
Defines functions get_jaccard_similarity

Documented in get_jaccard_similarity

#' Get Jaccard similarity coefficient scores
#' @description
#' Get the Jaccard similarity coefficient scores for one or more nodes in a
#' graph.
#' @inheritParams render_graph
#' @param nodes An optional vector of node IDs to consider for Jaccard
#'   similarity scores. If not supplied, then similarity scores will be provided
#'   for every pair of nodes in the graph.
#' @param direction Using `all` (the default), the function will ignore edge
#'   direction when determining scores for neighboring nodes. With `out` and
#'   `in`, edge direction for neighboring nodes will be considered.
#' @param round_to The maximum number of decimal places to retain for the
#'   Jaccard similarity coefficient scores. The default value is `3`.
#' @return A matrix with Jaccard similarity values for each pair of nodes
#'   considered.
#' @examples
#' # Create a random graph using the
#' # `add_gnm_graph()` function
#' graph <-
#'   create_graph(
#'     directed = FALSE) %>%
#'   add_gnm_graph(
#'     n = 10,
#'     m = 15,
#'     set_seed = 23)
#' # Get the Jaccard similarity
#' # values for nodes `5`, `6`,
#' # and `7`
#' graph %>%
#'   get_jaccard_similarity(
#'     nodes = 5:7)
#' @export
get_jaccard_similarity <- function(
    nodes = NULL,
    direction = "all",
    round_to = 3
) {

  # Validation: Graph object is valid

  # Ensure that values provided for the
  # `direction` argument are from the
  # valid options
  arg_match0(direction, c("all", "in", "out"))
  # Stop function if nodes provided not in
  # the graph
  if (!is.null(nodes) && !all(nodes %in% get_node_ids(graph))) {

      cli::cli_abort("One or more nodes provided not in graph.")

  # Convert the graph to an igraph object
  ig_graph <- to_igraph(graph)

  ig_nodes <- igraph::V(ig_graph)

  # Get an igraph representation of node ID values
  if (!is.null(nodes)) {
    ig_nodes <- ig_nodes[nodes]

  # Get the Jaccard similarity scores
  # with mode = either "in", "out", or "all". (direction)
  j_sim_values <-
        graph = ig_graph,
        vids  = ig_nodes,
        mode  = direction,
        method = "jaccard"))

  if (is.null(nodes)) {
    row.names(j_sim_values) <- graph$nodes_df$id
    colnames(j_sim_values) <- graph$nodes_df$id

  if (!is.null(nodes)) {
    row.names(j_sim_values) <- graph$nodes_df$id[nodes]
    colnames(j_sim_values) <- graph$nodes_df$id[nodes]

  # Round all values in matrix to set SD
  round(j_sim_values, round_to)
rich-iannone/DiagrammeR documentation built on Feb. 5, 2024, 8 a.m.