
Defines functions build_example_param_file

Documented in build_example_param_file

#' @title Build an example JSON parameter file
#' @description Function used to write JSON parameter file.
#'  A function is provided instead than a json file to ensure
#'  directories to match the user folder tree.
#' @param json_path Path of the output file. Default is to save it on a
#'  temporary file, whose path is returned.
#' @param overwrite Logical value: should existing output file be
#'  overwritten? (default: TRUE)
#' @return The path of the created file.
#' @author Luigi Ranghetti, phD (2019)
#' @references L. Ranghetti, M. Boschetti, F. Nutini, L. Busetto (2020).
#'  "sen2r": An R toolbox for automatically downloading and preprocessing 
#'  Sentinel-2 satellite data. _Computers & Geosciences_, 139, 104473. 
#'  \doi{10.1016/j.cageo.2020.104473}, URL: \url{https://sen2r.ranghetti.info/}.
#' @note License: GPL 3.0
#' @importFrom jsonlite toJSON
#' @export
#' @examples
#' build_example_param_file()

build_example_param_file <- function(
  json_path = tempfile(fileext = "_sen2r_params.json"),
  overwrite = TRUE
) {
  # Check json_path
  if (json_path == "") {json_path <- NULL}
  if (!attr(path_check(dirname(json_path)), "isvalid")) {
      type = "error",
      "Path '",dirname(json_path),"' is missing or not writable."
  # Delete existing file
  if (file.exists(json_path)) {
    if (overwrite == TRUE) {
    } else {
        type = "error",
        "File '",json_path,"' already exists."
        "preprocess" = TRUE,
        "s2_levels" = c("l1c", "l2a"),
        "sel_sensor" = c("s2a", "s2b"),
        "online" = TRUE,
        "server" = "gcloud",
        "order_lta" = TRUE,
        "downloader" = "builtin",
        "overwrite_safe" = FALSE,
        "rm_safe" = "no",
        "max_cloud_safe" =100,
        "step_atmcorr" = "l2a",
        "sen2cor_use_dem" = NA,
        "sen2cor_gipp" = NA,
        "timewindow" = c("2020-08-01", "2020-08-01"),
        "timeperiod" = "full",
        "extent" = system.file("extdata/vector/barbellino.geojson", package = "sen2r"),
        "s2tiles_selected" = NA,
        "s2orbits_selected" = NA,
        "list_prods" = c("BOA", "SCL"),
        "list_indices" = c("MSAVI2", "NDVI"),
        "list_rgb" = c("RGB432B", "RGB843B"),
        "rgb_ranges" = list(
          c(0, 2500),
          matrix(c(0, 0, 0, 7500, 2500, 2500), ncol = 2)
        "index_source" = "BOA",
        "mask_type" = NA,
        "max_mask" = 100,
        "mask_smooth" = 0,
        "mask_buffer" = 0,
        "clip_on_extent" = TRUE,
        "extent_as_mask" = FALSE,
        "extent_name" = "sen2r",
        "reference_path" = NA,
        "res" = NA,
        "res_s2" ="10m",
        "unit" = "Meter",
        "proj"= NA,
        "resampling" = "near",
        "resampling_scl" = "near",
        "outformat" = "GTiff",
        "rgb_outformat" = "GTiff",
        "index_datatype" = "Int16",
        "compression" = "DEFLATE",
        "rgb_compression" = "DEFLATE",
        "overwrite" = FALSE,
        "path_l1c" = file.path(dirname(attr(load_binpaths(), "path")), "safe"),
        "path_l2a" = file.path(dirname(attr(load_binpaths(), "path")), "safe"),
        "path_tiles"= NA,
        "path_merged"= NA,
        "path_out" = tempfile(pattern = "sen2r_out_"),
        "path_rgb" = "",
        "path_indices" = "",
        "path_subdirs"= TRUE,
        "thumbnails" = TRUE,
        "log"= NA,
        "parallel" = FALSE,
        "processing_order" = "by_groups",
        "pkg_version" = as.character(packageVersion("sen2r"))
      pretty = TRUE
ranghetti/fidolasen documentation built on March 27, 2024, 9:37 p.m.