
#### These are *NOT* compared with output in the released version of
###  'cluster'  currently


## Try 100 times *different* random samples -- for reliability:
if(R.version$major != "1" || as.numeric(R.version$minor) >= 7) RNGversion("1.6")

nSim <- 100
nCl <- 3 # = no.classes
set.seed(421)# (reproducibility)
## unknown problem: this is still platform dependent to some extent:
cl <- matrix(NA,nrow(xclara), nSim)
for(i in 1:nSim) cl[,i] <- clara(xclara, nCl, rngR = TRUE)$cluster
tcl <- apply(cl,1, tabulate, nbins = nCl)
## those that are not always in same cluster (5 out of 3000 for this seed):
(iDoubt <- which(apply(tcl,2, function(n) all(n < nSim))))
if(length(iDoubt)) { # (not for all seeds)
  tabD <- tcl[,iDoubt, drop=FALSE]
  dimnames(tabD) <- list(cluster = paste(1:nCl), obs = format(iDoubt))
  t(tabD) # how many times in which clusters
rappster/rapp documentation built on May 26, 2019, 11:56 p.m.