pstr_gamma_params_ebola: Posterior distribution of Ebola incubation period

pstr_gamma_params_ebolaR Documentation

Posterior distribution of Ebola incubation period


A dataset containing samples from an estimated posterior distribution of the incubation period of Ebola. Distribution was estimated from de-identified data from Faye et al. (2015).




A data frame with 3,000,000 rows and 5 variables:

  • shape shape parameter of gamma distribution

  • scale scale parameter of gamma distribution

  • idx index of sample

  • median the median correponding to this posterior sample

  • p95 the 95th percentile correponding to this posterior sample


Faye, O. et al. Chains of transmission and control of Ebola virus disease in Conakry, Guinea, in 2014: an observational study. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 15, 320–326 (2015).

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