

label(mtcars$mpg) <- "Gas"
units(mtcars$mpg) <- "Miles/(US) gallon"

label(mtcars$wt) <- "Weight"
units(mtcars$wt) <- "10<sup>3</sup> kg" # not sure the unit is correct

mtcars$am <- factor(mtcars$am, levels=0:1, labels=c("Automatic", "Manual"))
label(mtcars$am) <- "Transmission"

mtcars$gear <- factor(mtcars$gear)
label(mtcars$gear) <- "Gears"

# Make up some data for making it slightly more interesting
mtcars$col <- factor(sample(c("red", "black", "silver"),
                     size=NROW(mtcars), replace=TRUE))
label(mtcars$col) <- "Car color"

mpg_data <- getDescriptionStatsBy(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$am,
                                  use_units = TRUE,
                                  html = TRUE)
wt_data <- getDescriptionStatsBy(mtcars$wt, mtcars$am,
                                 use_units = TRUE,
                                 html = TRUE)

  rbind(mpg_data, wt_data),
  caption  = "Continuous & binary variables",
  headings = c(sprintf("%s (SD)", levels(mtcars$am)), "Units"),
  rowlabel = "Variable",
  ctable   = TRUE)

gear_data <- getDescriptionStatsBy(mtcars$gear, mtcars$am)
col_data <- getDescriptionStatsBy(mtcars$col, mtcars$am)

htmlTable(rbind(gear_data, col_data),
  caption  = "Factored variables",
  colheads = sprintf("%s (%%)", levels(mtcars$am)),
  rowlabel = "Variable",
  rgroup   = c(label(gear_data),
  n.rgroup = c(NROW(gear_data),
  ctable   = TRUE)

# A little more advanced
mtcars$mpg[sample(1:NROW(mtcars), size=4)] <- NA
getDescriptionStatsBy(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$am, statistics=TRUE,

# Do the horizontal version
getDescriptionStatsBy(mtcars$col, mtcars$am, statistics=TRUE,
                      show_missing=TRUE, hrzl_prop = TRUE)

mtcars$wt_with_missing <- mtcars$wt
mtcars$wt_with_missing[sample(1:NROW(mtcars), size=8)] <- NA
getDescriptionStatsBy(mtcars$wt_with_missing, mtcars$am, statistics=TRUE,
                      show_missing=TRUE, hrzl_prop = TRUE, total_col_show_perc = FALSE)

mtcars$col_with_missing <- mtcars$col
mtcars$col_with_missing[sample(1:NROW(mtcars), size=5)] <- NA
getDescriptionStatsBy(mtcars$col_with_missing, mtcars$am, statistics=TRUE,
                      show_missing=TRUE, hrzl_prop = TRUE, total_col_show_perc = FALSE)
raredd/Gmisc0 documentation built on May 27, 2019, 2:02 a.m.