
#' Intersect Two Masks
#' Intersects two masks to identify cells that meet both criteria for
#'   corresponding layers. Grid cells that satisfy both criteria are
#'   reclassified as 1, grid cells that fail at least one criteria are
#'   reclassified as 0.
#' @param temp.mask Raster* object. Mask of grid cells that meet minimum
#'   temperature threshold, may be result of \code{ mask_grids}. Object may
#'   be single or multi-layer.
#' @param precip.mask Raster* object. Mask of grid cells that meet minimum
#'   precipitation threshold, may be result of \code{ mask_grids}. Object
#'   may be single or multi-layer.
#' @param filename Character. Optional output root filename passed to
#'   \code{writeRaster}, default output file type is GeoTiff. If not specified,
#'   output is written to a temporary file.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to \code{writeRaster}.
#' @return RasterBrick. One output mask layer for each input layer. If filename
#'   is specified, output file format is GeoTiff with unsigned integer data
#'   type.
#' @export
#' @examples \donttest{# Generate masks of grid cells that satisfy C4-climate criteria
#' C4_mask <- intersect_masks(C4_temp_mask, precip_mask)
#' # Generate masks of grid cells that satisfy growing-season climate criteria
#' GS_mask <- intersect_masks(GS_temp_mask, precip_mask)
#' # Plot monthly growing-season masks
#' plot(GS_mask)
#' }
#' @seealso \link[grassmapr]{mask_grids}, \link[raster]{overlay}.
intersect_masks <- function(temp.mask, precip.mask, filename = "", ...) {

  # Function masks grid cells that meet C4 or GS climate criteria.
  # Output is a rasterStack, nl = nlayers of the input rasterStack.

  # Error check: same extent, grid, projection for all input layers
  compareRaster(temp.mask, precip.mask, stopiffalse = TRUE, showwarning = TRUE)

  # Error check: Climate stacks have same number of layers.
  if(nlayers(temp.mask) != nlayers(precip.mask)){
    stop("Climate masks have different number of layers")

  # Core function:
  intersect_mask <- overlay(temp.mask, precip.mask,
    fun = function(x, y) {return(x*y)})

  # If file name provided, write to disk; else process in memory/temp file.
  if(filename != "") {
    outfile <- paste0(trim(filename), ".tif")
    writeRaster(intersect_mask, outfile, format = "GTiff",
      datatype = "INT1U", overwrite = TRUE)
  } else {
rebeccalpowell/grassmapr documentation built on June 20, 2019, 8:07 p.m.