Man pages for radamsRHA/ThetaMater
ThetaMater: Bayesian estimation of the population size parameter theta from genomic data

Coal.Theta.SimCoal.Theta.Sim: function to simulate a vector (k.vec) of...
Coal.Theta.Sim.FileCoal.Theta.Sim.File: function to simulate a vector (k.vec) of...
Coal.Theta.Sim.File.GCoal.Theta.Sim.File.G: function to simulate a vector (k.vec)...
Compute.RateAVG.RCompute.RateAVG: function to compute the average rate...
FilterData.PPSFilterData.PPS: function to filter data using a threshold...
Read.AllelesFileRead.AllelesFile: Function to read PyRAD *.alleles files and...
Read.DiploidFastaRead.DiploidFasta: Function to read diploid genome sequence...
Read.FastaDirRead.FastaDir: Function to read a set of locus-specific fasta...
Read.InterleavedFastaRead.InterleavedFasta: Function to read interleaved fasta...
Read.NexusDirRead.NexusDir: Function to read a set of locus-specific nexus...
ThetaMater.M0ThetaMater.M0: (Bayesian Model 1) Simple MCMC algorithm to...
ThetaMater.M1ThetaMater.M1: (Bayesian Model 2) MCMC function that uses the...
ThetaMater.M2ThetaMater.M2: (Bayesian Model 2) MCMC function that uses the...
ThetaMater.M3ThetaMater.M3: (Bayesian Model 2) MCMC function that uses the...
ThetaMater.PPSThetaMater.PPS: function to simulate posterior predictive...
radamsRHA/ThetaMater documentation built on April 25, 2024, 10:11 a.m.