las <- topography
sensor <- track_sensor(las, Roussel2020(pmin = 15))
test_that("normalize_intensity works", {
expect_error(las <- normalize_intensity(las, range_correction(sensor, Rs = 2000)), NA)
expect_true("RawIntensity" %in% names(las))
expect_equal(mean(las$Intensity), 1183, tolerance = 0.5)
test_that("normalize_intensity fails with invalid LAS data", {
las@data[["Intensity"]] <- NULL
expect_error(normalize_intensity(las, range_correction(sensor, Rs = 2000)), "No 'Intensity' attribute found")
las@data[["gpstime"]] <- NULL
expect_error(normalize_intensity(las, range_correction(sensor, Rs = 2000)), "No 'gpstime' attribute found in las")
test_that("normalize_intensity fails with invalid sensor data", {
p = sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point(c(0, -10000, 0)))
geom = sf::st_geometry(sensor) + p
sf::st_geometry(sensor) = geom
sf::st_crs(sensor) <- st_crs(las)
expect_error(normalize_intensity(las, range_correction(sensor, Rs = 2000)), "Unrealistic range")
sensor[["gpstime"]] <- NULL
expect_error(normalize_intensity(las, range_correction(sensor, Rs = 2000)), "No 'gpstime' attribute found in sensor")
sensor[["gpstime"]] <- 1:8
expect_error(normalize_intensity(las, range_correction(sensor, Rs = 2000)), "gpstime range from the sensor does not contain gpstime range from the point-cloud")
test_that("normalize_intensity works with 2 coordinates points", {
sensor2 <- sf::st_zm(sensor)
sensor2$Z <- sf::st_coordinates(sensor)[,3]
las1 <- normalize_intensity(las, range_correction(sensor2, Rs = 2000))
las2 <- normalize_intensity(las, range_correction(sensor, Rs = 2000))
expect_equal(las1, las2)
expect_error(normalize_intensity(las, range_correction(sensor2, Rs = 2000, elevation = "K")), "No 'K' attribute found in sensor")
expect_error(normalize_intensity(las, range_correction(sensor2, Rs = 2000, gpstime = "t")), "No 't' attribute found in sensor")
expect_error(normalize_intensity(las, range_correction(sensor2, Rs = 2000, elevation = NULL)), "There are only two dimensions in the coordinates of the sensor")
test_that("normalize_intensity is able to detect unrealistic range corrections", {
sensor$geometry[[5]][2] <- 8000
expect_error(normalize_intensity(las, range_correction(sensor, Rs = 2000)), "Unrealistic range")
test_that("normalize_intensity clamps values to 65535 with warning", {
las$Intensity[1000] <- 60000L
expect_warning(normalize_intensity(las, range_correction(sensor, Rs = 2000)), "1 points have a normalized intensity greater than 65535")
las1 <- suppressWarnings(normalize_intensity(las, range_correction(sensor, Rs = 2000)))
expect_equal(max(las1$Intensity), 65535)
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