#' @title Extract locations of features from a 'not' object
#' @description The function applies user-specified stopping criteria to extract change-points from \code{object}
#' generated by \code{\link{not}}.
#' @details
#' Denote by \eqn{T_{1}, \ldots, T_{N}}{T_1, ..., T_N} the elements on the solution path \code{object$solution.path},
#' each representing a set of change-points.
#' When (\code{method="ic"}), the returned set of change-points is the one that minimises
#' \deqn{-2\mbox{log-likelihood}(\code{object}, \code{cpt}=T_k)+\mbox{penalty}(\code{object\$n}, \code{n.param}, ...),}{-2 log-likelihood(object, cpt=T_k) + penalty(object\$n, n.param, ...),}
#' over all \eqn{k}{k} such that the number of change-points in \eqn{T_k}{T_k} is smaller than or equal \code{q.max}. The log-likelihood is computed using the \code{\link{logLik}} routine,
#' while the penalty function is computed with \code{\link{sic.penalty}} (\code{penalty="sic"}), \code{\link{aic.penalty}} (\code{penalty="aic"}) or a user-defined penalty function (\code{penalty="user"}).
#' @rdname features
#' @export
#' @references R. Baranowski, Y. Chen, and P. Fryzlewicz (2019). Narrowest-Over-Threshold Change-Point Detection. (\url{http://stats.lse.ac.uk/fryzlewicz/not/not.pdf})
features <- function(object, ...)
#' @param object An object of 'not' class returned by \code{\link{not}}.
#' @param method A method of choosing the best solution in \code{object$solution.path}.
#' If \code{method="ic"}, model minimising a chosen information criterion is selected.
#' If \code{method="threshold"}, model is selected based on thresholding (see references for more details).
#' @param penalty Name of the penalty function to be used if \code{method="ic"}. If \code{penalty="user"},
#' a user-defined penalty function has to be passed via \code{penalty.fun}.
#' @param q.max Maximum number of change-points allowed to be detected. Used only for \code{method="ic"}.
#' @param penalty.fun Used only if \code{penalty="user"}. A function includes at least the following arguments: sample size \code{n}, number of parameters used in a model \code{n.param}, and \code{...}.
#' For examples of such functions, see \code{\link{aic.penalty}} and \code{\link{sic.penalty}}.
#' @param th Used only if \code{method="threshold"}. A positive real number.
#' @param ... Further arguments that can be passed to the penalty function.
#' @return
#' \item{th}{Value of the threshold used (if \code{method="threshold"}) or selected on the solution path (if \code{method="ic"}).}
#' \item{cpt}{Estimated locations of the change-points.}
#' \item{ic}{Values of the information criterion minimised in order to find an optimal solution on the path (only if \code{method="ic"} was used).}
#' @method features default
#' @export
#' @rdname features
#' @examples
#' # **** Piecewisce-constant mean with Gaussian noise.
#' x <- c(rep(0, 100), rep(1,100)) + rnorm(100)
#' # *** identify potential locations of the change-points
#' w <- not(x, contrast = "pcwsConstMean")
#' # *** choose change-points using default settings
#' fo <- features(w)
#' # *** get the change-points
#' fo$cpt
#' # *** plot the SIC curve
#' plot(fo$ic)
features.default <- function(object,
method = c("ic", "threshold"),
penalty = c("sic", "aic", "user"),
q.max = 25,
...) {
res <- list()
## verify input parameters
res$method <- match.arg(method, c("ic", "threshold"))
## determining the optimal features with information criteria
if (res$method == "ic") {
q.max <- as.integer(q.max)
if (length(q.max) != 1)
stop("q.max must be a single number")
#verify penalty
res$penalty <- match.arg(penalty, c("sic", "aic", "user"))
if (res$penalty == "sic")
penalty.fun <- sic.penalty
else if (res$penalty == "aic")
penalty.fun <- aic.penalty
##verify the penalty function
penalty.fun <- as.function(penalty.fun)
id <- which(object$solution.path$n.cpt <= q.max)
res$ic <- rep(0, length(id) + 1)
lh <- logLik(object, cpt = c())
n.param <- attr(lh, "df")
res$ic[1] <-
-2 * lh + penalty.fun(n = length(object$x),
n.param = n.param,
cpt = c(),
#calculate ic = log.lik + pen
for (j in 2:length(res$ic)) {
cpt.cand <- sort(object$solution.path$cpt[[id[j - 1]]])
lh <- logLik(object, cpt = cpt.cand)
n.param <- attr(lh, "df")
res$ic[j] <-
-2 * lh + penalty.fun(n = length(object$x),
n.param = n.param,
cpt = cpt.cand,
K.min.ic <- which.min(res$ic) - 1
res$cpt <- list()
if (K.min.ic == 0) {
res$cpt <- NA
res$th <-
object$solution.path$th[1] + 10 * .Machine$double.eps
else {
res$cpt <- sort(object$solution.path$cpt[[id[K.min.ic]]])
res$th <- object$solution.path$th[id[K.min.ic]]
} else{
## determining the optimal number features with threshold
if(missing(th)) stop("when method==\"threshold\", 'th' has to be specified")
th <- as.numeric(th)[1]
if (any(is.na(th)))
stop("th must not contain na's")
if (length(th) == 0)
stop("th must contain at least one element")
res$th <- th
k <- which(object$solution.path$th >= res$th)
if (length(k) == 0)
res$cpt <- NA
res$cpt <- object$solution.path$cpt[[max(k)]]
class(res) <- "features"
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