
Defines functions bookdown_site render_book_script find_book_dir find_book_name

Documented in bookdown_site

#' R Markdown site generator for bookdown
#' Implementation of custom R Markdown site generator for bookdown.
#' @inheritParams rmarkdown::render_site
#' @export
bookdown_site = function(input, ...) {

  on.exit(opts$restore(), add = TRUE)

  # need to switch to the input directory for computing the config
  oldwd = setwd(input)
  on.exit(setwd(oldwd), add = TRUE)

  # load the config for the input directory
  config = load_config()

  # get the name from the config (default to the directory name
  # if there is no name in the config)
  name = find_book_name(config, basename(normalizePath(input)))

  # get the book dir from the config
  book_dir = find_book_dir(config)

  # Custom render function. bookdown rendering is more complex than
  # for most formats and as a result uses a custom R script (_render.R)
  # or Makefile to define what's required to render the book.
  render = function(input_file, output_format, envir, quiet, encoding, ...) {
    # input_file indicates that caller (likely the IDE) would like to
    # build a single file of the website only
    if (is.null(input_file)) {
      in_dir(input, render_book_script(output_format, envir, quiet))
    } else {
      render_book(input_file, output_format, envir = envir, preview = TRUE)

  clean = function() {
    suppressMessages(clean_book(clean = FALSE))

  # return site generator
    name = name,
    output_dir = book_dir,
    render = render,
    clean = clean

# render the book via _render.R or Makefile, or fallback to render_book()
render_book_script = function(output_format = NULL, envir = globalenv(), quiet = TRUE) {
  result = 0
  if (length(script <- existing_r('_render', TRUE))) {
    result = Rscript(c(if (quiet) '--quiet', script, shQuote(output_format)))
  } else if (file.exists('Makefile')) {
    result = system2('make')
  } else {
    render_book('index.Rmd', output_format = output_format, envir = envir)
  if (result != 0) stop('Error ', result, ' attempting to render book')

find_book_dir = function(config) {
  d = output_dirname(NULL, config, create = FALSE)
  if (is.null(d)) '.' else d

find_book_name = function(config, default) {
  name = with_ext(book_filename(config, fallback = FALSE), '')
  if (is.null(name)) default else name
rameshbalan/write_book documentation built on Nov. 10, 2019, 12:10 a.m.