#' @title Boundaries of the sample crops used in the vignette
#' "The sen2rts workflow"
#' @description Dataset containing boundaries of some field crops of
#' the farm [_Bonifiche Ferraresi_](https://bonificheferraresi.it/it/home)
#' located in the estate of Jolanda di Savoia (FE, Italy),
#' which are used in the vignette
#' ["The sen2rts workflow"](../articles/workflow.html).
#' @docType data
#' @usage data(samplecrops)
#' @rdname samplecrops
#' @format A polygon `sf` dataset in UTM 32N CRS
#' with 12 rows (sample crops) and the variables `fid` with crop IDs
#' ("01" to "12").
#' @examples
#' data(samplecrops)
#' samplecrops
#' plot(samplecrops)
#' @title Sample areas used in documentation examples
#' @description Dataset containing two small ROI (Regions Of Interests) within
#' field crops "03" and "04" of the dataset [`samplecrops`].
#' The are used in the documentation examples of [`extract_s2ts()`].
#' @docType data
#' @usage data(sampleroi)
#' @rdname sampleroi
#' @format A polygon `sf` dataset in UTM 32N CRS
#' with 2 rows (ROI) and the variables `id` with ROI IDs ("01" and "02").
#' @examples
#' data(sampleroi)
#' sampleroi
#' plot(sampleroi)
#' @title Paths of the rasters used in documentation examples
#' @description The sample dataset contains Sentinel-2 derived images
#' (NDVI index and SCL) used in the documentation examples of [`extract_s2ts()`].
#' This archive is not provided as a raster stack using standard `data()` way
#' because [`extract_s2ts()`] accepts paths as input.
#' @param prod `"NDVI"` or `"SCL"`.
#' @format Each sample archive include 60 images acquired between 2020-01-01 and
#' 2020-09-30 covering the [`sampleroi`] extent, provided in the
#' [sen2r output format](https://sen2r.ranghetti.info/articles/outstructure.html).
#' NDVI images are saved in integer format (values are scaled using a 10^4
#' factor).
#' Data size is very small (13x4 pixels per each image) in order not to be heavy
#' in terms of data size and to ensure examples to be rapidly runnable.
#' The vignette ["The sen2rts workflow"](../articles/workflow.html) makes use
#' of a larger dataset in order to show a more plausible use case.
#' @return `sample_paths()` returns the paths of the sample archive
#' (NDVI or SCL, depending on argument `prod`).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sen2r_ndvi_paths <- sample_paths("NDVI")
#' head(sen2r_ndvi_paths)
#' sen2r_scl_paths <- sample_paths("SCL")
#' head(sen2r_scl_paths)
sample_paths <- function(prod = "NDVI") {
archive_dir <- system.file("extdata/sen2r/sampleroi", package = "sen2rts")
if (!prod %in% c("NDVI", "SCL")) {
type = "error",
"Argument 'prod' can only be equal to \"NDVI\" or \"SCL\"."
load_s2paths(archive_dir, prod_type = prod, file_ext = "tif")
#' @title Sample raw time series
#' @description Sample time series extracted from the example image archive
#' provided with the package (see [`sample_paths()`])
#' over the extension of [`sampleroi`] polygons.
#' It was created following the example provided in the [`extract_s2ts()`]
#' documentation.
#' It is used in the documentation of function [`smooth_s2ts()`].
#' @docType data
#' @usage data(ts_raw)
#' @rdname ts_raw
#' @format A [`s2ts`] object with 60 dates (in the period 2020-01-01 to
#' 2020-09-30) and 2 IDs (corresponding to [`sampleroi`] polygons).
#' @examples
#' data(ts_raw)
#' print(ts_raw, topn = 5) # standard print
#' head(as.data.frame(ts_raw)) # see content
#' plot(ts_raw)
#' @title Sample smoothed time series
#' @description Sample time series obtained from the dataset [`ts_raw`],
#' created following the example provided in the [`smooth_s2ts()`]
#' documentation.
#' It is used in the documentation of function [`fill_s2ts()`].
#' @docType data
#' @usage data(ts_smoothed)
#' @rdname ts_smoothed
#' @format A [`s2ts`] object with 60 dates (in the period 2020-01-01 to
#' 2020-09-30) and 2 IDs (corresponding to [`sampleroi`] polygons).
#' @examples
#' data(ts_smoothed)
#' print(ts_smoothed, topn = 5) # standard print
#' head(as.data.frame(ts_smoothed)) # see content
#' plot(ts_smoothed)
#' @title Sample daily time series
#' @description Sample time series obtained from the dataset [`ts_smoothed`],
#' created following the example provided in the [`fill_s2ts()`]
#' documentation.
#' It is used in the documentation of functions with takes a processed
#' time series as input, like [`cut_cycles()`], [`fit_curve()`] and
#' [`aggregate_pheno()`].
#' @docType data
#' @usage data(ts_filled)
#' @rdname ts_filled
#' @format A [`s2ts`] object with 301 dates (in the period 2020-01-01 to
#' 2020-09-30) and 2 IDs (corresponding to [`sampleroi`] polygons).
#' @examples
#' data(ts_filled)
#' print(ts_filled, topn = 5) # standard print
#' head(as.data.frame(ts_filled)) # see content
#' plot(ts_filled)
#' @title Sample seasonal cycles
#' @description Data frame with the cycles extracted from the dataset
#' [`ts_filled`], created following the example provided in the
#' [`cut_cycles()`] documentation.
#' It is used in the documentation of function [`fit_curve()`].
#' @docType data
#' @usage data(dt_cycles)
#' @rdname dt_cycles
#' @format A data table with 3 records (identified cycles) and the following
#' fields:
#' - `id`: the time series ID;
#' - `year`: the year assigned to each cycle;
#' - `cycle`: the cycle ID (progressive integer within each year);
#' - `begin`: the date of the begin of the cycle;
#' - `end`: the date of the end of the cycle;
#' - `maxval`: the date of the maximum value of the cycle;
#' - `weight`: the value of the metric used for ranking seasons.
#' @examples
#' data(dt_cycles)
#' dt_cycles
#' @title Sample curve fitting interpolation
#' @description Object (list) containing the interpolation (curve fitting) of
#' some seasonal cycles ([`dt_cycles`]) extracted from the dataset
#' [`ts_filled`], created following the example provided in the
#' [`fit_curve()`] documentation.
#' It is used in the documentation of function [`extract_pheno()`].
#' @docType data
#' @usage data(cf)
#' @rdname cf
#' @format A named list of 2 elements (one per input ID) in the output format
#' of function [`fit_curve()`].
#' @title Sample phenological metrics dataset
#' @description Data frame with the phenological metrics extracted from the
#' object [`cf`], created following the example provided in the
#' [`extract_pheno()`] documentation.
#' It is used in the documentation of functions [`assign_season()`] and
#' [`aggregate_pheno()`].
#' @docType data
#' @usage data(dt_pheno)
#' @rdname dt_pheno
#' @format A data table with 3 records (identified cycles) and the following
#' fields:
#' - `id`, `year`, `cycle`, `begin`, `end`, `maxval`, `weight`:
#' inherited from [`dt_cycles`]
#' - `sos`, `eos`, `los`, `pop`, `mgs`, `rsp`, `rau`, `peak`, `msp`, `mau`:
#' phenological metrics created by method `"trs"` (see
#' `phenopix::PhenoTrs()`).
#' @examples
#' data(dt_pheno)
#' dt_pheno
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