
#rm( list = ls() ) 
## Create gene trees with relaxed clock.
## Step 2.
#library( ape )
#set.seed( 12345 )
## Number of gene trees
#L <- 50
## Number of replicates
#R <- 100
## s2 for the lognormal distribution of rates
#s2 <- c( 0.01, 0.25 )
## Where to save gene trees
#GTr.S1 <- as.list( numeric( R ) )
#GTr.S2 <- as.list( numeric( R ) )

#for( rep in 1:R ){
#  ###################
#  #                 #
#  #     STEP  1     #
#  #                 #
#  ###################
#  # Create L identical gene trees to the species tree
#  gtree.s1 <- list()    # gene trees with  low rate variation among branches
#  gtree.s2 <- list()    # gene trees with high rate variation among branches
#  for( i in 1 : L ){
#    gtree.s1[[ i ]] <- read.tree( "speciesPhylogram.tre" )
#    gtree.s2[[ i ]] <- read.tree( "speciesPhylogram.tre" )
#  }
#  ###################
#  #                 #
#  #     STEP  2     #
#  #                 #
#  ###################
#  # Number of branches
#  nb <- length( gtree.s1[[ 1 ]]$edge.length )
#  # Mean substitution rate over all loci and branches (in 100My)
#  m0 <- 0.5
#  # Mean substitution rate of each gene over branches
#  mg.s1 <- rgamma( L, 10, 10 / m0 )
#  mg.s2 <- rgamma( L, 10, 10 / m0 )
#  # Simulate substitution rates in branches for all genes
#  # assuming the independent rates model
#  W.s1 <- W.s2 <- matrix( numeric( L * nb ), L, nb )
#  for( i in 1:L ){
#    W.s1[ i , ] <- rnorm( nb, log( mg.s1[ i ] ) - s2[1] / 2, sqrt( s2[1] ) )
#    W.s2[ i , ] <- rnorm( nb, log( mg.s2[ i ] ) - s2[2] / 2, sqrt( s2[2] ) )
#  }
#  expW.s1 <- exp( W.s1 ); expW.s2 <- exp( W.s2 )
#  # Multiply branch time duration with the branch rates
#  for( i in 1:L ){
#    gtree.s1[[ i ]]$edge.length <- gtree.s1[[ i ]]$edge.length * expW.s1[ i, ]
#    gtree.s2[[ i ]]$edge.length <- gtree.s2[[ i ]]$edge.length * expW.s2[ i, ]
#  }
#  ###################
#  #                 #
#  #     STEP  3     #
#  #                 #
#  ###################
#  # Multiply branch lengths with 3 to turn distances in 
#  # subst/codon for use in codon models
#  for( i in 1:L ){
#    gtree.s1[[ i ]]$edge.length <- gtree.s1[[ i ]]$edge.length * 3
#    gtree.s2[[ i ]]$edge.length <- gtree.s2[[ i ]]$edge.length * 3
#  }
#  # Save trees
#  GTr.S1[[ rep ]] <- gtree.s1
#  GTr.S2[[ rep ]] <- gtree.s2
#  # Export trees
#  if( rep == 1 ){ dir.create( "geneTrees_S1" ); dir.create( "geneTrees_S2" ) }
#  lapply( gtree.s1, write.tree, paste( "geneTrees_S1//geneTrees_S1_rep", rep, ".tree", sep="" ), append = TRUE )
#  lapply( gtree.s2, write.tree, paste( "geneTrees_S2//geneTrees_S2_rep", rep, ".tree", sep="" ), append = TRUE )
radamsRHA/Misc.Statistics.Genetics.Models documentation built on May 5, 2019, 6:56 p.m.