mers_korea_2015: Middle East respiratory syndrome in South Korea, 2015

mers_korea_2015R Documentation

Middle East respiratory syndrome in South Korea, 2015


These datasets correspond to the initial information collected by the Epidemic Intelligence group at European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) during the first weeks of the outbreak of Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS-CoV) outbreak (South Korea) in 2015. The data were used to follow the daily evolution of this outbreak using public information available.




A list of two dataframes:

$linelist: A dataframe of MERS-CoV cases and their attributes

  • id: Unique identifier

  • age: Age

  • age_class: Age using 10-year groups

  • sex: Sex

  • place_infect: Probable region of infection

  • reporting_ctry: Country reporting the case

  • loc_hosp: Local hospital name where the case was hospitalized

  • dt_onset: Date of onset of symptoms

  • dt_report: Date of reporting

  • week_report: Week number of date of reporting

  • dt_start_exp: Date of first probable exposure to another MERS Co-V case

  • dt_end_exp: Date of last probable exposure to another MERS Co-V case

  • dt_diag: Date of MERS Co-V diagnosis

  • outcome: Outcome (alive or dead)

  • dt_death: Date of death

$contacts: A dataframe describing the relationship between MERS Co-V cases

  • from: Unique identifier of the probably source patient

  • to: Unique identifier of the secondary case

  • exposure: Probable place of exposure

  • diff_dt_onset: Time in days between two successive cases


This dataset is meant for teaching purposes; it represents neither the final outbreak investigation results nor a consolidated and complete description of the transmission chain.


Data collected by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (Epidemic Intelligence and Response section, contact: Bertrand Sudre ( and Kaja Kaasik Aaslav( Transfer to R and documentation by Bertrand Sudre (


More information on the intial stage of the outbreak in the following reference: Penttinen PM, Kaasik-Aaslav K, Friaux A, Donachie A, Sudre B, Amato-Gauci AJ, Memish ZA, Coulombier D. Taking stock of the first 133 MERS coronavirus cases globally–Is the epidemic changing? Euro Surveill. 2013 Sep 26;18(39). pii: 20596. PubMed PMID: 24094061.


## show the line list describing MERS Co-V cases and their attributes

## show the relationships between MERS Co-V cases

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