
Defines functions join_with_hub_locations name_to_fips get_zoltar_project_url setup_zoltar_connection

Documented in get_zoltar_project_url join_with_hub_locations name_to_fips setup_zoltar_connection

#' Set up Zoltar connection
#' @param staging boolean to change Zoltar server for staging
#' @return a Zoltar connection
#' @export
setup_zoltar_connection <- function(staging = FALSE) {
  if (staging) {
    host <- "https://rl-zoltar-staging.herokuapp.com"
  } else {
    host <- "https://zoltardata.com"

  zoltar_connection <- zoltr::new_connection(host)
  if (Sys.getenv("Z_USERNAME") == "" | Sys.getenv("Z_PASSWORD") == "") {
    zoltr::zoltar_authenticate(zoltar_connection, "zoltar_demo", "Dq65&aP0nIlG")
  } else {
    zoltr::zoltar_authenticate(zoltar_connection, Sys.getenv("Z_USERNAME"), Sys.getenv("Z_PASSWORD"))

#' Get Zoltar project URL
#' @param hub character vector, where the first element indicates the hub
#' from which to load forecasts. Possible options are `"US"` and `"ECDC"`
#' @param zoltar_connection an authenticated Zoltar connecton
#' @return project url
#' @export
get_zoltar_project_url <- function(hub = c("US", "ECDC"),
                                   zoltar_connection = NULL) {
  # if no zoltar connection was provided, set up a new one
  if (is.null(zoltar_connection)) {
    zoltar_connection <- setup_zoltar_connection()

  # get all existing projects
  the_projects <- zoltr::projects(zoltar_connection)

  # get the URL to the right forecast hub project
  if (hub[1] == "US") {
    project_url <- the_projects[the_projects$name == "COVID-19 Forecasts", "url"]
  } else if (hub[1] == "ECDC") {
    project_url <- the_projects[the_projects$name == "ECDC European COVID-19 Forecast Hub", "url"]


#' Get FIPS or CBSA codes from county or metropolitan area locations
#' @param data a vector of strings for fips code, CBSA codes, location names
#' such as "Hampshire County, MA", "Alabama", "United Kingdom".
#' A US county location names must include state abbreviation.
#' @param hub character vector, where the first element indicates the hub
#' from which to load forecasts. Possible options are `"US"`, `"ECDC"` and `"FluSight"`
#' @return A vector of FIPS or CBSA codes
#' @export
name_to_fips <- function(data, hub = c("US", "ECDC")){
  if (is.null(data)){
    return (NULL)
  if (hub[1] == "US") {
    fips_tmp <-  covidHubUtils::hub_locations %>%
      dplyr::mutate(full_location_name = fips)
    locations <- dplyr::bind_rows(covidHubUtils::hub_locations, fips_tmp)
    if(!all(data %in% locations$full_location_name)){
      stop("Error in name_to_fips: Please provide valid location name.eg: Bullock County,AL")
    return (locations[locations$full_location_name %in% data, ]$fips)
  } else if (hub[1] == "ECDC") {
    location_tmp <- covidHubUtils::hub_locations_ecdc %>%
      dplyr::mutate(location_name = location)
    locations <- dplyr::bind_rows(covidHubUtils::hub_locations_ecdc, location_tmp)
    if(!all(data %in% locations$location_name)){
      stop("Error in name_to_fips: Please provide valid location name.")
    return(locations[locations$location_name %in% data, ]$location)
  } else if (hub[1] == "FluSight") {
    fips_tmp <-  covidHubUtils::hub_locations_flusight %>%
      dplyr::mutate(location_name = fips)
    fips_tmp[fips_tmp$location_name == "US",]$location_name <- "United States"
    locations <- dplyr::bind_rows(covidHubUtils::hub_locations_flusight, fips_tmp)
    if(!all(data %in% locations$location_name)){
      stop("Error in name_to_fips: Please provide valid location name.eg: Bullock County,AL")
    return (locations[locations$location_name %in% data, ]$fips)

#' Add stored information about location name and population by joining the
#' data with the correct stored location data
#' @param data data frame to append location data
#' @param hub character vector, where the first element indicates the hub
#' from which to load forecasts.
#' Possible options are `"US"`, `"ECDC"` and `"FluSight"`.
#' @return original data with corresponding location information
#' @export
join_with_hub_locations <- function(data,
                                    hub = c("US", "ECDC", "FluSight")) {
  if (hub[1] == "US") {
    data <- dplyr::left_join(data,
      by = c("location" = "fips")
  } else if (hub[1] == "ECDC") {
    data <- dplyr::left_join(data,
      by = c("location")
  } else if (hub[1] == "FluSight") {
    data <- dplyr::left_join(data,
                             by = c("location" = "fips")

    ".", "County", "Name", "Prediction", "Interval", "State", "StateFIPS",
    "V1", "V2", "abbreviation", "alpha", "cases", "cases_deaths", "county",
    "countyFIPS", "cum", "deaths", "designation", "endpoint_type",
    "exists_interval_score_0", "fips", "forecast_date", "full_location_name",
    "geo_type", "head", "horizon", "inc", "inc_cases", "inc_deaths",
    "interval_score_0", "location", "location_name", "lower", "model",
    "model.x", "model_abbr", "n_interval_scores", "notes", "overprediction_0",
    "point", "quantile", "sharpness_0", "state", "state_abbreviation",
    "tail", "target", "target_end_date", "target_variable",
    "team_model_designation", "temporal_resolution", "timezero", "true_value",
    "truth_forecast", "truth_model", "type", "underprediction_0",
    "unit", "upper", "value", "value.x", "value.y",
    "County", "Name", "Prediction", "Interval"
reichlab/covidHubUtils documentation built on Feb. 6, 2024, 1:42 p.m.