#' @name FactorizationMachine
#' @title Second order Factorization Machines
#' @description Creates second order Factorization Machines model
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Factorization Machines can fit XOR function!
#' x = rbind(
#' c(0, 0),
#' c(0, 1),
#' c(1, 0),
#' c(1, 1)
#' )
#' y = c(0, 1, 1, 0)
#' x = as(x, "RsparseMatrix")
#' fm = FactorizationMachine$new(learning_rate_w = 10, rank = 2, lambda_w = 0,
#' lambda_v = 0, family = 'binomial', intercept = TRUE)
#' res = fm$fit(x, y, n_iter = 100)
#' preds = fm$predict(x)
#' all(preds[c(1, 4)] < 0.01)
#' all(preds[c(2, 3)] > 0.99)
FactorizationMachine = R6::R6Class(
classname = "FactorizationMachine",
public = list(
#' @description creates Creates second order Factorization Machines model
#' @param learning_rate_w learning rate for features intercations
#' @param rank dimension of the latent dimensions which models features interactions
#' @param lambda_w regularization for features interactions
#' @param lambda_v regularization for features
#' @param family one of \code{"binomial", "gaussian"}
#' @param intercept logical, indicates whether or not include intecept to the model
#' @param learning_rate_v learning rate for features
initialize = function(learning_rate_w = 0.2,
rank = 4,
lambda_w = 0,
lambda_v = 0,
family = c("binomial", "gaussian"),
intercept = TRUE,
learning_rate_v = learning_rate_w) {
stopifnot(lambda_w >= 0 && lambda_v >= 0 && learning_rate_w > 0 && rank >= 1 && learning_rate_v > 0)
family = match.arg(family)
private$family = family
private$learning_rate_w = as.numeric(learning_rate_w)
private$learning_rate_v = as.numeric(learning_rate_v)
private$rank = as.integer(rank)
private$lambda_w = as.numeric(lambda_w)
private$lambda_v = as.numeric(lambda_v)
private$intercept = as.logical(intercept)
#' @description fits/updates model
#' @param x input sparse matrix. Native format is \code{Matrix::RsparseMatrix}.
#' If \code{x} is in different format, model will try to convert it to \code{RsparseMatrix}
#' with \code{as(x, "RsparseMatrix")}. Dimensions should be (n_samples, n_features)
#' @param y vector of targets
#' @param weights numeric vector of length `n_samples`. Defines how to amplify SGD updates
#' for each sample. May be useful for highly unbalanced problems.
#' @param ... not used at the moment
partial_fit = function(x, y, weights = rep(1.0, length(y)), ...) {
if (!inherits(class(x), private$internal_matrix_format)) {
x = as(x, private$internal_matrix_format)
x_ncol = ncol(x)
# init model during first first fit
if (!private$is_initialized) {
private$n_features = x_ncol
private$w0 = float::as.float(0.0)@Data
private$w = integer(private$n_features)
fill_float_vector_randn(private$w, 0.001)
private$v = matrix(0L, nrow = private$rank, ncol = private$n_features)
fill_float_matrix_randn(private$v, 0.001)
private$grad_w2 = integer(private$n_features)
fill_float_vector(private$grad_w2, 1.0)
private$grad_v2 = matrix(0L, nrow = private$rank, ncol = private$n_features)
fill_float_matrix(private$grad_v2, 1.0)
private$ptr_param = fm_create_param(
private$learning_rate_w, private$learning_rate_v,
private$rank, private$lambda_w, private$lambda_v,
private$w, private$v,
private$grad_w2, private$grad_v2,
private$ptr_model = fm_create_model(private$ptr_param)
private$is_initialized = TRUE
# on consequent updates check that we are wotking with input matrix with same numner of features
stopifnot(x_ncol == private$n_features)
# check number of samples = number of outcomes
stopifnot(nrow(x) == length(y))
stopifnot(is.numeric(weights) && length(weights) == length(y))
# convert to (1, -1) as it required by loss function in FM
if (private$family == 'binomial')
y = ifelse(y == 1, 1, -1)
# check no NA - anyNA() is by far fastest solution
if (anyNA(x@x))
stop("NA's in input matrix are not allowed")
p = fm_partial_fit(private$ptr_model, x, y, weights, do_update = TRUE, n_threads = getOption("rsparse_omp_threads", 1L))
#' @description
#' shorthand for applying `partial_fit` `n_iter` times
#' @param x input sparse matrix. Native format is \code{Matrix::RsparseMatrix}.
#' If \code{x} is in different format, model will try to convert it to \code{RsparseMatrix}
#' with \code{as(x, "RsparseMatrix")}. Dimensions should be (n_samples, n_features)
#' @param y vector of targets
#' @param weights numeric vector of length `n_samples`. Defines how to amplify SGD updates
#' for each sample. May be useful for highly unbalanced problems.
#' @param n_iter number of SGD epochs
#' @param ... not used at the moment
fit = function(x, y, weights = rep(1.0, length(y)), n_iter = 1L, ...) {
for (i in seq_len(n_iter)) {
logger$trace("iter %03d", i)
self$partial_fit(x, y, weights, ...)
#' @description makes predictions based on fitted model
#' @param x input sparse matrix of shape \emph{(n_samples, n_featires)}
#' @param ... not used at the moment
predict = function(x, ...) {
if (is.null(private$ptr_param) || is_invalid_ptr(private$ptr_param)) {
logger$trace("is.null(private$ptr_param) || is_invalid_ptr(private$ptr_param)")
if (private$is_initialized) {
logger$trace("initializong FM param and FM model external pointers")
private$ptr_param = fm_create_param(private$learning_rate_w, private$learning_rate_v,
private$rank, private$lambda_w, private$lambda_v,
private$w, private$v,
private$grad_w2, private$grad_v2,
private$ptr_model = fm_create_model(private$ptr_param)
if (!inherits(class(x), private$internal_matrix_format)) {
x = as(x, private$internal_matrix_format)
stopifnot(ncol(x) == private$model$n_features)
if (any(is.na(x)))
stop("NA's in the input matrix are not allowed")
# dummy numeric(0) - don't have y and don't need weights
p = fm_partial_fit(private$ptr_model, x, numeric(0), numeric(0), do_update = FALSE, n_threads = getOption("rsparse_omp_threads", 1L))
private = list(
is_initialized = FALSE,
internal_matrix_format = "RsparseMatrix",
ptr_param = NULL,
ptr_model = NULL,
n_features = NULL,
learning_rate_w = NULL,
learning_rate_v = NULL,
rank = NULL,
lambda_w = NULL,
lambda_v = NULL,
family = NULL,
intercept = NULL,
# these 5 will be modified in place in C++ code
v = NULL,
w = NULL,
w0 = NULL,
grad_v2 = NULL,
grad_w2 = NULL
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