#' @name PureSVD
#' @title PureSVD recommender model decompomposition
#' @description Creates PureSVD recommender model. Solver is based on Soft-SVD which is
#' very similar to truncated SVD but optionally adds regularization based on nuclear norm.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data('movielens100k')
#' i_train = sample(nrow(movielens100k), 900)
#' i_test = setdiff(seq_len(nrow(movielens100k)), i_train)
#' train = movielens100k[i_train, ]
#' test = movielens100k[i_test, ]
#' rank = 32
#' lambda = 0
#' model = PureSVD$new(rank = rank, lambda = lambda)
#' user_emb = model$fit_transform(sign(test), n_iter = 100, convergence_tol = 0.00001)
#' item_emb = model$components
#' preds = model$predict(sign(test), k = 1500, not_recommend = NULL)
#' mean(ap_k(preds, actual = test))
PureSVD = R6::R6Class(
inherit = MatrixFactorizationRecommender,
classname = "PureSVD",
public = list(
#' @description create PureSVD model
#' @param rank size of the latent dimension
#' @param lambda regularization parameter
#' @param init initialization of item embeddings
#' @param preprocess \code{identity()} by default. User spectified function which will
#' be applied to user-item interaction matrix before running matrix factorization
#' (also applied during inference time before making predictions).
#' For example we may want to normalize each row of user-item matrix to have 1 norm.
#' Or apply \code{log1p()} to discount large counts.
#' @param method type of the solver for initialization of the orthogonal
#' basis. Original paper uses SVD. See paper for details.
#' @param ... not used at the moment
initialize = function(rank = 10L,
lambda = 0,
init = NULL,
preprocess = identity,
method = c('svd', 'impute'),
...) {
private$rank = rank
private$lambda = lambda
private$init = init
private$method = match.arg(method)
private$preprocess = preprocess
#' @description performs matrix factorization
#' @param x input sparse user-item matrix(of class \code{dgCMatrix})
#' @param n_iter maximum number of iterations
#' @param convergence_tol \code{numeric = -Inf} defines early stopping strategy.
#' Stops fitting when one of two following conditions will be satisfied: (a) passed
#' all iterations (b) relative change of Frobenious norm of the two consequent solution
#' is less then provided \code{convergence_tol}.
#' @param ... not used at the moment
fit_transform = function(x, n_iter = 100L, convergence_tol = 1e-3, ...) {
uids = rownames(x)
private$item_ids = colnames(x)
x = as(x, "sparseMatrix")
x = private$preprocess(x)
if (private$method == "svd") {
FUN = soft_svd
} else {
FUN = soft_impute
private$svd = FUN(x, rank = private$rank,
lambda = private$lambda,
n_iter = n_iter,
convergence_tol = convergence_tol,
init = private$init,
res = as.matrix(x %*% private$svd$v)
data.table::setattr(res, "dimnames", list(uids, NULL))
self$components = t(private$svd$v %*% diag(x = private$svd$d))
data.table::setattr(self$components, "dimnames", list(NULL, private$item_ids))
private$components_ = t(private$svd$v)
data.table::setattr(private$components_, "dimnames", list(NULL, private$item_ids))
#' @description calculates user embeddings for the new input
#' @param x input matrix
#' @param ... not used at the moment
transform = function(x, ...) {
uids = rownames(x)
x = as(x, "sparseMatrix")
x = private$preprocess(x)
res = x %*% private$svd$v
res = as.matrix(res)
data.table::setattr(res, "dimnames", list(uids, NULL))
private = list(
rank = NULL,
lambda = NULL,
init = NULL,
svd = NULL,
preprocess = NULL,
method = NULL
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