
context("Read in weight-at-age data file.")

file.temp <- tempfile(pattern = "wtatage", fileext = ".ss")

test_that("Test weight-at-age is read in.", {
  sink(file = file.temp)
  cat("# This is a temp file\n")
  cat(" # With a space before the comment\n")
  cat(" 34#Nages\n")
  cat(rep(19, times = 35 + 6), "\n")
  cat(-9999, rep(0, times = 34 + 6), "\n")
  temp <- SS_readwtatage(file = file.temp)
  expect_equal(NCOL(temp), 41,
    tolerance = 0.01,
    label = "Number of columns in read weight-at-age"
  expect_equal(colnames(temp)[NCOL(temp)], "34",
    label = "Last column name"

test_that("Test comment column is created and blank lines are okay", {
  sink(file = file.temp)
  cat("# This is a temp file\n")
  cat(" # With a space before the comment\n")
  cat(" 34#Nages\n")
  cat(rep(19, times = 35 + 6), "#comment", "\n\n")
  cat(rep(19, times = 35 + 6), "#comment", "\n\n")
  cat(-9999, rep(0, times = 34 + 7), "\n")
  temp <- SS_readwtatage(file = file.temp)
  expect_equal(NCOL(temp), 42,
    tolerance = 0.01,
    label = "Number of columns in read weight-at-age"
  expect_equal(colnames(temp)[NCOL(temp)], "comment",
    label = "Last column name"
  expect_equal(NROW(temp), 2,
    label = "Number of rows of data"

unlink(file.temp, recursive = TRUE)
r4ss/r4ss documentation built on April 30, 2024, 4:42 a.m.