
Defines functions bb_ll_valid bb_asp bb_ext stm_bbox_all stm_merge_bbox stm_bbox shapeTM

Documented in shapeTM

#' Internal tmap function to create a tmap shape
#' Internal tmap function to create a tmap shape
#' @param shp Shape file
#' @param tmapID tmap Identifier
#' @param bbox bounding box
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
shapeTM = function(shp, tmapID = NULL, bbox = NULL, ...) {
	if (!is.null(bbox) && (!inherits(bbox, "bbox"))) {
		if (is.character(bbox)) {
			bbox = tmaptools::geocode_OSM(bbox)$bbox
		} else {
				bbox = sf::st_bbox(bbox)
			}, error = function(e) {
				stop("Invalid bbox", call. = FALSE)
	# filter empty geometries
	if (inherits(shp, "sfc")) {
		is_empty = sf::st_is_empty(shp)
		shp = shp[!is_empty]
		tmapID = tmapID[!is_empty]
	x = structure(list(shp = shp, tmapID = tmapID, bbox = bbox, ...), class = c("shapeTM", "list"))

# stm_bbox = function(shpTM) {
# 	shp = shpTM$shp
# 	tmapID = shpTM$tmapID
# 	if (inherits(shp, "stars")) {
# 		shp$values[tmapID] = TRUE
# 		sf::st_bbox(trim_stars(shp))
# 	} else if (inherits(shp, c("sf", "sfc"))) {
# 		sf::st_bbox(shp[tmapID])
# 	} else {
# 		stop("unknown shape class")
# 	}
# }

stm_bbox = function(shpTM, tmapID, crs) {
	bbox = shpTM$bbox
	if (!is.null(bbox)) {
		if (sf::st_crs(bbox) != crs) {
			bbox = tmaptools::bb(bbox, projection = crs)
	shp = shpTM$shp
	shpID = shpTM$tmapID
	if (length(tmapID) ==0 ) return(sf::st_bbox(as.numeric(NA)))
	# filter the shape?
	do_filter = (length(tmapID) != length(shpID)) || (!all(tmapID == shpID))

	if (do_filter) {
		ids = match(tmapID, shpID)
		if (inherits(shp, "dimensions")) {
			m = matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(shp), ncol = ncol(shp))
			m[ids] = TRUE
			s = stars::st_as_stars(list(values = m), dimensions = shp)
			shp = trim_stars(s)
		} else if (inherits(shp, c("sf", "sfc"))) {
			shp = shp[ids]
		} else {
			stop("unknown shape class")


stm_merge_bbox = function(blist) {
	crs = sf::st_crs(blist[[1]])
	m = do.call(rbind, blist)
	sf::st_bbox(c(apply(m[, 1:2, drop = FALSE], 2, min), apply(m[, 3:4, drop = FALSE], 2, max)), crs = crs)

stm_bbox_all = function(shpTM) {

bb_ext = function(bbx, ext = c(0, 0, 0, 0)) {
	dx = bbx[3] - bbx[1]
	dy = bbx[4] - bbx[2]
	bbx[2] = bbx[2] - ext[1] * dy 
	bbx[1] = bbx[1] - ext[2] * dx
	bbx[4] = bbx[4] + ext[3] * dy 
	bbx[3] = bbx[3] + ext[4] * dx

bb_asp = function(bbx, asp) {
	sasp = get_asp_ratio(bbx)
	fact = sasp / asp
	if (fact > 1) {
		cy = mean(bbx[c(2,4)])
		dy = bbx[4] - bbx[2]
		dy2 = dy * fact
		bbx[2] = cy - (dy2 / 2)
		bbx[4] = cy + (dy2 / 2)
	} else if (fact < 1) {
		cx = mean(bbx[c(1,3)])
		dx = bbx[3] - bbx[1]
		dx2 = dx / fact
		bbx[1] = cx - (dx2 / 2)
		bbx[3] = cx + (dx2 / 2)

bb_ll_valid = function(bbx) {
	bbx[2] = max(bbx[2], -90)
	bbx[4] = min(bbx[4], 90)
r-tmap/tmap documentation built on June 23, 2024, 9:58 a.m.