
Defines functions tm_sf opt_tm_sf

Documented in opt_tm_sf tm_sf

#' @rdname tm_sf
#' @name opt_tm_sf
#' @export
opt_tm_sf = function(polygons.only = "yes",
					 lines.only = "yes",
					 points.only = "yes",
					 points.icon.scale = 3,
					 points.just = NA,
					 points.grob.dim = c(width = 48, height = 48, render.width = 256, render.height = 256)) {

	list(points = list(trans.args = list(points.only = points.only),
					   mapping.args = list(icon.scale = points.icon.scale,
					   					just = points.just,
					   					grob.dim = points.grob.dim)),
		 lines = list(trans.args = list(lines.only = lines.only),
		 			 mapping.args = list()),
		 polygons = list(trans.args = list(polygons.only = polygons.only),
		 				mapping.args = list()))

#' Map layer: simple features
#' Map layer that draws simple features as they are. Supported visual variables
#' are: `fill` (the fill color), `col` (the border color), `size` the point size,
#' `shape` the symbol shape, `lwd` (line width), `lty` (line type), `fill_alpha` (fill color alpha transparency)
#' and `col_alpha` (border color alpha transparency).
#' The visual variable arguments (e.g. `col`) can be specified with either a data
#' variable name (of the object specified in [tm_shape()]), or with a visual value
#' (for `col`, a color is expected). Multiple values can be specified: in that case
#' facets are created. These facets can be combined with other faceting data variables,
#' specified with [tm_facets()].
#' The `.scale` arguments determine the used scale to map the data values to visual
#' variable values. These can be specified with one of the available `tm_scale_()` functions.
#' The default scale that is used is specified by the tmap option `scales.var`.
#' The `.legend` arguments determine the used legend, specified with [tm_legend()].
#' The default legend and its settings are determined by the tmap options `legend.`.
#' The `.free` arguments determine whether scales are applied freely across facets,
#' or shared. A logical value is required. They can also be specified with a
#' vector of three logical values; these determine whether scales are applied freely
#' per facet dimension. This is only useful when facets are applied (see [tm_facets()]).
#' There are maximally three facet dimensions: rows, columns, and pages. This only applies
#' for a facet grid ([tm_facets_grid()]). For instance, `col.free = c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)` means
#' that for the visual variable `col`, each row of facets will have its own scale,
#' and therefore its own legend. For facet wraps and stacks ([tm_facets_wrap()] and
#' [tm_facets_stack()]) there is only one facet dimension, so the `.free` argument requires
#' only one logical value.
#' @param fill,fill.scale,fill.legend,fill.free Visual variable that determines
#'   the fill color. See details.
#' @param col,col.scale,col.legend,col.free Visual variable that determines
#'   the col color. See details.
#' @param size,size.scale,size.legend,size.free Visual variable that determines
#'   the size. See details.
#' @param shape,shape.scale,shape.legend,shape.free Visual variable that determines
#'   the shape. See details.
#' @param lwd,lwd.scale,lwd.legend,lwd.free Visual variable that determines
#'   the line width. See details.
#' @param lty,lty.scale,lty.legend,lty.free Visual variable that determines
#'   the line type. See details.
#' @param fill_alpha,fill_alpha.scale,fill_alpha.legend,fill_alpha.free Visual
#'   variable that determines the fill color alpha transparency See details.
#' @param col_alpha,col_alpha.scale,col_alpha.legend,col_alpha.free Visual variable
#'   that determines the border color alpha transparency. See details.
#' @param linejoin,lineend line join and line end. See [gpar()][grid::gpar()] for details.
#' @param plot.order.list Specification in which order the spatial features are drawn.
#'   This consists of a list of three elementary geometry types: for polygons, lines and, points.
#'   For each of these types, which are drawn in that order, a [tm_plot_order()] is required.
#' @param polygons.only,lines.only,points.only,points.icon.scale,points.just,points.grob.dim See [opt_tm_polygons()], [opt_tm_lines()] and [opt_tm_symbols()]
#' @param options options passed on to the corresponding `opt_<layer_function>` function 
#' @param zindex Map layers are drawn on top of each other.
#'   The `zindex` numbers (one for each map layer) determines the stacking order.
#'   By default the map layers are drawn in the order they are called.
#' @param group Name of the group to which this layer belongs.
#'   This is only relevant in view mode, where layer groups can be switched (see `group.control`).
#' @param group.control In view mode, the group control determines how layer
#'   groups can be switched on and off. Options: `"radio"` for radio buttons
#'   (meaning only one group can be shown), `"check"` for check boxes
#'   (so multiple groups can be shown), and `"none"` for no control (the group cannot be (de)selected).
#' @param ... passed on to [tm_polygons()], [tm_lines()], and [tm_dots()]
#' @example ./examples/tm_sf.R 
#' @export
#' @name tm_sf
#' @rdname tm_sf
tm_sf = function(fill = tm_const(),
                 fill.scale = tm_scale(),
                 fill.legend = tm_legend(),
                 fill.free = NA,
                 col = tm_const(),
                 col.scale = tm_scale(),
                 col.legend = tm_legend(),
                 col.free = NA,
                 size = tm_const(),
                 size.scale = tm_scale(),
                 size.legend = tm_legend(),
                 size.free = NA,
                 shape = tm_const(),
                 shape.scale = tm_scale(),
                 shape.legend = tm_legend(),
                 shape.free = NA,
                 lwd = tm_const(),
                 lwd.scale = tm_scale(),
                 lwd.legend = tm_legend(),
                 lwd.free = NA,
                 lty = tm_const(),
                 lty.scale = tm_scale(),
                 lty.legend = tm_legend(),
                 lty.free = NA,
                 fill_alpha = tm_const(),
                 fill_alpha.scale = tm_scale(),
                 fill_alpha.legend = tm_legend(),
                 fill_alpha.free = NA,
                 col_alpha = tm_const(),
                 col_alpha.scale = tm_scale(),
                 col_alpha.legend = tm_legend(),
                 col_alpha.free = NA,
                 linejoin = "round",
                 lineend = "round",
                 plot.order.list = list(
                 	polygons = tm_plot_order("AREA"), lines = tm_plot_order("LENGTH"), points = tm_plot_order("size")
				 options = opt_tm_sf(),
                  zindex = NA,
                  group = NA,
                  group.control = "check",
                  ...) {
	args = list(...)
	calls = names(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)[-1])
	#paste(paste(names(formals(tm_polygons)), names(formals(tm_polygons)), sep = " = "), collapse = ", ")
	tm = tm_polygons(
		fill = fill, fill.scale = fill.scale, fill.legend = fill.legend,
		fill.free = fill.free, col = col, col.scale = col.scale, col.legend = col.legend,
		col.free = col.free, lwd = lwd, lwd.scale = lwd.scale, lwd.legend = lwd.legend,
		lwd.free = lwd.free, lty = lty, lty.scale = lty.scale, lty.legend = lty.legend,
		lty.free = lty.free, fill_alpha = fill_alpha, fill_alpha.scale = fill_alpha.scale,
		fill_alpha.legend = fill_alpha.legend, fill_alpha.free = fill_alpha.free,
		col_alpha = col_alpha, col_alpha.scale = col_alpha.scale,
		col_alpha.legend = col_alpha.legend, col_alpha.free = col_alpha.free,
		linejoin = linejoin, lineend = lineend, plot.order = plot.order.list$polygons,
		options = options$polygons) +
		col = col, col.scale = col.scale, col.legend = col.legend,
		col.free = col.free, lwd = lwd, lwd.scale = lwd.scale,
		lwd.legend = lwd.legend, lwd.free = lwd.free, lty = lty, lty.scale = lty.scale,
		lty.legend = lty.legend, lty.free = lty.free, col_alpha = col_alpha,
		col_alpha.scale = col_alpha.scale, col_alpha.legend = col_alpha.legend,
		col_alpha.free = col_alpha.free, linejoin = linejoin, lineend = lineend,
		plot.order = plot.order.list$lines, options = options$lines)
	if ("shape" %in% calls || "col" %in% calls) {
		tm + tm_symbols(size = size, size.scale = size.scale, size.legend = size.legend,
						size.free = size.free, fill = fill, fill.scale = fill.scale,
						fill.legend = fill.legend, fill.free = fill.free, col = col,
						col.scale = col.scale, col.legend = col.legend, col.free = col.free,
						shape = shape, shape.scale = shape.scale, shape.legend = shape.legend,
						shape.free = shape.free, lwd = lwd, lwd.scale = lwd.scale, lwd.legend = lwd.legend,
						lwd.free = lwd.free, lty = lty, lty.scale = lty.scale, lty.legend = lty.legend,
						lty.free = lty.free, fill_alpha = fill_alpha, fill_alpha.scale = fill_alpha.scale,
						fill_alpha.legend = fill_alpha.legend, fill_alpha.free = fill_alpha.free,
						col_alpha = col_alpha, col_alpha.scale = col_alpha.scale,
						col_alpha.legend = col_alpha.legend, col_alpha.free = col_alpha.free,
						plot.order = plot.order.list$points, options = options$points)
	} else {
		tm + tm_dots(fill = fill, fill.scale = fill.scale, fill.legend = fill.legend,
					 fill.free = fill.free, size = size, size.scale = size.scale,
					 size.legend = size.legend, size.free = size.free, lwd = lwd,
					 lwd.scale = lwd.scale, lwd.legend = lwd.legend, lwd.free = lwd.free,
					 lty = lty, lty.scale = lty.scale, lty.legend = lty.legend, lty.free = lty.free,
					 fill_alpha = fill_alpha, fill_alpha.scale = fill_alpha.scale,
					 fill_alpha.legend = fill_alpha.legend, fill_alpha.free = fill_alpha.free,
					 plot.order = plot.order.list$points, options = options$points)
r-tmap/tmap documentation built on June 23, 2024, 9:58 a.m.