#' Customize Layers Control of a Leaflet Map
#' This function enables customization of an existing layers control in a `leaflet` map by adding custom views, home buttons,
#' opacity controls, and legends. It enhances the functionality of a layers control created with `leaflet`
#' or `leaflet.extras`. It also allows to customize the layersControl appearance via CSS.
#' @param map A `leaflet` or `mapview` object to which the extended layers control will be added.
#' @param view_settings A list specifying the view settings for each layer. Each list element should contain
#' either:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{coords}: A vector of length 2 (latitude, longitude) for setting the view, or length 4
#' (bounding box: lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2) for fitting the bounds.
#' \item \code{zoom}: The zoom level (used for `setView`).
#' \item \code{fly} (optional): A logical indicating whether to use `flyTo` or `flyToBounds` instead of `setView` or `fitBounds`.
#' \item \code{options} (optional): Additional options to pass to `setView`, `fitBounds`, or `flyTo`.
#' }
#' @param home_btns Logical. If `TRUE`, adds a "home" button next to each layer name in the layer control.
#' Clicking the home button zooms the map to the view specified for that layer in \code{view_settings}.
#' @param setviewonselect Logical. If `TRUE` (default) sets the view when the layer is selected.
#' @param home_btn_options A list of options to customize the home button appearance and behavior.
#' Possible options include:
#' - `text`: The text or emoji to display on the button (default is `fontawesome::fa("home")`).
#' - `cursor`: CSS cursor style for the button (default is 'pointer').
#' - `class`: CSS class name for the button (default is 'leaflet-home-btn').
#' - `styles`: Semicolon separated CSS-string (default is 'float: inline-end;').
#' @param opacityControl A list specifying the opacity control settings for each layer. Each list element should contain:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{min}: Minimum opacity value (default is 0).
#' \item \code{max}: Maximum opacity value (default is 1).
#' \item \code{step}: Step size for the opacity slider (default is 0.1).
#' \item \code{default}: Default opacity value (default is 1).
#' \item \code{width}: Width of the opacity slider (default is '100%').
#' \item \code{class}: CSS class name for the slider (default is 'leaflet-opacity-slider').
#' }
#' @param includelegends Logical. If `TRUE` (default), appends legends to the layer control. Legends are matched
#' to layers by their group name. The legends need to be added with corresponding layer IDs.
#' @param addCollapseButton Logical. If True a button will be added on top of the
#' LayersControl which, when clicked, will expand/collapse the view. This is mainly
#' relevant when the original Control was set to `collapsed = FALSE`.
#' @param layersControlCSS a list of valid CSS key-value pairs to modify the appearance
#' of the layersControl.
#' @param increaseOpacityOnHover Logical. If `TRUE` the layersControl will be fully opaque
#' when hovered. Mainly relevant if `opacity` was adjusted in `layersControlCSS`.
#' @return A modified `leaflet` map object with extended layers control including view controls, home buttons, opacity controls, and legends.
#' @details
#' This function generates JavaScript that listens for `overlayadd` or `baselayerchange` events
#' and automatically sets the view or zoom level according to the specified \code{view_settings}.
#' If `home_btns` is enabled, a home button is added next to each layer in the layer control.
#' When clicked, it zooms the map to the predefined view of that layer.
#' The opacity control slider allows users to adjust the opacity of layers. The legend will be appended
#' to the corresponding layer control, matched by the layer's group name.
#' @examples
#' library(sf)
#' library(leaflet)
#' library(leafem)
#' # Example data ##########
#' breweries91 <- st_as_sf(breweries91)
#' lines <- st_as_sf(atlStorms2005)
#' polys <- st_as_sf(leaflet::gadmCHE)
#' # View settings ##########
#' view_settings <- list(
#' "Base_tiles1" = list(
#' coords = c(20, 50),
#' zoom = 3
#' ),
#' "Base_tiles2" = list(
#' coords = c(-110, 50),
#' zoom = 5
#' ),
#' "breweries91" = list(
#' coords = as.numeric(st_coordinates(st_centroid(st_union(breweries91)))),
#' zoom = 8
#' ),
#' "atlStorms2005" = list(
#' coords = as.numeric(st_bbox(lines)),
#' options = list(padding = c(110, 110))
#' ),
#' "gadmCHE" = list(
#' coords = as.numeric(st_bbox(polys)),
#' options = list(padding = c(2, 2)),
#' fly = TRUE
#' )
#' )
#' # Opacity control settings ##########
#' opacityControl <- list(
#' "breweries91" = list(
#' min = 0,
#' max = 1,
#' step = 0.1,
#' default = 1,
#' width = '100%',
#' class = 'opacity-slider'
#' )
#' )
#' # Legends ##########
#' legends <- list(
#' "breweries91" = "<div>Legend for breweries</div>"
#' )
#' leaflet() |>
#' ## Baselayer
#' addTiles(group = "Base_tiles1") |>
#' addProviderTiles("CartoDB", group = "Base_tiles2") |>
#' ## Overlays
#' addCircleMarkers(data = breweries91, group = "breweries91") |>
#' addPolylines(data = lines, group = "atlStorms2005") |>
#' addPolygons(data = polys, group = "gadmCHE") |>
#' ## LayersControl
#' addLayersControl(
#' baseGroups = c("Base_tiles1", "Base_tiles2"),
#' overlayGroups = c("breweries91", "atlStorms2005", "gadmCHE"),
#' options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE, autoZIndex = TRUE)
#' ) |>
#' ## Customize Layers Control
#' customizeLayersControl(
#' view_settings = view_settings,
#' home_btns = TRUE,
#' home_btn_options = list(
#' "Base_tiles1" = list(text = '🏡', cursor = 'ns-resize', class = 'homebtn'),
#' "Base_tiles2" = list(text = '❤️', cursor = 'pointer'),
#' "atlStorms2005" = list(text = '🌎', cursor = 'all-scroll'),
#' "breweries91" = list(text = '🌎', styles = 'background-color: red'),
#' "gadmCHE" = list(text = '🌎', styles = 'float: none;')
#' ),
#' opacityControl = opacityControl,
#' includelegends = TRUE,
#' addCollapseButton = TRUE,
#' layersControlCSS = list("opacity" = 0.6),
#' increaseOpacityOnHover = TRUE
#' )
#' @export
customizeLayersControl <- function(map,
home_btns = FALSE,
home_btn_options = list(),
setviewonselect = TRUE,
opacityControl = list(),
includelegends = TRUE,
addCollapseButton = FALSE,
layersControlCSS = list(),
increaseOpacityOnHover = FALSE) {
# Initialize data structures for view settings and home buttons
view_data <- list()
home_data <- list()
# Loop over each layer to populate view_data and home_data
for (layer in names(view_settings)) {
setting <- view_settings[[layer]]
# Store coordinates and zoom options for setView or fitBounds
if (length(setting$coords) == 2) {
view_data[[layer]] <- list(
coords = setting$coords,
zoom = setting$zoom,
fly = ifelse(is.null(setting[["fly"]]), FALSE, setting[["fly"]]),
options = setting$options
} else if (length(setting$coords) == 4) {
view_data[[layer]] <- list(
bounds = setting$coords,
fly = ifelse(is.null(setting[["fly"]]), FALSE, setting[["fly"]]),
options = setting$options
# Store home button data if enabled
if (isTRUE(home_btns)) {
home_data[[layer]] <- as.list(c(
layer = layer, home_btn_options[[layer]]
# Add deps & Pass view and home button data using invokeMethod
map$dependencies <- c(
, layerViewControlDependencies()
if (requireNamespace("fontawesome")) {
map$dependencies <- c(
, list(fontawesome::fa_html_dependency())
layerViewControlDependencies <- function() {
system.file("htmlwidgets/lib/layerviewcontrol", package = "leafem"),
script = "layerviewcontrol.js",
stylesheet = c(
# , "fontawesome.min.css"
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.