#' mapview version of leaflet::color* functions
#' @param x Spatial* or Raster* object
#' @param zcol the column to be colored
#' @param colors color vector to be used for coloring the levels
#' specified in at
#' @param at numeric vector giving the breakpoints for the colors
#' @param na.color the color for NA values.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed on to \code{\link[lattice]{level.colors}}
#' @author
#' Tim Appelhans
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[lattice]{level.colors}}
#' @name mapviewColors
#' @export mapviewColors
#' @aliases mapviewColors
mapviewColors <- function(x,
zcol = NULL,
colors = mapviewGetOption("vector.palette"),
at = NULL,
na.color = mapviewGetOption("na.color"),
...) {
stnd_col <- "#6666ff"
if (typeof(x) == "list") {
if (is.function(colors)) colors <- colors(length(x))
if (inherits(x, "Spatial") && is.null(zcol)) {
if (is.function(colors)) colors <- stnd_col #colors(1)
if (!isMultiFeature(x)) {
colors <- stnd_col
if (isMultiFeature(x) && is.null(zcol)) {
if (is.function(colors)) colors <- stnd_col #colors(1)
if (inherits(x, "Spatial") && !is.null(zcol)) x <- x@data[, zcol]
if (is.character(x)) x <- factor(x)
x <- as.numeric(x)
if (length(unique(x)) == 1) {
if (is.function(colors)) colors <- colors(1)
} else if (is.null(at)) {
at <- lattice::do.breaks(range(x, na.rm = TRUE),
cols <- lattice::level.colors(x,
at = at,
col.regions = colors,
cols[is.na(cols)] <- na.color
} else {
cols <- lattice::level.colors(x,
at = at,
col.regions = colors,
cols[is.na(cols)] <- na.color
# attributes(f) <- list(colorType = "bin",
# colorArgs = list(bins = at,
# na.color = na.color))
## raster colors
rasterColors = function(col.regions,
na.color) {
if (!is.function(col.regions)) {
col.regions = grDevices::colorRampPalette(col.regions)
f = function(x) {
if (!is.null(attr(x, "color"))) {
cols = attributes(x)$colors
cols = cols[as.numeric(x)]
} else {
cols = lattice::level.colors(
, at = at
, col.regions = col.regions
cols[is.na(cols)] = na.color
return(col2Hex(cols, alpha = TRUE))
attributes(f) = list(
colorType = "bin"
, colorArgs = list(
bins = at
, na.color = na.color
## hex color conversion
col2Hex <- function(col, alpha = FALSE) {
mat <- grDevices::col2rgb(col, alpha = TRUE)
if (alpha) {
hx <- grDevices::rgb(mat[1, ]/255, mat[2, ]/255,
mat[3, ]/255, mat[4, ]/255)
} else {
hx <- grDevices::rgb(mat[1, ]/255, mat[2, ]/255, mat[3, ]/255)
## vector colors
vectorColors <- function(x, # a sp or sf object
zcol = NULL,
colors = mapviewGetOption("vector.palette"),
at = NULL,
na.color = mapviewGetOption("na.color"),
...) {
stnd_col <- standardColor(x) #"#333333"
if (getGeometryType(x) == "ln") {
if (!is.null(zcol)) {
if (!inherits(x[[zcol]], c("numeric", "integer")) & !is.null(at)) {
warning("ignoring 'at' which is only supported for numeric/integer values")
at <- NULL
col <- zcolColors(x[[zcol]],
colors = colors,
at = at,
na.color = na.color,
} else if (is.null(zcol) & is.function(colors)) {
col <- standardColor(x)
} else col <- colors
} else if (is.function(colors)) {
col <- stnd_col
} else col <- colors
vectorColRegions <- function(x, # a sp or sf object
zcol = NULL,
col.regions = mapviewGetOption("vector.palette"),
at = NULL,
na.color = mapviewGetOption("na.color"),
...) {
stnd_col <- standardColRegions(x) #"#aaaaff" #"#CCCCCC"
if (!is.null(zcol)) {
if (!inherits(x[[zcol]], c("numeric", "integer")) & !is.null(at)) {
warning("ignoring 'at' which is only supported for numeric values")
at <- NULL
col <- zcolColors(x[[zcol]],
colors = col.regions,
at = at,
na.color = na.color,
} else if (is.null(zcol) & is.function(col.regions)) {
col <- stnd_col
} else col <- col.regions
### if zcol is set, we use this function to produce colors according to
### levels of zcol or as provided by at
zcolColors <- function(x, # a vector, not a sp or sf object
colors = mapviewGetOption("vector.palette"),
at = NULL,
na.color = mapviewGetOption("na.color"),
return.sorted = FALSE,
...) {
## if interger convert to numeric
if (inherits (x, "integer")) {
x = as.numeric(x)
## if character convert to factor
if (inherits(x, "character")) {
x = as.factor(x)
unx = unique(x)
unx = unx[!is.na(unx)]
if (!(is.function(colors))) {
# if (length(colors) == length(x)) {
# return(col2Hex(colors))
# }
if (is.character(colors) &
length(colors) == 1) {
if (inherits(x, "numeric")) {
if (is.null(at) & length(colors) < length(unx)) {
"Found less unique colors (%s) than unique zcol values (%s)! \nInterpolating color vector to match number of zcol values."
, length(colors)
, length(unx)
, call. = FALSE
colors = grDevices::colorRampPalette(colors)
if (!is.null(at) & length(colors) < length(at)) {
"Found less unique colors (%s) than unique zcol values (%s)! \nInterpolating color vector to match number of zcol values."
, length(colors)
, length(at)
, call. = FALSE
colors = grDevices::colorRampPalette(colors)
if (length(colors) > length(unx)) {
"Found more unique colors (%s) than unique zcol values (%s)! \nTrimming color vector to match number of zcol values."
, length(colors)
, length(unx)
, call. = FALSE
colors = grDevices::colorRampPalette(colors[1:length(unx)])
if (inherits(x, "factor")) {
if (length(colors) < length(unx)) {
if (length(unique(colors)) < length(unx)) {
"Found less unique colors (%s) than unique zcol values (%s)! \nRecycling color vector."
, length(colors)
, length(unx)
, call. = FALSE
if (length(unique(colors)) > length(unx)) {
"Found more unique colors (%s) than unique zcol values (%s)! \nTrimming colors to match number of unique zcol values."
, length(unique(colors))
, length(unx)
, call. = FALSE
colors = rep_len(colors, length(levels(x)))
if (length(colors) > length(x)) {
"Found more colors (%s) than zcol values (%s)! \nTrimming colors to match number of zcol values."
, length(colors)
, length(x)
, call. = FALSE
colors = colors[1:length(levels(x))]
if (is.factor(x)) {
nint = length(levels(x))
rng = range(seq_along(levels(x)), na.rm = TRUE)
} else {
nint = length(unx)
rng = range(x, na.rm = TRUE)
x <- as.numeric(x)
if (length(unx) == 1) {
cols <- colors(1) #"#ffffff" #"#6666ff"
} else {
if (is.null(at)) {
at <- lattice::do.breaks(extendLimits(rng), nint)
if (length(colors) != length(x) | is.function(colors)) {
cols <- lattice::level.colors(x,
at = at,
col.regions = colors,
} else {
cols = colors
if (return.sorted) cols <- cols[order(x)]
cols[is.na(cols)] <- na.color
standardColor <- function(x) {
if (missing(x)) return("#6666ff")
"pt" = "#333333", #"#66b3ff",
"ln" = "#6666ff", #"#66b3ff",
"pl" = "#333333",
"gc" = "#333333") #"#66b3ff")
standardColRegions <- function(x) {
if (missing(x)) return("#6666ff")
"pt" = "#6666ff", #"#66b3ff",
"ln" = "#6666ff", #"#66b3ff",
"pl" = "#6666ff",
"gc" = "#6666ff") #"#66b3ff")
# from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relative_luminance
luminence <- function(color) {
rgbcols <- as.numeric(grDevices::col2rgb(color))
(0.2126 * rgbcols[1] + 0.7152 * rgbcols[2] + 0.0722 * rgbcols[3]) / 255
#' Color palettes for mapview
#' @param name Name of the color palette to be used. One of
#' "mapviewVectorColors" (default), "mapviewRasterColors",
#' "mapviewSpectralColors" or "mapviewTopoColors".
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{colorRampPalette}}
#' @name mapviewPalette
#' @export mapviewPalette
#' @aliases mapviewPalette
#' @rdname mapviewColors
mapviewPalette <- function(name = "mapviewVectorColors") {
mapviewRasterColors = function(n) {
grDevices::hcl.colors(n, palette = "Inferno")
mapviewVectorColors = function(n) {
grDevices::hcl.colors(n, palette = "viridis")
mapviewSpectralColors =
grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("#ebeaf7", "#92b9db",
"#7db7c4", "#7dbbaa",
"#7FB972", "#abb342",
"#d6a62c", "#E68E34",
"#E6642C", "#D92120",
mapviewTopoColors =
grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("#00555f", "#058353",
"#7a8139", "#c1923b",
"#ca9b7b", "#99D6D1",
## mapViewPalette =========================================================
#' @aliases mapViewPalette
#' @export mapViewPalette
#' @rdname mapviewColors
mapViewPalette <- function(name) {
# setClassPalette <- function(simple.class) {
# pkgs <- c("viridis")
# avl <- sapply(pkgs, "requireNamespace",
# quietly = TRUE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
# if (simple.class == "rst") {
# function(type) {
# if (type == "factor") {
# if (avl) viridis::magma else mapviewPalette
# } else {
# if (avl) viridis::inferno else mapviewPalette
# }
# }
# } else {
# function(type) {
# if (type == "factor") {
# if (avl) viridis::magma else mapviewPalette
# } else {
# if (avl) viridis::inferno else mapviewPalette
# }
# }
# }
# }
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