

i = megaplot
ofile = paste0(tempfile(), ".las")

test_that("Test if I/O are equal", {
  writeLAS(i, ofile)
  o = readLAS(ofile)

  # Because those field are expepected to be different
  i@header@PHB["Generating Software"] <- NULL
  o@header@PHB["Generating Software"] <- NULL

  i@header@PHB["System Identifier"] <- NULL
  o@header@PHB["System Identifier"] <- NULL

  i@header@PHB["Number of variable length records"] <- NULL
  o@header@PHB["Number of variable length records"] <- NULL

  i@header@PHB["Offset to point data"] <- NULL
  o@header@PHB["Offset to point data"] <- NULL

  expect_equal(i@data, o@data)
  expect_equal(i@header@PHB, o@header@PHB)

test_that("writeLAS does not write empty point cloud", {
  o <- filter_poi(i, Z > 1000)
  expect_error(writeLAS(o, ofile), "Cannot write a file with 0 point")

test_that("writeLAS fails nicely with no LAS", {
  expect_error(writeLAS(1, ofile), "Argument is not a LAS object")
r-lidar/lidR documentation built on Feb. 7, 2025, 8:57 p.m.