
Defines functions .format_id SimilarRtimeParam

Documented in SimilarRtimeParam

#' @include grouping-functions.R

#' @title Group features based on approximate retention times
#' @name groupFeatures-similar-rtime
#' @description
#' Group features based on similar retention time. This method is supposed to be
#' used as an initial *crude* grouping of LC-MS features based on the median
#' retention time of all their chromatographic peaks. All features with a
#' difference in their retention time which is `<=` parameter `diffRt` of the
#' parameter object are grouped together.
#' If `object` is a [SummarizedExperiment()]: if a column `"feature_group"` is
#' found in [SummarizedExperiment::colData()] feature groups defined in that
#' column are further sub-grouped with this method. See [groupFeatures()] for
#' the general concept of this feature grouping.
#' Also, it might be required to specify the column in the object's `rowData`
#' containing the retention times with the `rtime` parameter (which defaults
#' to `rtime = "rtime"`.
#' Parameter `groupFun` allows to specify the function that should be used for
#' the actual grouping. Two possible choices are:
#' - `groupFun = groupClosest` (the default): this method creates groups
#'   of features with smallest differences in retention times between the
#'   individual group members. All differences between group members are
#'   `< diffRt` (in contrast to the other grouping functions listed below).
#'   See [groupSimilarityMatrix()] (which is used for the actual grouping on
#'   pairwise retention time differences) for more details.
#' - `groupFun = groupConsecutive`: the [groupConsecutive()] function
#'   groups values together if their difference is smaller than `diffRt`. This
#'   function iterates over the sorted retention times starting the grouping
#'   from the lowest value.
#'   If the difference of a feature to more than one group is smaller `diffRt`
#'   it is assigned to the group to which its retention time is closest (most
#'   similar) to the mean retention time of that group. This leads to smaller
#'   group sizes. Be aware that with this grouping differences in retention
#'   times between individual features within a group could still be larger
#'   `diffRt`. See [groupConsecutive()] for details and examples.
#' - `groupFun = MsCoreUtils::group`: this function consecutively groups
#'   elements together if their difference in retention time is smaller than
#'   `diffRt`. If two features are grouped into one group, also all other
#'   features with a retention time within the defined window to any of the two
#'   features are also included into the feature group. This grouping is
#'   recursively expanded which can lead, depending on `diffRt`, to very large
#'   feature groups spanning a large retention time window. See
#'   [MsCoreUtils::group()] for details.
#' Other grouping functions might be added in future. Alternatively it is also
#' possible to provide a custom function for the grouping operation.
#' @param diffRt `numeric(1)` defining the retention time window within which
#'     features should be grouped. All features with a rtime difference
#'     smaller or equal than `diffRt` are grouped.
#' @param groupFun `function` that can be used to group values. Defaults to
#'     `groupFun = groupClosest`. See description for details and
#'     alternatives.
#' @param object input object that provides the retention times that should be
#'     grouped. The `MsFeatures` package defines a method for `object` being
#'     either a `numeric` or a `SummarizedExperiment`.
#' @param rtime for `object` being a [SummarizedExperiment()]: `character(1)`
#'     specifying the column in `rowData(object)` that contains the retention
#'     time values.
#' @param param `SimilarRtimeParam` object with the settings for the method.
#' @param ... additional parameters passed to the `groupFun` function.
#' @return
#' Depending on parameter `object`:
#' - for `object` being a `numeric`: returns a `factor` defining the feature
#'   groups.
#' - for `object` being `SummarizedExperiment`: returns the input object with
#'   the feature group definition added to a column `"feature_group"` in the
#'   result object's `rowData`.
#' @family feature grouping methods
#' @seealso [groupFeatures()] for the general concept of feature grouping.
#' @seealso [featureGroups()] for the function to extract defined feature
#'     groups from a `SummarizedExperiment`.
#' @rdname groupFeatures-similar-rtime
#' @importClassesFrom ProtGenerics Param
#' @exportClass SimilarRtimeParam
#' @importFrom MsCoreUtils group
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @examples
#' ## Simple grouping of a numeric vector.
#' ##
#' ## Define a numeric vector that could represent retention times of features
#' x <- c(2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15)
#' ## Group the values using a `group` function. This will create larger
#' ## groups.
#' groupFeatures(x, param = SimilarRtimeParam(2, MsCoreUtils::group))
#' ## Group values using the default `groupClosest` function. This creates
#' ## smaller groups in which all elements have a difference smaller than the
#' ## defined `diffRt` with each other.
#' groupFeatures(x, param = SimilarRtimeParam(2, groupClosest))
#' ## Grouping on a SummarizedExperiment
#' ##
#' ## load the test SummarizedExperiment object
#' library(SummarizedExperiment)
#' data(se)
#' ## No feature groups defined yet
#' featureGroups(se)
#' ## Determine the column that contains retention times
#' rowData(se)
#' ## Column "rtmed" contains the (median) retention time for each feature
#' ## Group features that are eluting within 10 seconds
#' res <- groupFeatures(se, SimilarRtimeParam(10), rtime = "rtmed")
#' featureGroups(res)
#' ## Evaluating differences between retention times within each feature group
#' rts <- split(rowData(res)$rtmed, featureGroups(res))
#' lapply(rts, function(z) abs(diff(z)) <= 10)
#' ## One feature group ("FG.053") has elements with a difference larger 10:
#' rts[["FG.053"]]
#' abs(diff(rts[["FG.053"]]))
#' ## But the difference between the **sorted** retention times is < 10:
#' abs(diff(sort(rts[["FG.053"]])))
#' ## Feature grouping with pre-defined feature groups: groupFeatures will
#' ## sub-group the pre-defined feature groups, features with the feature group
#' ## being `NA` are skipped. Below we perform the feature grouping only on
#' ## features 40 to 70
#' fgs <- rep(NA, nrow(rowData(se)))
#' fgs[40:70] <- "FG"
#' featureGroups(se) <- fgs
#' res <- groupFeatures(se, SimilarRtimeParam(10), rtime = "rtmed")
#' featureGroups(res)

         slots = c(diffRt = "numeric",
                   groupFun = "function"),
         contains = "Param",
         prototype = prototype(
             diffRt = 1,
             groupFun = groupClosest
         validity = function(object) {
             msg <- NULL
             if (length(object@diffRt) != 1 || object@diffRt < 0)
                 msg <- c("'diffRt' has to be a positive numeric of length 1")
             if (!is.function(object@groupFun))
                 msg <- c(msg, "'groupFun' should be a function")

#' @rdname groupFeatures-similar-rtime
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @export
SimilarRtimeParam <- function(diffRt = 1, groupFun = groupClosest) {
    new("SimilarRtimeParam", diffRt = diffRt, groupFun = groupFun)

#' @rdname groupFeatures-similar-rtime
#' @importFrom MsCoreUtils group
    signature(object = "numeric", param = "SimilarRtimeParam"),
    function(object, param, ...) {
        factor(param@groupFun(object, param@diffRt, ...))

#' @rdname groupFeatures-similar-rtime
    signature(object = "SummarizedExperiment", param = "SimilarRtimeParam"),
    function(object, param, rtime = "rtime", ...) {
        if (!any(colnames(rowData(object)) == rtime) ||
            !is.numeric(rowData(object)[, rtime]))
            stop("Column ", rtime, " in 'rowData(object)' is supposed to ",
                 "contain numeric values representing retention times.")
        fgs <- featureGroups(object)
        if (all(is.na(fgs)))
            fgs <- rep("FG", length(fgs))
        nas <- is.na(fgs)
        fgs <- factor(fgs, levels = unique(fgs))
        rtl <- split(rowData(object)[, rtime], fgs)
        res <- lapply(
            function(z, param) .format_id(groupFeatures(z, param = param, ...)),
            param = param, ...)
        res <- paste(fgs, unsplit(res, f = fgs), sep = ".")
        if (any(nas))
            res[nas] <- NA_character_
        featureGroups(object) <- res

#' Simple helper function to add a (minimum) number of leading 0s to a numeric
#' value to create *better looking* identifiers.
#' @noRd
.format_id <- function(x, length = 3L) {
    digits <- max(ceiling(log10(length(x) + 1L)), length)
    sprintf(paste0("%0", digits, "d"), as.integer(x))
rformassspectrometry/MsFeatures documentation built on April 21, 2023, 6:20 a.m.