LIDRTHREADS = new.env()
#' Set or get number of threads that lidR should use
#' Set and get number of threads to be used in lidR functions that are parallelized with OpenMP.
#' 0 means to utilize all CPU available. \code{get_lidr_threads()} returns the number
#' of threads that will be used. This affects \code{lidR} package but also the \code{data.table} package
#' by internally calling \link[data.table:openmp-utils]{setDTthreads} because several functions of
#' lidR rely on \code{data.table} but it does not change R itself or other packages using OpenMP.
#' @seealso \link{lidR-parallelism}
#' @param threads Positive scalar. Default 0 means use all CPU available. Values > 1 mean
#' using n cores, values in ]0, 1[ mean using a fraction of the cores e.g. 0.5 = half.
#' @export
set_lidr_threads = function(threads)
max <- R_omp_get_max_threads()
if (max < 0)
if (threads > 1) message("This installation of lidR has not been compiled with OpenMP support") # nocov
LIDRTHREADS$input <- threads
LIDRTHREADS$n <- 1L # nocov
data.table::setDTthreads(1L) # nocov
return(invisible()) # nocov
if (threads == 0 | threads > max)
LIDRTHREADS$input <- threads
else if(threads < 1)
LIDRTHREADS$input <- threads
LIDRTHREADS$n <- as.integer(max*threads)
LIDRTHREADS$input <- as.integer(threads)
LIDRTHREADS$n <- as.integer(threads)
#' @rdname set_lidr_threads
#' @export
get_lidr_threads = function()
#' Counts the number of cores used by simple multi-core future::plan()s
#' lidR employs two different parallelization mechanisms: OpenMP for
#' multi-threaded execution of certain algorithms and the future API for
#' processing LAScatalog tiles in parallel. Since the future API can be used for
#' different kinds of parallelization (including multi-threading but also
#' parallel execution on computer clusters), it is possible for OpenMP and
#' future to have incompatible settings. Example: A user has a single machine
#' with four cores and sets both, the number of OpenMP threads and the number of
#' future processes to four. In this case OpenMP has to be disabled so that it
#' doesn't interfere with the future parallelization.
#' Essentially, this function analyzes the argument to the 'workers' parameter
#' of future::plan(). When this argument is either 1) an integer, 2) a character
#' vector of strings all indicating the "localhost", or 3) a function call which
#' returns 1) or 2), then the integer or the number of localhost strings is
#' returned as the number of used cores. Currently, other cases cannot be
#' evaluated.
#' @return A single integer giving the number of cores or NULL if the current
#' future::plan() could not be evaluated. The latter might be the case when a
#' future::plan() involves complex architectures such as remote computers or
#' multiple nodes on a HPC.
#' @noRd
try_to_get_num_future_cores = function()
if (!"future" %in% rownames(utils::installed.packages()))
# nocov start
# get the current plan
plan <- future::plan()
# if the plan is explicitly single-threaded, return 1
if (is(plan, "uniprocess")) { return(1L) }
# "uniprocess" covers future::sequential and future::transparent and hopefully
# also single-threaded plans provided by other packages
# if there is no argument called "workers", return NULL
if (!"workers" %in% names(formals(plan))) { return(NULL) }
# get the value of the "workers" argument
workers_arg <- formals(plan)$workers
# These values might be used to reference the current machine and are compared
# to the "workers" argument in the code below
localhosts <- c("localhost", "",[["nodename"]])
# taken from the documentation of parallelly::makeClusterPSOCK and
# parallelly::makeNodePSOCK hoping that they will also be valid for other
# interfaces
# Now check whether a number of locally used cores can be extracted from the
# "workers" argument
# if "workers" is a positive number, return that number
if (is.numeric(workers_arg) &&
length(workers_arg) == 1L &&
! &&
workers_arg >= 1)
# if "workers" is a character vector of "localhosts", return the vector length
if (is.character(workers_arg) &&
length(workers_arg) >= 1L &&
all(! &&
all(workers_arg %in% localhosts))
# if "workers" is a function call, check whether the return value is one of
# the above tested options
if (
# try to evaluate the function call
evaluated_workers_arg <- tryCatch(
error = function(dummy) { return(NULL) } # on error: return NULL
if (is.null(evaluated_workers_arg)) # if the "normal" evaluation didn't work
# Try to evaluate the function call in the environment of the future
# package. This deals with situations where functions cannot be evaluated
# because the future package has not been loaded (using library(future),
# library(lidR), or others).
evaluated_workers_arg <- tryCatch(
# use an arbitrary future function to get the environment of the future package
eval(workers_arg, envir = environment(future::plan)),
error = function(dummy) { return(NULL) }
# if the call could not be evaluated, return NULL
if (is.null(evaluated_workers_arg)) { return(NULL) }
# If the call could be evaluated, check if the result is a number or a
# vector of localhosts.
if (is.numeric(evaluated_workers_arg) &&
length(evaluated_workers_arg) == 1L &&
! &&
evaluated_workers_arg >= 1)
if (is.character(evaluated_workers_arg) &&
length(evaluated_workers_arg) >= 1L &&
all(! &&
all(evaluated_workers_arg %in% localhosts))
} # end if (
# -> "workers" is neither a number, nor a character vector of localhosts,
# nor a function call returning any of these values.
# nocov end
# Because I made some typos and I renamed stuff and I did
# not check the code yet
getThread <- get_lidr_threads
getThreads <- get_lidr_threads
getWorkers <- try_to_get_num_future_cores
setThreads <- set_lidr_threads
must_disable_openmp = function()
if (!engine_use_future()) return(FALSE)
if (isTRUE(getOption("lidR.threads.manual"))) return(FALSE) # Backward compatibility
if (isFALSE(getOption("lidR.check.nested.parallelism"))) return(FALSE)
workers <- getWorkers()
threads <- getThreads()
cores <- future::availableCores()
if (is.null(workers))
warning("The parallel evaluation strategy was not recognized and lidR does not know if OpenMP should be disabled.
OpenMP has been disabled by security.
Use options(lidR.check.nested.parallelism = FALSE) and set_lidr_threads() for a fine control of parallelism.", call. = FALSE)
if (workers * threads > cores)
# nocov because tested with a single core on CRAN
verbose(glue::glue("Cannot nest {workers} future threads and {threads} OpenMP threads. Precedence given to future: OpenMP threads set to 1.")) # nocov
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