The following example illustrates how to fit a MSFA model via the ECM Algorithm, using a data set available in the Bioconductor repository (

Getting the data

Some pre-processing is required to get the data into a form suitable for the analysis. This was already done, and the resulting data frame is saved into the data_immune object. The commands that were used to form it are included in the help file for the data object.


Obtaining suitable starting values for model parameters

Then we get suitable starting values for model parameters, selecting $K=3$ common factors and $3, 4$ study-specific factors for the two studies, respectively.

start_value <- start_msfa(X_s = data_immune, k = 3, j_s = c(3, 4))

Fitting the model via ECM

Now everything is in place for estimating the model parameters via the ECM algorithm

mle <-  ecm_msfa(data_immune, start_value, trace = FALSE)

The estimated matrix of common loadings can be represented by a suitable heatmap:

heatmap.2(mle$Phi,dendrogram='none', Rowv=FALSE, Colv=FALSE,trace='none',"none", col=heat.colors(256))

rdevito/MSFA documentation built on March 18, 2020, 2:57 p.m.