
structure(list(url = "http://opendata.fmi.fi/wfs?service=WFS&version=2.0.0&request=DescribeStoredQueries", 
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    "list")), all_headers = list(list(status = 200L, version = "HTTP/1.0", 
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    content = charToRaw("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<DescribeStoredQueriesResponse xmlns=\"http://www.opengis.net/wfs/2.0\"\n  xmlns:omso=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n  xmlns:xlink=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\"\n  xmlns:ows_common=\"http://www.opengis.net/ows/1.1\"\n  xmlns:inspire_common=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/common/1.0\"\n  xmlns:gml=\"http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2\"\n  xmlns:fe=\"http://www.opengis.net/fes/2.0\"\n  xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\"\n  xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://www.opengis.net/wfs/2.0 http://schemas.opengis.net/wfs/2.0/wfs.xsd\n  http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\n  http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/common/1.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/common/1.0/common.xsd\n  http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2 http://schemas.opengis.net/gml/3.2.1/gml.xsd\">\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"GetDataSetById\">\n    <Title>GetDataSetById</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    GetDataSetById returns INSPIRE data sets. Consult catalog.fmi.fi to investigate possible data sets.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"datasetid\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Data set ID</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Specifies ID of data set to return\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0\"\n                          xmlns:wfs_002=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/namespace/aviation-weather/2014/02/15\"\n                          xmlns:wfs_003=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/ef/4.0\"\n                          xmlns:wfs_004=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                          xmlns:wfs_005=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/2.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0/fmi_wfs_simplefeature.xsd\n                         http://xml.fmi.fi/namespace/aviation-weather/2014/02/15 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/aviation-weather/2014/02/15/fmiavi.xsd\n                         http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/ef/4.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/ef/4.0/EnvironmentalMonitoringFacilities.xsd\n                         http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\n                         http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/2.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/2.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:BsWfsElement wfs_002:VerifiableMessage wfs_003:EnvironmentalMonitoringFacility wfs_003:EnvironmentalMonitoringNetwork wfs_004:GridSeriesObservation wfs_004:PointObservation wfs_004:PointTimeSeriesObservation wfs_004:ProfileObservation wfs_005:TrajectoryObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::avi::observations::finland::iwxxm\">\n    <Title>Aviation weather from aerodromes in Finland</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    This stored query return aviation weather messages from the essential aerodromes in Finland (predefined aerodrome set). Each message is constructed from a METAR weather report and converted to IWXXM (ICAO Meteorological Information Exchange Model) format. By default, the data is returned from the last 60 minutes. One can change the time range by using starttime and endtime parameters. It is also possible to request additional aerodromes which are included into the predefined aerodrome set by using icaocode parameter (duplicates are iqnored).\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter specifies the begin of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter specifies the end of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"icaocode\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>ICAO Code</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Four-character alphanumeric code designating each airport around the world. (for example EFHK).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/namespace/aviation-weather/2014/02/15\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/namespace/aviation-weather/2014/02/15 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/aviation-weather/2014/02/15/fmiavi.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:VerifiableMessage\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::avi::observations::finland::latest::iwxxm\">\n    <Title>Aviation weather from aerodromes in Finland</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    This stored query return the latest aviation weather messages (one per aerodrome) from the essential aerodromes in Finland (predefined aerodrome set). Each message is constructed from a METAR weather report and converted to IWXXM (ICAO Meteorological Information Exchange Model) format. By default, the latest messages are searched from the last 24 hours. One can change the time range by using starttime and endtime parameters. It is also possible to request additional aerodromes which are included into the predefined aerodrome set by using icaocode parameter (duplicates are ignored).\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter specifies the begin of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter specifies the end of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"icaocode\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>ICAO Code</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Four-character alphanumeric code designating each airport around the world. (for example EFHK).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/namespace/aviation-weather/2014/02/15\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/namespace/aviation-weather/2014/02/15 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/aviation-weather/2014/02/15/fmiavi.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:VerifiableMessage\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::avi::observations::iwxxm\">\n    <Title>Aviation weather from aerodromes</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    This stored query return aviation weather messages. Each message is constructed from a METAR weather report and converted to IWXXM (ICAO Meteorological Information Exchange Model) format. By default, the data is returned from the 60 minutes. One can change the time range by using starttime and endtime parameters. At least one location parameter (icaocode, bbox, geoid) must be given to get non zero result.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"icaocode\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>ICAO Code</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Four-character alphanumeric code designating each airport around the world.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data. For example  27.4,68.6,27.5,68.7,epsg:4326 (lonMin,latMin,lonMax,latMax,srs).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/namespace/aviation-weather/2014/02/15\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/namespace/aviation-weather/2014/02/15 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/aviation-weather/2014/02/15/fmiavi.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:VerifiableMessage\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::avi::observations::latest::iwxxm\">\n    <Title>Aviation weather from aerodromes</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    This stored query return the latest aviation weather messages from aerodromes. Each message is constructed from a METAR weather report and converted to IWXXM (ICAO Meteorological Information Exchange Model) format. By default, the latest message is searched from the last 24 hours. One can change the time range by using starttime and endtime parameters. At least one location parameter (icaocode, bbox, geoid) must be given to get non zero result.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"icaocode\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>ICAO Code</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Four-character alphanumeric code designating each airport around the world.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data. For example  27.4,68.6,27.5,68.7,epsg:4326 (lonMin,latMin,lonMax,latMax,srs).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/namespace/aviation-weather/2014/02/15\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/namespace/aviation-weather/2014/02/15 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/aviation-weather/2014/02/15/fmiavi.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:VerifiableMessage\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::ef::networks\">\n    <Title>Environmental Monitoring Networks</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    This stored query can be used to fetch the metadata of environmental monitoring networks of Finnish Meteorological Institute&apos;s and other data producers. The metadata contains information about network name, period of activity, responsible party and an short description.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"networkid\" type=\"xsi:int\">\n      <Title>Network identifier</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation network.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/ef/4.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/ef/4.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/ef/4.0/EnvironmentalMonitoringFacilities.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:EnvironmentalMonitoringNetwork\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::ef::stations\">\n    <Title>Environmental Monitoring Stations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    This stored query can be used to fetch the metadata of environmental monitoring stations of Finnish Meteorological Institute&apos;s and other data producers. The metadata contains information about station name, location, period of activity and the networks for which station belongs to.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"networkid\" type=\"xsi:int\">\n      <Title>Network identifier</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation network.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"xsi:int\">\n      <Title>Station identifier</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/ef/4.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/ef/4.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/ef/4.0/EnvironmentalMonitoringFacilities.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:EnvironmentalMonitoringFacility\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::climatology::scenario::grid\">\n    <Title>Climate Scenarios</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Mean temperature and precipitation amount scenarios for three periods of thirty years. The data contains 10x10km grid and is returned in GRIB format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::enfuser::airquality::helsinki-metropolitan::grid\">\n    <Title>FMI-ENFUSER air quality forecast as grid</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    FMI-ENFUSER (The Finnish Meteorological Institute&apos;s ENvironmental information FUsion SERvice) is a novel air quality model that combines dispersion modelling techniques, information fusion algorithms and statistical approaches. The operational modelling system provides both real-time and forecasted, high resolution information on the urban air quality. This stored query provides near real-time information on Helsinki metropolitan air quality with a resolution of ~20m for the hourly concentrations of PM2.5, PM10, NO2, O3 and Air Quality Index (in a scale of 1 to 5) as a grid. New dataset will come available once in an hour.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter specifies the begin of time interval to return data in ISO 8601 format (for example 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter specifies the end of time interval to return data in ISO 8601 format (for example 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::harmonie::hybrid::grid\">\n    <Title>Harmonie Scandinavia Hybrid Weather Forecast as Grid data</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    The stored query can be used to fetch Harmonie hybrid weather forecast data encoded in GRIB or NetCDF format. The model data covers the geographical area of Scandinavia and hybrid levels from 65 (near the model topography) to 12 (highest available elevation). New forecast dataset will come available every 6 hours. By default all the parameters, levels and timesteps are selected.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2017-07-07T07:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2017-07-07T07:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"levels\" type=\"gml:integerList\">\n      <Title>Hybrid levels</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      A comma separated list of levels (For example 40,30,20). By default all available levels are selected.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"format\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Dataset format.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Encoding format for the returned dataset. Formats available are grib1, grib2 and netcdf. Default format is grib2.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::harmonie::hybrid::point::multipointcoverage\">\n    <Title>Harmonie Hybrid Point Weather Forecast as multipointcoverage</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    The stored query can be used to fetch Harmonie hybrid weather forecast data in multi point coverage format. The model data covers the geographical area of Scandinavia and heights between 13 and 10000 meters from the model topography. New forecast dataset will come available every 6 hours. Location need to be specified as place or geoid or latlon query parameters. By default data will be returned from the height of 100 meters above the model topography and 50 hours from the request time.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter specifies the begin of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter specifies the end of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide forecast. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Kumpula,Kolari).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"latlon\" type=\"gml:pos\">\n      <Title>Location coordinates to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Location coordinates to return data  (lat,lon). For example 61.2,21\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"height\" type=\"xsi:double\">\n      <Title>Height from the topography of forecast model</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The request parameter specifies height in meters from the topography of forecast model.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::harmonie::hybrid::point::simple\">\n    <Title>Harmonie Hybrid Point Weather Forecast as simple features</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    The stored query can be used to fetch Harmonie hybrid weather forecast data in simple feature format. The model data covers the geographical area of Scandinavia and heights between 13 and 10000 meters from the model topography. New forecast dataset will come available every 6 hours. Location need to be specified as place or geoid or latlon query parameters. By default data will be returned from the height of 100 meters above the model topography and 50 hours from the request time.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter specifies the begin of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter specifies the end of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide forecast. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Kumpula,Kolari).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"latlon\" type=\"gml:pos\">\n      <Title>Location coordinates to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Location coordinates to return data  (lat,lon). For example 61.2,21\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"height\" type=\"xsi:double\">\n      <Title>Height from the topography of forecast model</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The request parameter specifies height in meters from the topography of forecast model.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0/fmi_wfs_simplefeature.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:BsWfsElement\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::harmonie::hybrid::point::timevaluepair\">\n    <Title>Harmonie Hybrid Point Weather Forecast as time value pairs</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    The stored query can be used to fetch Harmonie hybrid weather forecast data in time value pair format. The model data covers the geographical area of Scandinavia and heights between 13 and 10000 meters from the model topography. New forecast dataset will come available every 6 hours. Location need to be specified as place or geoid or latlon query parameters. By default data will be returned from the height of 100 meters above the model topography and 50 hours from the request time.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter specifies the begin of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter specifies the end of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide forecast. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Kumpula,Kolari).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"latlon\" type=\"gml:pos\">\n      <Title>Location coordinates to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Location coordinates to return data  (lat,lon). For example 61.2,21\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"height\" type=\"xsi:double\">\n      <Title>Height from the topography of forecast model</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The request parameter specifies height in meters from the topography of forecast model.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:PointTimeSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::harmonie::pressure::grid\">\n    <Title>Harmonie Scandinavia Pressure Level Weather Forecast as Grid data</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    The stored query can be used to fetch Harmonie weather forecast data from pressure levels encoded in GRIB or NetCDF format. The model data covers the geographical area of Scandinavia and pressure levels: 300, 500, 700, 850, 925, 1000 hPa. New forecast dataset will come available every 6 hours. By default all the parameters, levels and timesteps are selected.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2017-07-07T07:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2017-07-07T07:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"levels\" type=\"gml:integerList\">\n      <Title>Pressure levels</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      A comma separated list of pressure levels (For example 400,850,1000). By default all available levels are selected.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"format\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Dataset format.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Encoding format for the returned dataset. Formats available are grib1, grib2 and netcdf. Default format is grib2.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::harmonie::pressure::point::multipointcoverage\">\n    <Title>Harmonie Pressure Point Weather Forecast as multipointcoverage</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    The stored query can be used to fetch Harmonie pressure level weather forecast data in multi point coverage format. The model data covers the geographical area of Scandinavia and pressure levels 300, 500, 700, 850, 925, 1000 hPa. New forecast dataset will come available every 6 hours. Location need to be specified as place or geoid or latlon query parameters. By default data will be returned from the level of 850 hPa and 50 hours from the request time.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter specifies the begin of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter specifies the end of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide forecast. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Kumpula,Kolari).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"latlon\" type=\"gml:pos\">\n      <Title>Location coordinates to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Location coordinates to return data  (lat,lon). For example 61.2,21\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"pressure\" type=\"xsi:int\">\n      <Title>Pressure value</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The request parameter specifies level of pressure in hPa from which to return data.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::harmonie::pressure::point::simple\">\n    <Title>Harmonie Pressure Point Weather Forecast as simple features</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    The stored query can be used to fetch Harmonie pressure level weather forecast data in simple feature format. The model data covers the geographical area of Scandinavia and pressure levels 300, 500, 700, 850, 925, 1000 hPa. New forecast dataset will come available every 6 hours. Location need to be specified as place or geoid or latlon query parameters. By default data will be returned from the level of 850 hPa and 50 hours from the request time.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter specifies the begin of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter specifies the end of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide forecast. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Kumpula,Kolari).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"latlon\" type=\"gml:pos\">\n      <Title>Location coordinates to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Location coordinates to return data  (lat,lon). For example 61.2,21\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"pressure\" type=\"xsi:int\">\n      <Title>Pressure value</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The request parameter specifies level of pressure in hPa from which to return data.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0/fmi_wfs_simplefeature.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:BsWfsElement\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::harmonie::pressure::point::timevaluepair\">\n    <Title>Harmonie Pressure Point Weather Forecast as time value pairs</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    The stored query can be used to fetch Harmonie pressure level weather forecast data in time value pair format. The model data covers the geographical area of Scandinavia and pressure levels 300, 500, 700, 850, 925, 1000 hPa. New forecast dataset will come available every 6 hours. Location need to be specified as place or geoid or latlon query parameters. By default data will be returned from the level of 850 hPa and 50 hours from the request time.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter specifies the begin of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter specifies the end of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide forecast. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Kumpula,Kolari).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"latlon\" type=\"gml:pos\">\n      <Title>Location coordinates to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Location coordinates to return data  (lat,lon). For example 61.2,21\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"pressure\" type=\"xsi:int\">\n      <Title>Pressure value</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The request parameter specifies level of pressure in hPa from which to return data.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:PointTimeSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::harmonie::surface::grid\">\n    <Title>Harmonie Scandinavia Surface Level Weather Forecast as Grid data</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    The stored query can be used to fetch Harmonie surface level weather forecast data encoded in GRIB or NetCDF format. The model data covers the geographical area of Scandinavia. New forecast dataset will come available every 6 hours. By default all the parameters and timesteps are selected.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2017-07-07T07:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2017-07-07T07:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"format\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Dataset format.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Encoding format for the returned dataset. Formats available are grib2 and netcdf. Default format is grib2.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::harmonie::surface::point::multipointcoverage\">\n    <Title>Harmonie Surface Point Weather Forecast as multipointcoverage</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    The stored query can be used to fetch Harmonie surface level weather forecast in multi point coverage format. The model data covers the geographical area of Scandinavia. New forecast dataset will come available every 6 hours. Location need to be specified as place or geoid or latlon query parameters. By default data will be returned 50 hours from the request time.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter specifies the begin of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter specifies the end of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide forecast. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Kumpula,Kolari).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"latlon\" type=\"gml:pos\">\n      <Title>Location coordinates to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Location coordinates to return data  (lat,lon). For example 61.2,21\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::harmonie::surface::point::simple\">\n    <Title>Harmonie Surface Point Weather Forecast as simple features</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    The stored query can be used to fetch Harmonie surface level weather forecast in simple feature format. The model data covers the geographical area of Scandinavia. New forecast dataset will come available every 6 hours. Location need to be specified as place or geoid or latlon query parameters. By default data will be returned 50 hours from the request time.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter specifies the begin of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter specifies the end of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide forecast. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Kumpula,Kolari).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"latlon\" type=\"gml:pos\">\n      <Title>Location coordinates to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Location coordinates to return data  (lat,lon). For example 61.2,21\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0/fmi_wfs_simplefeature.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:BsWfsElement\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::harmonie::surface::point::timevaluepair\">\n    <Title>Harmonie Surface Point Weather Forecast as time value pairs</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    The stored query can be used to fetch Harmonie surface level weather forecast in time value pair format. The model data covers the geographical area of Scandinavia. New forecast dataset will come available every 6 hours. Location need to be specified as place or geoid or latlon query parameters. By default data will be returned 50 hours from the request time.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter specifies the begin of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter specifies the end of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide forecast. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Kumpula,Kolari).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"latlon\" type=\"gml:pos\">\n      <Title>Location coordinates to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Location coordinates to return data  (lat,lon). For example 61.2,21\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:PointTimeSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::hbm::grid\">\n    <Title>HBM Current Model Grid</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    HBM forecast model provides sea currents and water temperature forecast as grid data encoded in GRIB format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"format\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Dataset format.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Encoding format for the returned dataset. Formats available are grib1, grib2 and netcdf. Default format is grib2.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"levels\" type=\"gml:integerList\">\n      <Title>Vertical level</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      A comma separated list of vertical levels of sea (For exmaple 0,100,200). Available levels are 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,85,90,95,100,150,200,300,400. Default level is 0.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::hbm::point::multipointcoverage\">\n    <Title>HBM Current Model Point</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    HBM forecast model provides sea currents and water temperature forecast. This stored query provides the data as point data encoded in multi point coverage format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"latlon\" type=\"gml:pos\">\n      <Title>Location coordinates to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Location coordinates to return data  (lat,lon). For example 61.2,21\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::hbm::point::simple\">\n    <Title>HBM Current Model Point</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    HBM forecast model provides sea currents and water temperature forecast. This stored query provides the data as point data encoded in simple feature format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"latlon\" type=\"gml:pos\">\n      <Title>Location coordinates to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Location coordinates to return data  (lat,lon). For example 61.2,21\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0/fmi_wfs_simplefeature.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:BsWfsElement\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::hbm::point::timevaluepair\">\n    <Title>HBM Current Model Point</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    HBM forecast model provides sea currents and water temperature forecast. This stored query provides the data as point data encoded in time value pair format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"latlon\" type=\"gml:pos\">\n      <Title>Location coordinates to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Location coordinates to return data  (lat,lon). For example 61.2,21\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timezone\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Time zone</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Time zone of the time instant of the data point in the form Area/Location (for example America/Costa_Rica). Default value is UTC.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:PointTimeSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::helmi::grid\">\n    <Title>Helsinki multi-category ice model as a grid.</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    This Stored Query request retrieve Helsinki multi-category ice model forecast raw dataset as a grid.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"producer\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Producer</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Model or process which provides the data.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter starttime specifies the begin of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter endtime specifies the end of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"gml:NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return. Default parameters are Concentration, NorthwardIceVelocity, EastwardIceVelocity, MeanIceThickness\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (min Longitude, min Latitude, max Longitude, max Latitude) Default bounding box is 16.7168,56.7416,30.51542,65.99345.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"format\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Dataset format.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Encoding format for the returned dataset. Formats available are grib1, grib2 and netcdf. Default format is General Regularly-distributed Information in Binary form edition 2 (GRIB2).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::hirlam::pressure::grid\">\n    <Title>Hirlam Pressure Grid</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Hirlam forecast model&apos;s pressure levels as a grid data encoded in GRIB format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"levels\" type=\"gml:integerList\">\n      <Title>Pressure levels</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      A comma separated list of pressure levels (For example 1000,925,850).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"format\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Dataset format.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Encoding format for the returned dataset. Formats available are grib1, grib2 and netcdf. Default format is grib2.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::hirlam::surface::cities::multipointcoverage\">\n    <Title>Hirlam weather forecast for cities in Finland as multipointcoverage</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    This stored query fetch Hirlam weather forecast for cities in Finland. The forcast is returned in multi point coverage format. By default, forcast is returned for the next 36 hours.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The parameter specifies the begin of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The parameter specifies the end of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::hirlam::surface::cities::simple\">\n    <Title>Hirlam weather forecast for cities in Finland as simple features</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    This stored query fetch Hirlam weather forecast for cities in Finland. The forcast is returned in simple feature format. By default, forcast is returned for the next 36 hours.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The Parameter specifies the begin of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The Parameter specifies the end of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0/fmi_wfs_simplefeature.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:BsWfsElement\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::hirlam::surface::cities::timevaluepair\">\n    <Title>Hirlam weather forecast for cities in Finland as time value pairs</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    This stored query fetch Hirlam weather forecast for cities in Finland. The forcast is returned as time value pairs. By default, forcast is returned for the next 36 hours.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The parameter specifies the begin of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The parameter specifies the end of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"gml:NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return. By default, all parameters are returned.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. Default timestep is 60 minutes.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timezone\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Time zone</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Time zone of the time instant of the data point in the form Area/Location (for example America/Costa_Rica). Default value is UTC.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:PointTimeSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::hirlam::surface::finland::grid\">\n    <Title>Hirlam surface level weather forecast for Finland as a grid.</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    This Stored Query request retrieve Hirlam surface level forecast raw dataset as a grid for Finland region.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"producer\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Producer</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Model or process which provides the data.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter starttime specifies the begin of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter endtime specifies the end of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"gml:NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return. Default parameters are Temperature, Pressure, Humidity, DewPoint, WindUMS, WindVMS and Precipitation1h.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (min Longitude, min Latitude, max Longitude, max Latitude) Default bounding box is 19.1,59.7,31.7,70.1.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"format\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Dataset format.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Encoding format for the returned dataset. Formats available are grib1, grib2 and netcdf. Default format is General Regularly-distributed Information in Binary form edition 2 (GRIB2).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::hirlam::surface::grid\">\n    <Title>Hirlam Surface Grid</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Hirlam forecast model&apos;s surface level as grid data encoded in GRIB format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return. In addition to default parameters, there is &apos;RadiationDiffuseAccumulation&apos; parameter that is not distributed in grib2 format.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"format\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Dataset format.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Encoding format for the returned dataset. Formats available are grib1, grib2 and netcdf. Default format is General Regularly-distributed Information in Binary form edition 2 (GRIB2).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::hirlam::surface::obsstations::multipointcoverage\">\n    <Title>Hirlam weather forecast for observation stations as multipointcoverage.</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    This stored query fetch Hirlam weather forecast for observation stations in Finland. The forcast is returned as multipointcoverage form. By default, forecast is returned for the next 36 hours.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter starttime specifies the begin of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter endtime specifies the end of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"gml:NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return. By default, all parameters are returned.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. Default timestep is 60 minutes.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::hirlam::surface::obsstations::simple\">\n    <Title>Hirlam weather forecast for observation stations as simple feature.</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    This stored query fetch Hirlam weather forecast for observation stations in Finland. The forcast is returned as simple feature form. By default, forecast is returned for the next 36 hours.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter starttime specifies the begin of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter endtime specifies the end of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"gml:NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return. By default, all parameters are returned.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. Default timestep is 60 minutes.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0/fmi_wfs_simplefeature.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:BsWfsElement\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::hirlam::surface::obsstations::timevaluepair\">\n    <Title>Hirlam weather forecast for observation stations as time value pairs.</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    This stored query fetch Hirlam weather forecast for observation stations in Finland. The forcast is returned as time value pairs. By default, forecast is returned for the next 36 hours.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter starttime specifies the begin of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter endtime specifies the end of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"gml:NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return. By default, all parameters are returned.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. Default timestep is 60 minutes.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timezone\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Time zone</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Time zone of the time instant of the data point in the form Area/Location (for example America/Costa_Rica). Default value is UTC.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:PointTimeSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::hirlam::surface::point::multipointcoverage\">\n    <Title>Hirlam Point Weather Forecast as multipointcoverage</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Hirlam weather forecast fetched to a specific location returned in multi point coverage format. Location need to be specified as place or geoid or latlon query parameters.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter specifies the begin of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter specifies the end of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide forecast. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Kumpula,Kolari).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"latlon\" type=\"gml:pos\">\n      <Title>Location coordinates to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Location coordinates to return data  (lat,lon). For example 61.2,21\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::hirlam::surface::point::simple\">\n    <Title>Hirlam Point Weather Forecast as simple features</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Hirlam weather forecast fetched to a specific location returned in simple feature format. Location need to be specified as place or geoid or latlon query parameters.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter specifies the begin of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter specifies the end of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide forecast. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Kumpula,Kolari).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"latlon\" type=\"gml:pos\">\n      <Title>Location coordinates to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Location coordinates to return data  (lat,lon). For example 61.2,21\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0/fmi_wfs_simplefeature.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:BsWfsElement\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::hirlam::surface::point::timevaluepair\">\n    <Title>Hirlam Point Weather Forecast as time value pairs</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Hirlam weather forecast fetched to a specific location returned in time value pair format. Location need to be specified as place or geoid or latlon query parameters.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter specifies the begin of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter specifies the end of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide forecast. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Kumpula,Kolari).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"latlon\" type=\"gml:pos\">\n      <Title>Location coordinates to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Location coordinates to return data  (lat,lon). For example 61.2,21\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timezone\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Time zone</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Time zone of the time instant of the data point in the form Area/Location (for example America/Costa_Rica). Default value is UTC.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:PointTimeSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::oaas::sealevel::point::multipointcoverage\">\n    <Title>OAAS Sea Level Model Point</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    OAAS forecast model provides sea level height forecast to points. This stored query provides point data encoded in multi point coverage format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"latlon\" type=\"gml:pos\">\n      <Title>Location coordinates to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Location coordinates to return data  (lat,lon). For example 61.2,21\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::oaas::sealevel::point::simple\">\n    <Title>OAAS Sea Level Model Point</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    OAAS forecast model provides sea level height forecast to points. This stored query provides point data encoded in simple feature format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"latlon\" type=\"gml:pos\">\n      <Title>Location coordinates to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Location coordinates to return data  (lat,lon). For example 61.2,21\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0/fmi_wfs_simplefeature.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:BsWfsElement\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::oaas::sealevel::point::timevaluepair\">\n    <Title>OAAS Sea Level Model Point</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    OAAS forecast model provides sea level height forecast to points. This stored query provides point data encoded in time value pair format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"latlon\" type=\"gml:pos\">\n      <Title>Location coordinates to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Location coordinates to return data  (lat,lon). For example 61.2,21\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timezone\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Time zone</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Time zone of the time instant of the data point in the form Area/Location (for example America/Costa_Rica). Default value is UTC.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:PointTimeSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::silam::airquality::surface::grid\">\n    <Title>SILAM air quality forecast as grid</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    SILAM (System for Integrated modeLling of Atmospheric coMposition) is a global-to-meso-scale dispersion model developed for atmospheric composition, air quality, and emergency decision support applications. This stored query provides an air quality forecast for the main ambient pollutants: CO, NO, NO2, O3, SO2, PM10 and PM25. The model data covers the geographical area of Europe. New forecast dataset will come available once in a day. The data is returened as a grid. Output file format is NetCDF.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::silam::airquality::surface::point::multipointcoverage\">\n    <Title>SILAM air quality forecast as point data</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    SILAM (System for Integrated modeLling of Atmospheric coMposition) is a global-to-meso-scale dispersion model developed for atmospheric composition, air quality, and emergency decision support applications. This stored query provides an air quality forecast for the main ambient pollutants: CO, NO, NO2, O3, SO2, PM10 and PM25. The model data covers the geographical area of Europe. New forecast dataset will come available once in a day. The data is returened in multi point coverage format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of air quality parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/4326\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"latlon\" type=\"gml:pos\">\n      <Title>Location coordinates to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Location coordinates to return data  (lat,lon). For example 61.2,21\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::silam::airquality::surface::point::simple\">\n    <Title>SILAM air quality forecast as simple feature</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    SILAM (System for Integrated modeLling of Atmospheric coMposition) is a global-to-meso-scale dispersion model developed for atmospheric composition, air quality, and emergency decision support applications. This stored query provides an air quality forecast for the main ambient pollutants: CO, NO, NO2, O3, SO2, PM10 and PM25. The model data covers the geographical area of Europe. New forecast dataset will come available once in a day. The data is returened as simple features.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of air quality parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/4326\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"latlon\" type=\"gml:pos\">\n      <Title>Location coordinates to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Location coordinates to return data  (lat,lon). For example 61.2,21\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0/fmi_wfs_simplefeature.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:BsWfsElement\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::silam::airquality::surface::point::timevaluepair\">\n    <Title>SILAM air quality forecast as as time value pairs</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    SILAM (System for Integrated modeLling of Atmospheric coMposition) is a global-to-meso-scale dispersion model developed for atmospheric composition, air quality, and emergency decision support applications. This stored query provides an air quality forecast for the main ambient pollutants: CO, NO, NO2, O3, SO2, PM10 and PM25. The model data covers the geographical area of Europe. New forecast dataset will come available once in a day. The data is returened as as time value pairs.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2017-01-25T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of air quality parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/4326\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"latlon\" type=\"gml:pos\">\n      <Title>Location coordinates to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Location coordinates to return data  (lat,lon). For example 61.2,21\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:PointTimeSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::wam::grid\">\n    <Title>WAM Wave Model Grid</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    WAM forecast model provides wave height forecast as grid data encoded in GRIB format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::wam::point::multipointcoverage\">\n    <Title>WAM Wave Model Point</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    WAM forecast model provides wave height forecast. This stored query provides point data encoded in multi point coverage format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"latlon\" type=\"gml:point\">\n      <Title>Location coordinates to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Location coordinates to return data  (lat,lon). For example 61.2,21\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::wam::point::simple\">\n    <Title>WAM Wave Model Point</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    WAM forecast model provides wave height forecast. This stored query provides point data encoded in simple feature format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"latlon\" type=\"gml:point\">\n      <Title>Location coordinates to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Location coordinates to return data  (lat,lon). For example 61.2,21\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0/fmi_wfs_simplefeature.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:BsWfsElement\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::forecast::wam::point::timevaluepair\">\n    <Title>WAM Wave Model Point</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    WAM forecast model provides wave height forecast. This stored query provides point data encoded in time value pair format. Location has to be specified as geoid or latlon-coordinates.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"latlon\" type=\"gml:pos\">\n      <Title>Location coordinates to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Location coordinates to return data  (lat,lon). For example 61.2,21\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timezone\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Time zone</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Time zone of the time instant of the data point in the form Area/Location (for example America/Costa_Rica). Default value is UTC.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:PointTimeSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::airquality::hourly::multipointcoverage\">\n    <Title>Hourly Air Quality Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Hourly air quality observations from weather stations of Finnish Meteorological Institute. By default, all the station are selected and the data is returned from the last 24 hours. The data is returned as multi point coverage format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2015-03-13T10:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2015-03-13T12:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 24,60,25,61\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide data. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Kumpula,Helsinki).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::airquality::hourly::simple\">\n    <Title>Hourly Air Quality Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Hourly air quality observations from weather stations or Finnish Meteorological Institute. By default, all the station are selected and the data is returned from the last 24 hours. The data is returned as a simple feature format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2015-03-13T10:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2015-03-13T12:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 24,60,25,61\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide data. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Kumpula,Helsinki).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around a location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timezone\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Time zone</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Time zone of the time instant of the data point in the form Area/Location (for example America/Costa_Rica). Default value is UTC.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0/fmi_wfs_simplefeature.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:BsWfsElement\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::airquality::hourly::timevaluepair\">\n    <Title>Hourly Air Quality Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Hourly air quality observations from weather stations of Finnish Meteorological Institute. By default, all the station are selected and the data is returned from the last 24 hours. The data is returned as timevaluepair format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2015-03-13T10:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2015-03-13T12:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 24,60,25,61\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide data. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Kumpula,Helsinki).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around a location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timezone\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Time zone</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Time zone of the time instant of the data point in the form Area/Location (for example America/Costa_Rica). Default value is UTC.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:PointTimeSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::lightning::multipointcoverage\">\n    <Title>Lightning Strikes</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    The response contains all detected lightning strikes in Northern Europe. Observations are mainly ground flashes but some of cloud flashes are also detected.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::lightning::simple\">\n    <Title>Lightning Strikes</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    The response contains all detected lightning strikes in Northern Europe. Observations are mainly ground flashes but some of cloud flashes are also detected.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0/fmi_wfs_simplefeature.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:BsWfsElement\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::mareograph::daily::multipointcoverage\">\n    <Title>Mareograph Water Temperature Daily Statistical Values</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Daily water temperature average, minimum and maximum from 14 locations. By default, the data is returned from last 744 hours. The data is retuned in multi point coverage format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::mareograph::daily::simple\">\n    <Title>Mareograph Water Temperature Daily Statistical Values</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Daily water temperature average, minimum and maximum from 14 locations. By default, the data is returned from last 744 hours. The data is retuned in simple feature format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0/fmi_wfs_simplefeature.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:BsWfsElement\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::mareograph::daily::timevaluepair\">\n    <Title>Mareograph Water Temperature Daily Statistical Values</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Daily water temperature average, minimum and maximum from 14 locations. By default, the data is returned from last 744 hours. The data is retuned in time value pair format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:PointTimeSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::mareograph::instant::multipointcoverage\">\n    <Title>Sea Level and Temperature Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Sea level and temperature observations from 14 locations. Time step is 1 minute. The data is retuned in multi point coverage format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::mareograph::instant::simple\">\n    <Title>Sea Level and Temperature Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Sea level and temperature observations from 14 locations. Time step is 1 minute. The data is retuned in simple feature format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0/fmi_wfs_simplefeature.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:BsWfsElement\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::mareograph::instant::timevaluepair\">\n    <Title>Sea Level and Temperature Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Sea level and temperature observations from 14 locations. Time step is 1 minute. The data is returned in time value pair format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timezone\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Time zone</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Time zone of the time instant of the data point in the form Area/Location (for example America/Costa_Rica). Default value is UTC.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:PointTimeSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::mareograph::monthly::multipointcoverage\">\n    <Title>Mareograph Water Temperature Monthly Statistical Values</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Monthly water temperature average, minimum and maximum from 14 locations. By default, the data is returned from last 12 months. The data is retuned in multi point coverage format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::mareograph::monthly::simple\">\n    <Title>Mareograph Water Temperature Monthly Statistical Values</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Monthly water temperature average, minimum and maximum from 14 locations. By default, the data is returned from last 12 months. The data is retuned in simple feature format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0/fmi_wfs_simplefeature.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:BsWfsElement\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::mareograph::monthly::timevaluepair\">\n    <Title>Mareograph Water Temperature Monthly Statistical Values</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Monthly water temperature average, minimum and maximum from 14 locations. By default, the data is returned from last 12 months. The data is retuned in time value pair format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:PointTimeSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::mareograph::multipointcoverage\">\n    <Title>Sea Level and Temperature Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Sea level and temperature observations from 14 locations. Time step is 60 minutes. The data is retuned in multi point coverage format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::mareograph::simple\">\n    <Title>Sea Level and Temperature Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Sea level and temperature observations from 14 locations. Time step is 60 minutes. The data is retuned in simple feature format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0/fmi_wfs_simplefeature.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:BsWfsElement\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::mareograph::timevaluepair\">\n    <Title>Sea Level and Temperature Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Sea level and temperature observations from 14 locations. Time step is 60 minutes. The data is returned in time value pair format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timezone\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Time zone</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Time zone of the time instant of the data point in the form Area/Location (for example America/Costa_Rica). Default value is UTC.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:PointTimeSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::radiation::multipointcoverage\">\n    <Title>Sun Radiation Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Sun radiation observations from weather stations. By default the data is returned from last 1 hour and from stations in Sodankylä, Jokioinen, Helsinki, Parainen, Vantaa, Jyväskylä, Sotkamo and Utsjoki. The data is returned in &apos;multipointcoverage&apos; format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::radiation::simple\">\n    <Title>Sun Radiation Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Sun radiation observations from weather stations. By default the data is returned from last 1 hour and from stations in Sodankylä, Jokioinen, Helsinki, Parainen, Vantaa, Jyväskylä, Sotkamo and Utsjoki. The data is returned in &apos;simple feature&apos; format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0/fmi_wfs_simplefeature.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:BsWfsElement\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::radiation::timevaluepair\">\n    <Title>Sun Radiation Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Sun radiation observations from weather stations. By default the data is returned from last 1 hour and from stations in Sodankylä, Jokioinen, Helsinki, Parainen, Vantaa, Jyväskylä, Sotkamo and Utsjoki. The data is returned in &apos;timevaluepair&apos; format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timezone\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Time zone</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Time zone of the time instant of the data point in the form Area/Location (for example America/Costa_Rica). Default value is UTC.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:PointTimeSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::seaice::manual::timevaluepair\">\n    <Title>Manual Sea Ice Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Manually made sea ice observations from The Baltic Sea. By default, the data is returned from last 30 days.  At least one location parameter (geoid/place/fmisid/wmo/bbox/latlon) has to be given. The data is returned as a time value pair format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide data. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Kumpula,Kolari).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"wmo\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>WMO code of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      WMO code of the location for which to return data.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"latlon\" type=\"gml:pos\">\n      <Title>Location coordinates to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Location coordinates to return data  (lat,lon). For example 63.890,22.943\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timezone\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Time zone</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Time zone of the time instant of the data point in the form Area/Location (for example America/Costa_Rica). Default value is UTC.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:PointTimeSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::soil::hourly::multipointcoverage\">\n    <Title>Hourly Soil Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Hourly minimum, maximum and average soil values from weather stations. By default, the data is returned from last 12 hour.  At least one location parameter (geoid/place/fmisid/wmo/bbox) has to be given. The data is returned as multi point coverage format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide data. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Salkola,Somero).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"wmo\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>WMO code of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      WMO code of the location for which to return data.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timezone\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Time zone</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Time zone of the time instant of the data point in the form Area/Location (for example America/Costa_Rica). Default value is UTC.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::soil::hourly::simple\">\n    <Title>Hourly Soil Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Hourly minimum, maximum and average soil values from weather stations. By default, the data is returned from last 12 hour.  At least one location parameter (geoid/place/fmisid/wmo/bbox) has to be given. The data is returned as simple feature format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide data. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Salkola,Somero).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"wmo\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>WMO code of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      WMO code of the location for which to return data.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timezone\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Time zone</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Time zone of the time instant of the data point in the form Area/Location (for example America/Costa_Rica). Default value is UTC.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0/fmi_wfs_simplefeature.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:BsWfsElement\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::soil::hourly::timevaluepair\">\n    <Title>Hourly Soil Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Hourly minimum, maximum and average soil values from weather stations. By default, the data is returned from last 12 hour.  At least one location parameter (geoid/place/fmisid/wmo/bbox) has to be given. The data is returned as a time value pair format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide data. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Salkola,Somero).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"wmo\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>WMO code of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      WMO code of the location for which to return data.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timezone\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Time zone</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Time zone of the time instant of the data point in the form Area/Location (for example America/Costa_Rica). Default value is UTC.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:PointTimeSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::wave::multipointcoverage\">\n    <Title>Wave and Water temperature observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Wave and water temperature observations from buoys. Available parameters are significant wave height, wave direction, deviation of wave direction, modal period and water temperature. Some buoys return only temperature values. Time step is 30 minutes. The data is returned in multipointcoverage format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::wave::simple\">\n    <Title>Wave and Water temperature observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Wave and water temperature observations from buoys. Available parameters are significant wave height, wave direction, deviation of wave direction, modal period and water temperature. Some buoys return only temperature values. Time step is 30 minutes. The data is returned in simple feature format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0/fmi_wfs_simplefeature.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:BsWfsElement\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::wave::timevaluepair\">\n    <Title>Wave and Water temperature observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Wave and water temperature observations from buoys. Available parameters are significant wave height, wave direction, deviation of wave direction, modal period and water temperature. Some buoys return only temperature values. Time step is 30 minutes. The data is returned in time value pair format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timezone\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Time zone</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Time zone of the time instant of the data point in the form Area/Location (for example America/Costa_Rica). Default value is UTC.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:PointTimeSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::weather::cities::multipointcoverage\">\n    <Title>Weather observations for cities as multipointcoverage.</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Weather observations for cities in Finland as multipointcoverage.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter starttime specifies the begin of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter endtime specifies the end of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"gml:NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"xsi:unsignedInteger\">\n      <Title>The time step in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::weather::cities::simple\">\n    <Title>Weather observations for cities as simple feature.</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Weather observations for cities in Finland as simple feature.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter starttime specifies the begin of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter endtime specifies the end of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"gml:NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"xsi:unsignedInteger\">\n      <Title>The time step in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0/fmi_wfs_simplefeature.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:BsWfsElement\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::weather::cities::timevaluepair\">\n    <Title>Weather observations for cities as time value pairs.</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Weather observations for cities in Finland as time value pairs.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter starttime specifies the begin of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter endtime specifies the end of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"gml:NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"xsi:unsignedInteger\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timezone\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Time zone</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Time zone of the time instant of the data point in the form Area/Location (for example America/Costa_Rica). Default value is UTC.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:PointTimeSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::weather::daily::multipointcoverage\">\n    <Title>Daily Weather Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Daily weather observations from weather stations. Default set contains daily precipitation rate, mean temperature, snow depth, and minimum  and maximum temperature. By default, the data is returned from last 744 hours. At least one location parameter (geoid/place/fmisid/wmo/bbox) has to be given. The data is returned in multi point coverage format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide data. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Kumpula,Kolari).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"wmo\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>WMO code of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      WMO code of the location for which to return data.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::weather::daily::simple\">\n    <Title>Daily Weather Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Daily weather observations from weather stations. Default set contains daily precipitation rate, mean temperature, snow depth, and minimum  and maximum temperature. By default, the data is returned from last 744 hours. At least one location parameter (geoid/place/fmisid/wmo/bbox) has to be given. The data is returned in simple feature format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide data. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Kumpula,Kolari).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"wmo\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>WMO code of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      WMO code of the location for which to return data.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0/fmi_wfs_simplefeature.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:BsWfsElement\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::weather::daily::timevaluepair\">\n    <Title>Daily Weather Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Daily weather observations from weather stations. Default set contains daily precipitation rate, mean temperature, snow depth, minimum temperature and maximum temperature. By default, the data is returned from last 744 hours. At least one location parameter (geoid/place/fmisid/wmo/bbox) has to be given. The data is returned time value pair format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide data. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Kumpula,Kolari).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"wmo\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>WMO code of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      WMO code of the location for which to return data.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timezone\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Time zone</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Time zone of the time instant of the data point in the form Area/Location (for example America/Costa_Rica). Default value is UTC.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:PointTimeSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::weather::hourly::multipointcoverage\">\n    <Title>Hourly Weather Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Hourly weather observations from weather stations. Default set contains hourly air temperature average, maximum and minimum, air relative humidity average, wind speed average, minumum (10 minute average) and maximum (10 minute average), wind direction average, wind gust speed maximum (3 second average), rain accumulated, rain intensity maximum, air pressure average and the most significant weather code. By default, the data is returned from last 24 hours. At least one location parameter (geoid/place/fmisid/wmo/bbox) has to be given. The data is returned in multi point coverage format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide data. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Kumpula,Kolari).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"wmo\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>WMO code of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      WMO code of the location for which to return data.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::weather::hourly::simple\">\n    <Title>Hourly Weather Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Hourly weather observations from weather stations. Default set contains hourly air temperature average, maximum and minimum, air relative humidity average, wind speed average, minumum (10 minute average) and maximum (10 minute average), wind direction average, wind gust speed maximum (3 second average), rain accumulated, rain intensity maximum, air pressure average and the most significant weather code. By default, the data is returned from last 24 hours. At least one location parameter (geoid/place/fmisid/wmo/bbox) has to be given. The data is returned in simple format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide data. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Kumpula,Kolari).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"wmo\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>WMO code of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      WMO code of the location for which to return data.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timezone\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Time zone</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Time zone of the time instant of the data point in the form Area/Location (for example America/Costa_Rica). Default value is UTC.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0/fmi_wfs_simplefeature.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:BsWfsElement\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::weather::hourly::timevaluepair\">\n    <Title>Hourly Weather Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Hourly weather observations from weather stations. Default set contains hourly air temperature average, maximum and minimum, air relative humidity average, wind speed average, minumum (10 minute average) and maximum (10 minute average), wind direction average, wind gust speed maximum (3 second average), rain accumulated, rain intensity maximum, air pressure average and the most significant weather code. By default, the data is returned from last 24 hours. At least one location parameter (geoid/place/fmisid/wmo/bbox) has to be given. The data is returned in time value pair format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide data. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Kumpula,Kolari).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"wmo\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>WMO code of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      WMO code of the location for which to return data.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timezone\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Time zone</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Time zone of the time instant of the data point in the form Area/Location (for example America/Costa_Rica). Default value is UTC.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:PointTimeSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::weather::mast::multipointcoverage\">\n    <Title>Instantaneous profile observations from masts</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    This stored query return instantaneous profile observations from masts in multipointcoverage format. By default latest observation of the available meteo paramters are returned in 10 minute resolution. At least one location has to be given.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide data. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Espoo).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"wmo\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>WMO code of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      WMO code of the location for which to return data.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:ProfileObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::weather::monthly::30year::multipointcoverage\">\n    <Title>Monthly weather observations of 30-year normal period</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Monthly Weather Observations of 30-year normal period. By default, the data is returned from the normal period of 1981 - 2010. There is available the following normal periods: 1971 - 2000, 1981 - 2010. Notice that there is only data at the begin of the period. At least one location parameter (geoid/place/fmisid/wmo/bbox) has to be given. The data is returned in multi point coverage format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return. By default all parameters will be returned.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide forecast. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Hanko).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"wmo\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>WMO code of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      WMO code of the location for which to return data.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timezone\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Time zone</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Time zone of the time instant of the data point in the form Area/Location (for example America/Costa_Rica). Default value is UTC.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::weather::monthly::30year::simple\">\n    <Title>Monthly weather observations of 30-year normal period</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Monthly Weather Observations of 30-year normal period. By default, the data is returned from the normal period of 1981 - 2010. There is available the following normal periods: 1971 - 2000, 1981 - 2010. Notice that there is only data at the begin of the period. At least one location parameter (geoid/place/fmisid/wmo/bbox) has to be given. The data is returned in simple feature format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return. By default all parameters will be returned.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide forecast. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Hanko).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"wmo\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>WMO code of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      WMO code of the location for which to return data.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timezone\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Time zone</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Time zone of the time instant of the data point in the form Area/Location (for example America/Costa_Rica). Default value is UTC.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0/fmi_wfs_simplefeature.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:BsWfsElement\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::weather::monthly::30year::timevaluepair\">\n    <Title>Monthly weather observations of 30-year normal period</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Monthly Weather Observations of 30-year normal period. By default, the data is returned from the normal period of 1981 - 2010. There is available the following normal periods: 1971 - 2000, 1981 - 2010. Notice that there is only data at the begin of the period. At least one location parameter (geoid/place/fmisid/wmo/bbox) has to be given. The data is returned in time value pair format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return. By default all parameters will be returned.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide forecast. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Hanko).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"wmo\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>WMO code of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      WMO code of the location for which to return data.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timezone\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Time zone</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Time zone of the time instant of the data point in the form Area/Location (for example America/Costa_Rica). Default value is UTC.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:PointTimeSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::weather::monthly::grid\">\n    <Title>Monthly Weather Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Monthly precipitation rate and mean temperature interpolated into a grid. The data is returned in GRIB format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::weather::monthly::multipointcoverage\">\n    <Title>Monthly Weather Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Monthly weather observations from weather stations. Default set contains monthly precipitation rate, mean temperature. By default, the data is returned from last 12 months. At least one location parameter (geoid/place/fmisid/wmo/bbox) has to be given. The data is returned in multi point coverage format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide data. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Kumpula,Kolari).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"wmo\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>WMO code of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      WMO code of the location for which to return data.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::weather::monthly::simple\">\n    <Title>Monthly Weather Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Monthly weather observations from weather stations. Default set contains monthly precipitation rate, mean temperature. By default, the data is returned from last 12 months. At least one location parameter (geoid/place/fmisid/wmo/bbox) has to be given. The data is returned in simple feature format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide data. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Kumpula,Kolari).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"wmo\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>WMO code of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      WMO code of the location for which to return data.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0/fmi_wfs_simplefeature.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:BsWfsElement\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::weather::monthly::timevaluepair\">\n    <Title>Monthly Weather Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Monthly weather observations from weather stations. Default set contains monthly precipitation rate, mean temperature. By default, the data is returned from last 12 months. At least one location parameter (geoid/place/fmisid/wmo/bbox) has to be given. The data is returned in time value pair format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide data. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Kumpula,Kolari).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"wmo\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>WMO code of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      WMO code of the location for which to return data.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timezone\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Time zone</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Time zone of the time instant of the data point in the form Area/Location (for example America/Costa_Rica). Default value is UTC.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:PointTimeSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::weather::multipointcoverage\">\n    <Title>Instantaneous Weather Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Real time weather observations from weather stations. Default set contains wind speed, direction, gust, temperature, relative humidity, dew point, pressure reduced to sea level, one hour precipitation amount, visibility and cloud cover. By default, the data is returned from last 12 hour. At least one location parameter (geoid/place/fmisid/wmo/bbox) has to be given. The data is returned as a multi point coverage format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide data. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Kumpula,Kolari).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"wmo\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>WMO code of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      WMO code of the location for which to return data.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::weather::simple\">\n    <Title>Instantaneous Weather Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Real time weather observations from weather stations. Default set contains wind speed, direction, gust, temperature, relative humidity, dew point, pressure reduced to sea level, one hour precipitation amount, visibility and cloud cover. By default, the data is returned from last 12 hour. At least one location parameter (geoid/place/fmisid/wmo/bbox) has to be given. The data is returned as a simple feature format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide data. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Kumpula,Kolari).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"wmo\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>WMO code of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      WMO code of the location for which to return data.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0/fmi_wfs_simplefeature.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:BsWfsElement\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::weather::sounding::multipointcoverage\">\n    <Title>Sounding observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    This stored query returns atmospheric sounding observations in multipointcoverage format. By default sounding observations are returned from the observation stations of Finland the last 12 hours.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2017-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2017-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 23,60,24,61\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide data. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Jokioinen).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"wmo\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>WMO code of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      WMO code of the location for which to return data.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"latest\" type=\"boolean\">\n      <Title>Return only latest soundings</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      If only latest soundings is wanted to return for each station use value &apos;true&apos; otherwise &apos;false&apos;.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"altituderange\" type=\"gml:pos\">\n      <Title>Altitude range</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Altitude range to return data  (minAltitude,maxAltitude) in meters. For example 5000.0,10000.0.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"pressurerange\" type=\"gml:pos\">\n      <Title>Pressure range</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Pressure range to return data  (minPressure,maxPressure) in units of hPa. For example 800.0,850.0\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::7904\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/2.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/2.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/2.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:TrajectoryObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::weather::timevaluepair\">\n    <Title>Instantaneous Weather Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Real time weather observations from weather stations. Default set contains air temperatire, wind speed, gust speed, wind direction, relative humidity, dew point, one hour precipitation amount, precipitation intensity, snow depth, pressure reduced to sea level and visibility. By default, the data is returned from last 12 hour.  At least one location parameter (geoid/place/fmisid/wmo/bbox) has to be given. The data is returned as a time value pair format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide data. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Kumpula,Kolari).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"wmo\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>WMO code of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      WMO code of the location for which to return data.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timezone\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Time zone</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Time zone of the time instant of the data point in the form Area/Location (for example America/Costa_Rica). Default value is UTC.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:PointTimeSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::weather::yearly::30year::multipointcoverage\">\n    <Title>Yearly weather observations of 30-year normal period</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Yearly Weather Observations of 30-year normal period. By default, the data is returned from the normal period of 1981 - 2010. There is available the following normal periods: 1971 - 2000, 1981 - 2010. Notice that there is only data at the begin of the period. At least one location parameter (geoid/place/fmisid/wmo/bbox) has to be given. The data is returned in multi point coverage format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return. By default all parameters will be returned.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide forecast. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Hanko).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"wmo\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>WMO code of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      WMO code of the location for which to return data.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timezone\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Time zone</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Time zone of the time instant of the data point in the form Area/Location (for example America/Costa_Rica). Default value is UTC.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::weather::yearly::30year::simple\">\n    <Title>Yearly weather observations of 30-year normal period</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Yearly Weather Observations of 30-year normal period. By default, the data is returned from the normal period of 1981 - 2010. There is available the following normal periods: 1971 - 2000, 1981 - 2010. Notice that there is only data at the begin of the period. At least one location parameter (geoid/place/fmisid/wmo/bbox) has to be given. The data is returned in simple feature format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return. By default all parameters will be returned.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide forecast. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Hanko).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"wmo\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>WMO code of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      WMO code of the location for which to return data.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timezone\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Time zone</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Time zone of the time instant of the data point in the form Area/Location (for example America/Costa_Rica). Default value is UTC.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0/fmi_wfs_simplefeature.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:BsWfsElement\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::observations::weather::yearly::30year::timevaluepair\">\n    <Title>Yearly weather observations of 30-year normal period</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Yearly Weather Observations of 30-year normal period. By default, the data is returned from the normal period of 1981 - 2010. There is available the following normal periods: 1971 - 2000, 1981 - 2010. Notice that there is only data at the begin of the period. At least one location parameter (geoid/place/fmisid/wmo/bbox) has to be given. The data is returned in time value pair format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return. By default all parameters will be returned.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide forecast. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Hanko).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"wmo\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>WMO code of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      WMO code of the location for which to return data.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timezone\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Time zone</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Time zone of the time instant of the data point in the form Area/Location (for example America/Costa_Rica). Default value is UTC.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:PointTimeSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::radar\">\n    <Title>Radar</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    All available radar images during last hour.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat,srs). For example 21,61,22,62,epsg::4326\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::radar::composite::dbz\">\n    <Title>Radar Reflectivity Composite</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Radar reflectivity (dbz) as composite covering Finland.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat,srs). For example 21,61,22,62,epsg::4326\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::radar::composite::rr\">\n    <Title>Precipitation Rate Composite</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Precipitation rate (rr) as composite covering Finland.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat,srs). For example 21,61,22,62,epsg::4326\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::radar::composite::rr12h\">\n    <Title>Precipitation Amount 12h Composite</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Precipitation amount of twelve hours (rr12h) as composite covering Finland.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat,srs). For example 21,61,22,62,epsg::4326\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::radar::composite::rr1h\">\n    <Title>Precipitation Amount 1h Composite</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Precipitation amount of one hour (rr1h) as composite covering Finland.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat,srs). For example 21,61,22,62,epsg::4326\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::radar::composite::rr24h\">\n    <Title>Precipitation Amount 24h Composite</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Precipitation amount of 24 hours (rr24h) as composite covering Finland.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat,srs). For example 21,61,22,62,epsg::4326\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::radar::single::dbz\">\n    <Title>Radar Reflectivity Single</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Radar reflectivity (dbz) from single radars.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat,srs). For example 21,61,22,62,epsg::4326\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"elevation\" type=\"string\">\n      <Title>Elevation</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Elevation\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::radar::single::etop_20\">\n    <Title>Echo Top Single</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Echo top 20 (etop_20) from single radars.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat,srs). For example 21,61,22,62,epsg::4326\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::radar::single::hclass\">\n    <Title>Hydro Class Single</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Hydro class (hclass) from single radars.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat,srs). For example 21,61,22,62,epsg::4326\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::radar::single::vrad\">\n    <Title>Doppler Speed Single</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Doppler speed (vrad) from single radars.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat,srs). For example 21,61,22,62,epsg::4326\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"fmi::transportmodel::hilatar::surface::scandinavia::grid\">\n    <Title>Surface level Hilatar model deposition data</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    This Stored Query retrieve simulated surface level deposition of nitrogen and sulphur compounds in Scandinavia in units mg per m2 (S or N) in the selected time period. Data is available in NetCDF file format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter starttime specifies the begin of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter endtime specifies the end of time interval in ISO 8601 format (for example 2012-02-28T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"gml:NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data. For example: 19.1,59.7,31.7,70.1 (minLon,minLat,maxLon,maxLat) \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"livi::observations::road::default::multipointcoverage\">\n    <Title>Instantaneous Road Weather Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Real time road weather observations from road weather stations. By default, basic weather data is returned from last 20 minutes. At least one location parameter (geoid/place/fmisid/bbox) has to be given. The data is returned as a multi point coverage format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"xsi:int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"gml:NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide forecast. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Helsinki).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"xsi:int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"xsi:int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location (place/fmisid/geoid). By default, one location is returned.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"xsi:int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"livi::observations::road::default::simple\">\n    <Title>Instantaneous Road Weather Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Real time road weather observations from road weather stations. By default, basic weather data is returned from last 20 minutes. At least one location parameter (geoid/place/fmisid/bbox) has to be given. The data is returned as a simple feature format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"xsi:int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"gml:NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide forecast. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Helsinki).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"xsi:int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"xsi:int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location (place/fmisid/geoid). By default, one location is returned.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"xsi:int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0/fmi_wfs_simplefeature.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:BsWfsElement\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"livi::observations::road::default::timevaluepair\">\n    <Title>Instantaneous Road Weather Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Real time road weather observations from road weather stations. By default, essential parameters are returned from last 20 minutes. At least one location parameter (geoid/place/fmisid/bbox) has to be given. The data is returned as a time value pair format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"xsi:int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"gml:NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide forecast. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Rovaniemi).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"xsi:int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"xsi:int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location (place/fmisid/geoid). By default, one location is returned.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"xsi:int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timezone\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Time zone</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Time zone of the time instant of the data point in the form Area/Location (for example America/Costa_Rica). Default value is UTC.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:PointTimeSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"livi::observations::road::finland::multipointcoverage\">\n    <Title>Instantaneous Road Weather Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Real time road weather observations from road weather stations in Finland. By default, essential parameters are returned from last 20 minutes. The data is returned as a multi point coverage format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"xsi:int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"gml:NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return. By default, essential parameters are selected.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"livi::observations::road::finland::simple\">\n    <Title>Instantaneous Road Weather Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Real time road weather observations from road weather stations in Finland. By default, essential parameters are returned from last 20 minutes. The data is returned as a simple feature format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"xsi:int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"gml:NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return. By default, essential parameters are selected.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0/fmi_wfs_simplefeature.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:BsWfsElement\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"livi::observations::road::finland::timevaluepair\">\n    <Title>Instantaneous Road Weather Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Real time road weather observations from road weather stations in Finland. By default, essential parameters are returned from last 20 minutes. The data is returned as a time value pair format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"xsi:int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"gml:NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return. By default, essential parameters are selected.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timezone\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Time zone</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Time zone of the time instant of the data point in the form Area/Location (for example America/Costa_Rica). Default value is UTC.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:PointTimeSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"livi::observations::road::multipointcoverage\">\n    <Title>Instantaneous Road Weather Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Real time road weather observations from road weather stations. By default, the data is returned from last 12 hours. At least one location parameter (geoid/place/fmisid/bbox) has to be given. The data is returned as a multi point coverage format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"xsi:int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"gml:NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return. By default all available parameters are selected.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide forecast. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Utti).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"xsi:int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"xsi:int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location (place/fmisid/geoid). By default, one location is returned.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"xsi:int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"livi::observations::road::simple\">\n    <Title>Instantaneous Road Weather Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Real time road weather observations from road weather stations. By default, the data is returned from last 12 hours. At least one location parameter (geoid/place/fmisid/bbox) has to be given. The data is returned as a simple feature format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"xsi:int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"gml:NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return. By default all available parameters are selected.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide forecast. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Utti).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"xsi:int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"xsi:int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location (place/fmisid/geoid). By default, one location is returned.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"xsi:int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0/fmi_wfs_simplefeature.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:BsWfsElement\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"livi::observations::road::timevaluepair\">\n    <Title>Instantaneous Road Weather Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Real time road weather observations from road weather stations. By default, the data is returned from last 12 hours. At least one location parameter (geoid/place/fmisid/bbox) has to be given. The data is returned as a time value pair format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"xsi:dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"xsi:int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"gml:NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of meteorological parameters to return. By default all available parameters are selected.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide forecast. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Kokkola).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"xsi:int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"xsi:int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location (place/fmisid/geoid). By default, one location is returned.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"xsi:int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timezone\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Time zone</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Time zone of the time instant of the data point in the form Area/Location (for example America/Costa_Rica). Default value is UTC.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:PointTimeSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"stuk::observations::air::radionuclide-activity-concentration::latest::multipointcoverage\">\n    <Title>Radioactivity in outdoor air</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    This stored query returns only the latest results of the measurement of the radioactivity samples collected by special equipment. At monitoring station samples are created by pumping high volumes of air through glass fibre filter. In Finland there are 8 monitoring stations. By default all the monitoring stations are selected and the latest results of measurements are search from the last 720 hours. The default values can be overwritten by using the time and location related input parameters.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2015-04-20T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2015-04-21T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 27,64,28,65\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide data. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Savilahti,Kuopio).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:PointObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"stuk::observations::air::radionuclide-activity-concentration::latest::simple\">\n    <Title>Radioactivity in outdoor air</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    This stored query return only the latest results of measurement of radioactivity samples collected by special equipment that filtering outdoor air in the monitoring stations in Finland. By default all the monitoring stations are selected and the latest results of measurements are search from the last 720 hours. The default values can be overwritten by using the time and location related input parameters. Notice that a result member contains the coordinates of a monitoring station, the endtime of sample collection period, a nuclide code and measured activity concentration.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2015-04-20T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2015-04-21T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"nuclides\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Radionuclides to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of radionuclides to return from the latest analyses (for example Cs-137,Pb-210)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 27,64,28,65\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide data. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Savilahti,Kuopio).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0/fmi_wfs_simplefeature.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:BsWfsElement\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"stuk::observations::air::radionuclide-activity-concentration::multipointcoverage\">\n    <Title>Radioactivity in outdoor air</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    This stored query returns the results of the measurement of the radioactivity samples collected by special equipment. At monitoring station samples are created by pumping high volumes of air through glass fibre filter. In Finland there are 8 monitoring stations. By default all the monitoring stations are selected and the results of measurements are search from the last 720 hours. The default values can be overwritten by using the time and location related input parameters.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2015-04-20T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2015-04-21T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 27,64,28,65\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide data. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Savilahti,Kuopio).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:PointObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"stuk::observations::external-radiation::latest::multipointcoverage\">\n    <Title>Latest dose rate of external radiation in Finland</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    This stored query return the latest results of the external dose rate measured by the automatic dose rate monitoring stations in Finland. The automatic dose rate monitoring network have about 255 monitoring stations distributed evenly around the Finland.  The monitoring network is maintained by Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK). By default, the latest data is searched from the last 24 hours. The data is returned as a multipointcoverage format. The default values can be overwritten by using the time and location related input parameters.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide data. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Kumpula,Kolari).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"stuk::observations::external-radiation::latest::simple\">\n    <Title>Latest dose rate of external radiation in Finland</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    This stored query return the latest dose rate of external radiation in Finland. The dose rate of external radiation is measured by an automatic external-dose rate-monitoring network maintained by Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) and local rescue services. The network comprises about 255 stations. By default, the latest data is searched from the last 24 hours. The data is returned as a simple format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide data. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Kumpula,Kolari).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0/fmi_wfs_simplefeature.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:BsWfsElement\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"stuk::observations::external-radiation::multipointcoverage\">\n    <Title>Dose rate of external radiation in Finland</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    This stored query return the results of the external dose rate measured by the automatic dose rate monitoring stations in Finland. The automatic dose rate monitoring network have about 255 monitoring stations distributed evenly around the Finland.  The monitoring network is maintained by Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK). By default, the data is returned from the last 2 hours. The data is returned as a multipointcoverage format. The default values can be overwritten by using the time and location related input parameters.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2012-02-27T00:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 21,61,22,62\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide data. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Kumpula,Kolari).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"urban::observations::airquality::hourly::multipointcoverage\">\n    <Title>Hourly Air Quality Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Hourly air quality observations from Finnish municipalities. By default, all the station are selected and the data is returned from the last 24 hours. The data is returned as multi point coverage format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2015-03-13T10:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2015-03-13T12:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 24,60,25,61\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide data. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Kumpula,Helsinki).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around the location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:GridSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"urban::observations::airquality::hourly::simple\">\n    <Title>Hourly Air Quality Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Hourly air quality observations from Finnish municipalities. By default, all the station are selected and the data is returned from the last 24 hours. The data is returned as a simple feature format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2015-03-13T10:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2015-03-13T12:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 24,60,25,61\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide data. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Kumpula,Helsinki).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around a location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timezone\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Time zone</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Time zone of the time instant of the data point in the form Area/Location (for example America/Costa_Rica). Default value is UTC.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0/fmi_wfs_simplefeature.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:BsWfsElement\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"urban::observations::airquality::hourly::timevaluepair\">\n    <Title>Hourly Air Quality Observations</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    Hourly air quality observations from Finnish municipalities. By default, all the station are selected and the data is returned from the last 24 hours. The data is returned as timevaluepair format.\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"starttime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>Begin of the time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Parameter begin specifies the begin of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2015-03-13T10:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"endtime\" type=\"dateTime\">\n      <Title>End of time interval</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      End of time interval in ISO-format (for example 2015-03-13T12:00:00Z).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timestep\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>The time step of data in minutes</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The time step of data in minutes. Notice that timestep is calculated from start of the ongoing hour or day. \n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"parameters\" type=\"NameList\">\n      <Title>Parameters to return</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Comma separated list of parameters to return.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"crs\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Coordinate projection to use in results</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Coordinate projection to use in results. For example EPSG::3067\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"bbox\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Bounding box of area for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Bounding box of area for which to return data (lon,lat,lon,lat). For example 24,60,25,61\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"place\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>The location for which to provide data</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      The location for which to provide data. Region can be given after location name separated by comma (for example Kumpula,Helsinki).\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"fmisid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>FMI observation station identifier.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Identifier of the observation station.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"maxlocations\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Amount of locations</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      How many observation stations are fetched around queried locations. Note that stations are only searched with 50 kilometers radius around a location.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"geoid\" type=\"int\">\n      <Title>Geoid of the location for which to return data.</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Geoid of the location for which to return data. (ID from geonames.org)\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"timezone\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Time zone</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      Time zone of the time instant of the data point in the form Area/Location (for example America/Costa_Rica). Default value is UTC.\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:PointTimeSeriesObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n  <StoredQueryDescription id=\"urn:ogc:def:query:OGC-WFS::GetFeatureById\">\n    <Title>GetFeatureById</Title>\n    <Abstract>\n    The GetFeatureById stored query is mandatory by WFS 2.0 spec.\n    In the FMI case it&apos;s mostly useless however, because most of the\n    features only have temporary IDs that are generated on-the-fly\n    during the response generation, and thus cannot be used as permanent\n    identifiers for those features\n    </Abstract>\n    \n    <Parameter name=\"id\" type=\"xsi:string\">\n      <Title>Stored Query ID</Title>\n      <Abstract>\n      [Mandatory] Specifies ID of stored query to invoke\n      </Abstract>\n    </Parameter>\n    \n    <QueryExpressionText xmlns:wfs_001=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0\"\n                          xmlns:wfs_002=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/namespace/aviation-weather/2014/02/15\"\n                          xmlns:wfs_003=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/ef/4.0\"\n                          xmlns:wfs_004=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0\"\n                          xmlns:wfs_005=\"http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/2.0\"\n                         xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/wfs/2.0/fmi_wfs_simplefeature.xsd\n                         http://xml.fmi.fi/namespace/aviation-weather/2014/02/15 http://xml.fmi.fi/schema/aviation-weather/2014/02/15/fmiavi.xsd\n                         http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/ef/4.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/ef/4.0/EnvironmentalMonitoringFacilities.xsd\n                         http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/3.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\n                         http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/2.0 http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/omso/2.0/SpecialisedObservations.xsd\"\n                         returnFeatureTypes=\"wfs_001:BsWfsElement wfs_002:VerifiableMessage wfs_003:EnvironmentalMonitoringFacility wfs_003:EnvironmentalMonitoringNetwork wfs_004:GridSeriesObservation wfs_004:PointObservation wfs_004:PointTimeSeriesObservation wfs_004:ProfileObservation wfs_005:TrajectoryObservation\"\n                         language=\"urn:ogc:def:queryLanguage:OGC-WFS::WFS_QueryExpression\"\n                         isPrivate=\"true\"/>\n  </StoredQueryDescription>\n\n</DescribeStoredQueriesResponse>\n"), 
    date = structure(1567846577, class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"
    ), tzone = "GMT"), times = c(redirect = 0, namelookup = 4.1e-05, 
    connect = 4.4e-05, pretransfer = 0.000117, starttransfer = 0.068509, 
    total = 0.07973)), class = "response")
rOpenGov/fmi2 documentation built on May 5, 2024, 11:16 a.m.