
Defines functions decorateMap

# #' Garnish/decorate leaflet or mapview maps.
# #'
# #' @description
# #' This function provides a versatile interface to add components to a
# #' leaflet or mapview map. It takes functions such as "addMouseCoordinates"
# #' or \code{\link{addLayersControl}} and their respective arguments and adds
# #' them to the map. Arguments must be named. Functions can be plain or
# #' character strings.
# #'
# #' @param map a mapview or leaflet object.
# #' @param ... functions and their arguments to add things to a map.
# #'
# #' @examples
# #' library(leaflet)
# #' library(leafem)
# #' library(leafpop)
# #'
# #' m <- leaflet() %>% addProviderTiles("OpenStreetMap")
# #' garnishMap(m, leafem::addMouseCoordinates, style = "basic")
# #'
# #' ## add more than one with named argument
# #' library(raster)
# #'
# #' m1 <- garnishMap(m, leafem::addMouseCoordinates, leafem::addHomeButton,
# #'                  ext = extent(breweries))
# #' m1
# #'
# #' ## even more flexible
# #' m2 <- garnishMap(m1, addPolygons, data = franconia,
# #'                  popup = leafpop::popupTable(franconia),
# #'                  fillOpacity = 0.8, color = "black", fillColor = "#BEBEBE")
# #' garnishMap(m2, addCircleMarkers, data = breweries)
# #'
# #' @export garnishMap
# #' @name garnishMap
# #' @rdname garnishMap
# #' @aliases garnishMap
# garnishMap <- function(map, ...) {
#   .Defunct(new = "leafem::garnishMap", package = "mapview")
# }

### decorateMap lets you pass lists of functions with respective lists of
### named lists of arguments as in
### decorateMap(map, list(addCircleMarkers), list(list(data = breweries91)))
decorateMap <- function(map, funs, args) {
  for (i in seq(funs)) {
    map <- do.call(leafem::garnishMap, c(list(map), funs[[i]], args[[i]]))
r-spatial/mapview documentation built on April 17, 2024, 6:46 p.m.