
#' Search for metadata on a dataset from Enigma.
#' @export
#' @param dataset Dataset name. Required.
#' @template key-curl
#' @details Notice when you run the examples that the format of output is 
#' different for the "parent nodes" vs. the "table nodes". Where the parent 
#' nodes have ouput$meta slots for paths, immediate nodes and children tables, 
#' while the table nodes have ouput$meta slots for info, table, ancestor 
#' datapaths, database boundary datapath, database boundary label, database
#' boundary tables, and paths, and an additional slot for description of table 
#' column attributes.
#' @references \url{https://app.enigma.io/api#metadata}
#' @return A list of length 3:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item success - a boolean if query was successful or not
#'  \item datapath - the dataset path (this is not a file path on your machine)
#'  \item info - a list of length 6 with:
#'    \itemize{ 
#'     \item paths - paths under the dataset
#'     \item immediate_notes - children nodes
#'     \item children_tables - children tables
#'    }
#' }
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' ## After obtaining an API key from Enigma's website, pass in your key to the 
#' ## function call or set in your options (see above instructions for the 
#' ## key parameter) If you pass in your key to the function call use the key 
#' ## parameter
#' ## UCLA Ethnic power relations dataset
#' enigma_metadata(dataset = 'edu.ucla.epr')
#' # Table node response attributes
#' ## US white house visitor list table
#' enigma_metadata(dataset = 'us.gov.whitehouse.visitor-list')
#' }

enigma_metadata <- function(dataset=NULL, key=NULL, ...) {
  key <- check_key(key)

  url <- sprintf('%s/meta/%s/%s', en_base(), key, dataset)
  json <- enigma_GET(url, list(), ...)
  meta <- process_meta(json)
  result_names <- names(json$result)
  if (any(result_names %in% "columns")) {
    out <- list(success = json$success, datapath = json$datapath, info = meta,
                columns = process_cols(json))
  } else {
    out <- list(success = json$success, datapath = json$datapath, info = meta)
  structure(out, class = "enigma_meta")

process_meta <- function(x){
  result_names <- names(x$result)
  if (!any(result_names %in% "columns")) {
    list(paths = lapply(x$result$path, as.list),
         immediate_nodes = lapply(x$result$immediate_nodes, as.list),
         children_tables = lapply(x$result$children_tables, as.list))
  } else {
    tmp <- x$result$metadata
    tablemeta <- sapply(tmp, "[[", "value")
    names(tablemeta) <- c('total_rows','last_updated')
    list(info = as.list(x$info),
         table = as.list(tablemeta),
         ancestor_datapaths = x$result$ancestor_datapaths,
         db_boundary_datapath = x$result$db_boundary_datapath,
         db_boundary_label = x$result$db_boundary_label,
         db_boundary_tables = lapply(x$result$db_boundary_tables, as.list),
         paths = lapply(x$result$path, as.list))

process_cols <- function(x){
  columns <- x$result$columns
  colsdat <- do.call(rbind.fill,
                     lapply(columns, function(x){
                       x[sapply(x, is.null)] <- NA; 
                       data.frame(x, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  colsdat_table <- data.frame(id = colsdat$id,
                              label = colsdat$label,
                              type = colsdat$type,
                              index = colsdat$index, 
                              stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  list(table = colsdat_table, description = as.list(colsdat$description))
rOpenGov/enigma documentation built on May 26, 2019, 7:47 p.m.