
Defines functions pivot_forecasts_wider

Documented in pivot_forecasts_wider

#' Return a data frame of forecasts with predictive quantiles in columns.
#' @param forecast_data required data.frame with forecasts in the format returned
#' by [load_forecasts()]. 
#' It has columns `model`,`forecast_date`,`location`, `target`, `type`, 
#' `quantile`, `value`, `horizon` and `target_end_date`.
#' @param quantiles vector of quantiles to return for plotting
#' Default to all available quantiles in `forecast_data`.
#' Note that point forecasts and median quantiles do not necessarily align.
#' Throws an error if quantile levels are not in the forecast data.
#' @return data.frame with columns `model`, `forecast_date`, `location`,
#' `horizon`, `temporal_resolution`, `target_variable`, `target_end_date`, `type`, `point`,
#' `point_type`, `Prediction Interval`, `upper`, `lower`.
#' @export
pivot_forecasts_wider <- function(forecast_data, quantiles = NULL) {

  # validate quantiles
  if (!missing(quantiles)) {
    quantiles <- as.character(quantiles)
    if (!all(quantiles %in% forecast_data$quantile)) {
      stop("Error in pivot_forecast_wider: Not all quantile levels are available in the forecast data.")
  } else {
      quantiles <- as.character(sort(unique(forecast_data$quantile)))

  # filter to included specified quantiles and point forecasts
  forecast_data <- forecast_data %>%
    dplyr::filter(as.character(quantile) %in% quantiles | type == "point")

  # get point forecasts: point forecasts and `0.5` quantile
  points <- forecast_data %>%
    dplyr::filter(quantile == 0.5 | type == "point") %>%
      point_type = ifelse(type != "point", "median quantile", "point forecast"),
      type = "point"
    ) %>%
    dplyr::rename(point = value) %>%

  # get quantile forecasts and generate corresponding prediction interval
  quantiles <- forecast_data %>%
    dplyr::filter(quantile != 0.5 & type != "point") %>%
      endpoint_type = ifelse(quantile < 0.5, "lower", "upper"),
      alpha = ifelse(endpoint_type == "lower",
        format(2 * quantile, digits = 3, nsmall = 3),
        format(2 * (1 - quantile), digits = 3, nsmall = 3)
      `Prediction Interval` = forcats::fct_rev(paste0((1 - as.numeric(alpha)) * 100, "%"))
    ) %>%
    dplyr::select(-quantile, -alpha) %>%
    tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = "endpoint_type", values_from = "value")

  wider_data <- dplyr::bind_rows(points, quantiles)

reichlab/covidHubUtils documentation built on Feb. 6, 2024, 1:42 p.m.