#'   See waldo documentation for more details.
#'   **2e**: passed on to [testthat::compare()], if set. It's hard to
#'   reason about exactly what tolerance means because depending on the precise
#'   code path it could be either an absolute or relative tolerance.
#' @param label,expected.label Used to customise failure messages. For expert
#'   use only.
#' @seealso
#' * [expect_setequal()]/[expect_mapequal()] to test for set equality.
#' * [expect_reference()] to test if two names point to same memory address.
#' @inheritParams expect_that
#' @family expectations
#' @examples
#' a <- 10
#' expect_equal(a, 10)
#' # Use expect_equal() when testing for numeric equality
#' \dontrun{
#' expect_identical(sqrt(2) ^ 2, 2)
#' }
#' expect_equal(sqrt(2) ^ 2, 2)
#' @name equality-expectations

#' @export
#' @rdname equality-expectations
expect_equal <- function(object, expected, ...,
                         tolerance = if (edition_get() >= 3) testthat_tolerance(),
                         info = NULL, label = NULL,
                         expected.label = NULL) {

  act <- quasi_label(enquo(object), label, arg = "object")
  exp <- quasi_label(enquo(expected), expected.label, arg = "expected")

  if (edition_get() >= 3) {
    expect_waldo_equal("equal", act, exp, info, ..., tolerance = tolerance)
  } else {
    if (!is.null(tolerance)) {
      comp <- compare(act$val, exp$val, ..., tolerance = tolerance)
    } else {
      comp <- compare(act$val, exp$val, ...)

      sprintf("%s not equal to %s.\n%s", act$lab, exp$lab, comp$message),
      info = info

#' @export
#' @rdname equality-expectations
expect_identical <- function(object, expected, info = NULL, label = NULL,
                             expected.label = NULL, ...) {
  act <- quasi_label(enquo(object), label, arg = "object")
  exp <- quasi_label(enquo(expected), expected.label, arg = "expected")

  if (edition_get() >= 3) {
    expect_waldo_equal("identical", act, exp, info, ...)
  } else {
    ident <- identical(act$val, exp$val, ...)
    if (ident) {
      msg <- ""
    } else {
      compare <- compare(act$val, exp$val)
      if (compare$equal) {
        msg <- "Objects equal but not identical"
      } else {
        msg <- compare$message

      sprintf("%s not identical to %s.\n%s", act$lab, exp$lab, msg),
      info = info

expect_waldo_equal <- function(type, act, exp, info, ...) {
  comp <- waldo_compare(act$val, exp$val, ..., x_arg = "actual", y_arg = "expected")
    length(comp) == 0,
      "%s (%s) not %s to %s (%s).\n\n%s",
      act$lab, "`actual`",
      exp$lab, "`expected`",
      paste0(comp, collapse = "\n\n")
    info = info,
    trace_env = caller_env()


#' Is an object equal to the expected value, ignoring attributes?
#' Compares `object` and `expected` using [all.equal()] and
#' `check.attributes = FALSE`.
#' @section 3rd edition:
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' `expect_equivalent()` is deprecated in the 3rd edition. Instead use
#' `expect_equal(ignore_attr = TRUE)`.
#' @inheritParams expect_equal
#' @param ... Passed on to [compare()].
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #' # expect_equivalent() ignores attributes
#' a <- b <- 1:3
#' names(b) <- letters[1:3]
#' \dontrun{
#' expect_equal(a, b)
#' }
#' expect_equivalent(a, b)
expect_equivalent <- function(object, expected, ..., info = NULL, label = NULL,
                              expected.label = NULL) {
  act <- quasi_label(enquo(object), label, arg = "object")
  exp <- quasi_label(enquo(expected), expected.label, arg = "expected")

  edition_deprecate(3, "expect_equivalent()",
    "Use expect_equal(ignore_attr = TRUE)"

  comp <- compare(act$val, exp$val, ..., check.attributes = FALSE)
    sprintf("%s not equivalent to %s.\n%s", act$lab, exp$lab, comp$message),
    info = info

#' Does code return a reference to the expected object?
#' `expect_reference()` compares the underlying memory addresses of
#' two symbols. It is for expert use only.
#' @section 3rd edition:
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' `expect_reference()` is deprecated in the third edition. If you know what
#' you're doing, and you really need this behaviour, just use `is_reference()`
#' directly: `expect_true(rlang::is_reference(x, y))`.
#' @inheritParams expect_equal
#' @family expectations
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
expect_reference <- function(object, expected, info = NULL, label = NULL,
                             expected.label = NULL) {

  edition_deprecate(3, "expect_reference()")

  act <- quasi_label(enquo(object), label, arg = "object")
  exp <- quasi_label(enquo(expected), expected.label, arg = "expected")

    is_reference(act$val, exp$val),
    sprintf("%s not a reference to %s.", act$lab, exp$lab),
    info = info

# expect_reference() needs dev version of rlang
r-lib/testthat documentation built on Aug. 27, 2024, 2:44 a.m.