
#' Test reporter: stop on error
#' The default reporter used when [expect_that()] is run interactively.
#' It responds by [stop()]ping on failures and doing nothing otherwise. This
#' will ensure that a failing test will raise an error.
#' This should be used when doing a quick and dirty test, or during the final
#' automated testing of R CMD check.  Otherwise, use a reporter that runs all
#' tests and gives you more context about the problem.
#' @export
#' @family reporters
StopReporter <- R6::R6Class("StopReporter",
  inherit = Reporter,
  public = list(
    failures = NULL,
    n_fail = 0L,
    stop_reporter = TRUE,
    praise = TRUE,

    initialize = function(stop_reporter = TRUE, praise = TRUE) {
      self$failures <- Stack$new()
      self$praise <- praise
      self$stop_reporter <- stop_reporter

    start_test = function(context, test) {
      self$failures <- Stack$new()

    add_result = function(context, test, result) {
      if (expectation_success(result)) {

      if (expectation_broken(result)) {
        self$n_fail <- self$n_fail + 1


    end_test = function(context, test) {

      failures <- self$failures$as_list()
      if (length(failures) == 0 && self$praise) {
        self$cat_line(colourise("Test passed", "success"), " ", praise_emoji())

      messages <- vapply(failures, issue_summary, rule = TRUE, character(1))
      if (length(messages) > 0) {
        self$cat_line(messages, "\n")
    stop_if_needed = function() {
      if (self$stop_reporter && self$n_fail > 0) {
        abort("Test failed", call = NULL)
r-lib/testthat documentation built on Feb. 18, 2024, 8:59 p.m.