
Defines functions str_excerpt block_backport block_object write.bib read.bib2 `%||%`

# Utils functions
# Author: Renaud Gaujoux

`%||%` <- function(a, b) if( is.null(a) ) b else a

#' @importFrom bibtex read.bib
read.bib2 <- function(file){
  bibtex::read.bib(normalizePath(file), encoding = "UTF-8")

#' @importFrom bibtex read.bib
write.bib <- function(object, file){
  bibtex::write.bib(object, file = file)

# copied and fixed from bibtex::read.bib
# read.bib2 <- function (file = findBibFile(package), package = "bibtex", encoding = "unknown", 
#     header = if (length(preamble)) paste(preamble, sep = "\n") else "", 
#     footer = "") 
# {
#   if (!is.character(file)) {
#     stop("'read.bib' only supports reading from files, 'file' should be a character vector of length one")
#   }
#   srcfile <- switch(encoding, unknown = srcfile(file), srcfile(file, 
#           encoding = encoding))
#   out <- .External("do_read_bib", file = file, encoding = encoding, 
#       srcfile = srcfile)
#   at <- attributes(out)
#   if ((typeof(out) != "integer") || (getRversion() < "3.0.0")) 
#     out <- lapply(out, make.bib.entry)
#   else out <- list()
#   preamble <- at[["preamble"]]
#   out <- make.citation.list(out, header, footer)
#   attr(out, "strings") <- at[["strings"]]
#   # keys must be retrieved here to handle the case of skipped bibentries
#   `%||%` <- function(a, b) if( is.null(a) ) b else a
#   keys <- sapply(out, function(x) attr(x, 'key') %||% x$key)
#   names(out) <- keys
#   out
# }
# environment(read.bib2) <- asNamespace('bibtex')

block_object <- function(x){
  x[['object']] %||% attr(x, 'object')

# fix block for backward compatibility
block_backport <- function(block){
  if( is.null(block) ) return(block)
  block$object <- block_object(block)
  if( !length(attr(block, 'filename')) ) attr(block, 'filename') <- ''
  if( !length(attr(block, 'location')) ) attr(block, 'location') <- ''

#' @importFrom utils head tail
str_excerpt <- function(x, head = 2, tail = 2){
  i <- seq_along(x)
  n <- length(x)
  head <- min(head, n)
  tail <- min(tail, n)
  i <- unique(c(head(i, head), tail(i, tail)))
  x <- x[i]
  if( length(x) > head + tail ) x <- c(head(x, head), "...", tail(x, -head)) 
  paste0(x, collapse = ", ")
renozao/roclets documentation built on Jan. 19, 2024, 2:56 p.m.