
Defines functions .jlsafe .jlglobalsoft .jltypeof .jlmethod jl_rexprs jl_rexpr

jl_rexpr <- function(rexpr, obj) { # rexpr is generally the result of substitute(obj) 
    if (class(rexpr) == "name") {
        obj <- deparse(rexpr)
    } else {

jl_rexprs <- function(rexprs, objs) { # rexpr is generally the result of substitute(obj) 
    rexprs <- as.list(rexprs)[-1]
    lapply(seq_along(rexprs), function(i) jl_rexpr(rexprs[[i]], objs[[i]]))


.jlmethod <- function(meth, value) paste0(meth,"(",value,")")

.jltypeof <- function(value) .jleval(.jlmethod("typeof",value))

# Inside try catch end soft scope `global` is required when updating an existing variable.
# This function (TO IMPROVE) add a global statement except for local variable.
#  .jlglobalsoft("local a=2;b=3")
# => "local a=2;global b=3"
# BUG: .jlsafe("a=DataFrame(a=1,b=3)")
# =>  "try\nglobal a=DataFrame(global a=1global ,b=3)\ncatch e\n showerror(stdout,e)\n end"

.jlglobalsoft <- function(cmd) {
    if(length(grep("local ", cmd) > 0)) {
        gsub("(?:local )( *[a-z,A-Z]+ *)(=)", "local \\1===" ,cmd,perl=TRUE) -> b
        gsub("([a-z,A-Z]+ *)(?:=)([^=])", "global \\1=\\2" ,b,perl=TRUE) -> bb
        gsub("(?:local )( *[a-z,A-Z]+ *)(===)", "local \\1=" ,bb,perl=TRUE) -> bbb
    } else {
        return(gsub("([a-z,A-Z]+ *)(?:=)([^=])", "global \\1=\\2" ,cmd,perl=TRUE))

## To fix .jlglobalsoft

# .jlsafe <- function(expr) {
#   paste0("try\n", .jlglobalsoft(expr), "\ncatch e\n showerror(stdout,e)\n end")
# }

.jlsafe <- function(expr) {
  paste0("try\n", expr, "\ncatch e\n showerror(stdout,e)\n end")
rcqls/jl4R documentation built on April 14, 2024, 11:34 p.m.