
quakes <- quakes[1:100,]
numPal <- colorNumeric('viridis', quakes$depth)
sizes <- sizeNumeric(quakes$depth, baseSize = 10)
symbols <- Map(
	shape = 'triangle',
	color = numPal(quakes$depth),
	width = sizes,
	height = sizes

## size and fill+col
leaflet() %>%
	addTiles() %>%
		values = seq(100, 600, by = 100),
		pal = colorNumeric(palette = cols4all::c4a(.P$met$cat$cross, 6), 
						   domain = seq(100, 600, by = 100), 
						   alpha = FALSE),
		title = 'Depth',
		shape = c('circle'))

### size and fill
leaflet() %>%
	addTiles() %>%
		values = seq(100, 600, by = 100),
		pal =  colorFactor(palette = cols4all::c4a(.P$met$cat$cross, 6), 
							domain = seq(100, 600, by = 100), 
							alpha = FALSE),
		color = "#0099FF",
		strokeWidth = 6,
		shape = c('circle'))

### size and col
leaflet() %>%
	addTiles() %>%
		values = seq(100, 600, by = 100),
		pal =  colorNumeric(palette = cols4all::c4a(.P$met$cat$cross, 6), 
							domain = seq(100, 600, by = 100), 
							alpha = FALSE),
		fillColor = "#CCCCCC",
		strokeWidth = 6,
		title = 'Depth',
		labelStyle = 'margin: auto;',
		shape = c('circle'),
		orientation = c('vertical', 'horizontal'),
		opacity = .7,
		breaks = 5)

### size and shape
leaflet() %>%
	addTiles() %>%
		values = seq(100, 600, by = 100),
		pal =  colorFactor(palette = cols4all::c4a(.P$met$cat$cross, 6), 
						   domain = seq(100, 600, by = 100), 
						   alpha = FALSE),
		color = "#0099FF",
		strokeWidth = 6,
		shape = c('circle'))

### fill+col (not separately)
# leaflet() %>%
# 	addTiles() %>%
# 	addLegendFactor(
# 		values = letters[1:6],
# 		pal =  colorFactor(cols4all::c4a(.P$met$cat$cross, 6), levels = letters[1:6]),
# 		title = 'Depth',
# 		labelStyle = 'margin: auto;',
# 		shape = c('circle'),
# 		orientation = c('vertical', 'horizontal'),
# 		opacity = .7)

# col+fill only
leaflet() %>%
	addTiles() %>%
	addLegendSymbol(pal = colorFactor(cols4all::c4a(.P$met$cat$cross, 6), levels = letters[1:6]),
					#color = "blue",
					strokeWidth = 3,
					#fillColor = c("red"),
					values = letters[1:6],
					shape = c('circle', 'circle', 'circle', 'circle', 'circle', 'circle', 'circle'))

# col only
leaflet() %>%
	addTiles() %>%
	addLegendSymbol(pal = colorFactor(cols4all::c4a(.P$met$cat$cross, 6), levels = letters[1:6]),
		#color = "blue",
		strokeWidth = 3,
		fillColor = c("red"),
		values = letters[1:6],
		shape = c('circle', 'circle', 'circle', 'circle', 'circle', 'circle', 'circle'))

# fill only
leaflet() %>%
	addTiles() %>%
	addLegendSymbol(pal = colorFactor(cols4all::c4a(.P$met$cat$cross, 6), levels = letters[1:6]),
					color = "blue",
					strokeWidth = 3,
					#fillColor = c("red"),
					values = letters[1:6],
					shape = c('circle', 'circle', 'circle', 'circle', 'circle', 'circle', 'circle'))

# symbols
leaflet() %>%
	addTiles() %>%
	addLegendSymbol(#pal = colorFactor(cols4all::c4a(.P$met$cat$cross, 6), levels = letters[1:6]),
		color = "blue",
		strokeWidth = 3,
		fillColor = c("red"),
		values = letters[1:6],
		shape = c('circle', 'rect', 'triangle', 'cross', 'plus', 'polygon'))

# symbols and col
leaflet() %>%
	addTiles() %>%
	addLegendSymbol(pal = colorFactor(cols4all::c4a(.P$met$cat$cross, 6), levels = letters[1:6]),
					values = letters[1:6],
					fillColor = "#BBBBBB",
					strokeWidth = 6,
					title = 'Depth',
					labelStyle = 'margin: auto;',
					shape = c('circle', 'rect', 'triangle', 'cross', 'plus', 'polygon'),
					orientation = c('vertical', 'horizontal'),
					opacity = .7)

# symbols and fill
leaflet() %>%
	addTiles() %>%
	addLegendSymbol(pal = colorFactor(cols4all::c4a(.P$met$cat$cross, 6), levels = letters[1:6]),
					values = letters[1:6],
					color = "#BBBBBB",
					strokeWidth = 6,
					title = 'Depth',
					labelStyle = 'margin: auto;',
					shape = c('circle', 'rect', 'triangle', 'cross', 'plus', 'polygon'),
					orientation = c('vertical', 'horizontal'),
					opacity = .7)

## line width
leaflet() %>%
	addTiles() %>%
		values = seq(100, 600, by = 100),
		pal = colorNumeric(palette = cols4all::c4a(.P$met$cat$cross, 6), 
						   domain = seq(100, 600, by = 100), 
						   alpha = FALSE)

##### testing

tm_shape(World) +
	tm_symbols(size = "pop_est")

tm_shape(World) +
	tm_symbols(size = "pop_est", col = "purple", lwd = 2, size.scale = tm_scale_continuous(values.scale = 2, limits = c(10e6, 1.5e9)))

tm_shape(World) +
	tm_symbols(size = "pop_est", 
			   col = "economy", lwd = 2, 
			   size.scale = tm_scale_continuous(values.scale = 2))

tm_shape(World) +
	tm_symbols(size = "pop_est", 
			   shape = "economy", lwd = 2, 
			   size.scale = tm_scale_continuous(values.scale = 2))

tm_shape(World) +
	tm_symbols(shape = "economy",
			   col = "red",
			   lty = "economy",
			   lty.legend = tm_legend_combine("shape"),
			   lwd = 2)

tm_shape(World) +
	tm_symbols(fill = "pop_est", 
			   col = "economy",
			   fill_alpha = "pop_est")

tm_shape(World) +
	tm_symbols(fill = "pop_est", 
			   col = "economy",
			   lwd = 3,
			   fill_alpha = "pop_est")

tm_shape(World) +
	tm_symbols(size = "pop_est", size.legend = tm_legend(orientation = "landscape"))

tm_shape(World) +
	tm_symbols(size = "pop_est", fill = "economy", lwd = 2, size.scale = tm_scale_intervals(values.scale = 2, n = 7, style = "kmeans"), fill.legend = tm_legend_combine("size"))

# to do: use all gradient colors (not just middle colors)
tm_shape(World) +
	tm_polygons(fill = "HPI", fill.scale = tm_scale_continuous())



symbols <- Map(
	shape = c('triangle', 'plus'),
	color = c("red", "blue"),
	fillColor = c("green", "purple"),
	width = 30,
	height = 30,
	opacity = 1,
	'stroke-dasharray' = lty2dash("dashed"),
	'stroke-width' = 1
leaflet() %>%
	addTiles() %>%
		images = symbols,
		labels = letters[1:2],
		width = c(40),
		height = c(40),
		title = htmltools::tags$div(
			style = 'font-size: 24px; text-align: center; margin-bottom: 5px;'),
		position = 'topright', orientation = 'vertical')

gp2 = list(shape = c('triangle', 'plus'),
			color = c("red", "blue"),
			fillColor = c("green", "purple"),
			width = 30,
			height = 30,
			opacity = 1,
			'stroke-dasharray' = lty2dash("dashed"),
			'stroke-width' = 7

gp2 = list(shape = c('circle', 'circle'),
		   fillColor = "#999999", 
		   color = "#FF0000",
		   #color = c("red", "blue"),
		   #fillColor = c("green", "purple"),
		   width = 30,
		   height = 30,
		   opacity = 1,
		   fillOpacity = 1,
		   'stroke-dasharray' = lty2dash("dashed"),
		   'stroke-width' = 7

gp2 = list(fillColor = "#999999", 
		   color = "#FF0000", 
		   #fillOpacity = 1, 
		   opacity = 1, 
		   'stroke-width' = 3, 
		   'stroke-dasharray' = "4 4", # c("4 4", "1 3", "1 3 4 3", "7 3", "2 2 6 2", "4 4", "1 3"), 
		   shape = c("circle"), #, "rect", "diamond", "triangle", "polygon", "circle", "rect"), 
		   width = 20, height = 20)
symbols =, c(list(f = makeSymbol), gp2))

leaflet() %>%
	addTiles() %>%
		images = symbols,
		labels = letters[1],
		width = c(40),
		height = c(40),
		title = htmltools::tags$div(
			style = 'font-size: 24px; text-align: center; margin-bottom: 5px;'),
		position = 'topright', orientation = 'vertical')

tm_shape(World) + 
	tm_symbols(fill = "HPI", 
			   fill.scale = tm_scale_intervals(values = "blues2"),
			   col = "red",
			   lwd = 3, 
			   size = "life_exp",
			   lty = "income_grp",
			   size.scale = tm_scale_continuous(values.scale = 1))

tm_basemap("Esri.WorldGrayCanvas") +
tm_shape(World) + 
	tm_symbols(fill = "HPI", 
			   fill.scale = tm_scale_intervals(values = "red_green"),
			   fill.legend = tm_legend("Happy Planet Index"),
			   shape = "income_grp",
			   shape.legend = tm_legend("Income Group"),
			   col = "grey40",
			   lwd = 1, 
			   size = "life_exp",
			   size.legend = tm_legend("Life Expectancy", orientation = "landscape"),
			   size.scale = tm_scale_continuous(values.scale = 1)) +
tm_layout(inner.margins = c(0, 0, 0, 0))

tm_shape(World) + 
	tm_symbols(fill = "HPI", 
			   fill.scale = tm_scale_intervals(values = "red_green"),
			   #shape = "income_grp",
			   col = "grey40",
			   lwd = 1, 
			   size = "life_exp",
			   size.scale = tm_scale_continuous(values.scale = 1)) +
	tm_facets(by = "income_grp") + tm_title("Test1234")
r-tmap/tmap documentation built on June 23, 2024, 9:58 a.m.