
#' Get split conditions for edges in tree
#' This function manipulates the output of
#' \code{H2OTreeConvertR::h2o_tree_convertR} to get the split condition for each
#' edge in a tree
#' @param h2o_tree_R a sinlge \code{data.frame} output from
#' \code{H2OTreeConvertR::h2o_tree_convertR}.
#' @return \code{data.frame} containing left and right split conditions for
#' parent nodes.
#' @examples
#' library(h2o)
#' h2o.init()
#' prostate.hex = h2o.uploadFile(path = system.file("extdata",
#'                                                  "prostate.csv",
#'                                                  package = "h2o"),
#'                               destination_frame = "prostate.hex")
#' prostate.hex$RACE <- as.factor(prostate.hex$RACE)
#' prostate.hex$DPROS <- as.factor(prostate.hex$DPROS)
#' prostate.gbm = h2o.gbm(x = c("AGE", "RACE", "DPROS", "DCAPS", "PSA", "VOL", "GLEASON"),
#'                        y = "CAPSULE",
#'                        training_frame = prostate.hex,
#'                        ntrees = 5,
#'                        max_depth = 5,
#'                        learn_rate = 0.1)
#' h2o_trees <- H2OTreeConvertR::h2o_tree_convertR(prostate.gbm)
#' tree_1_split_expr <- get_split_expressions(h2o_trees[[1]])
#' @export
get_split_expressions <- function(h2o_tree_R) {

  # Function Layout: ----
  # Section 0. Input checking
  # Section 1. Split edges text by \\n delimiter
  # Section 2. Determine which split NAs take
  # Section 3. Determine the split condition for numeric variables
  # Section 4. Determine the split condition for categorical variables
  # Section 5. Return info in data.frame

  # Section 0. Input checking ----

  if (class(h2o_tree_R) != 'data.frame') {

    stop('expecting h2o_tree_R to be a data.frame (output from mojo_gv_to_table function).')


  expected_col_names <- c("node",

  if (any(!colnames(h2o_tree_R) %in% expected_col_names)) {

    stop('expecting h2o_tree_R to be a data.frame (output from mojo_gv_to_table function),
         some column names are not in the expected; ',
         paste(expected_col_names, collapse = ' '), '.')


  # Section 1. Split edges text by | delimiter ----

  left_split_values <- strsplit(h2o_tree_R$left_split_levels, '\\|')

  right_split_values <- strsplit(h2o_tree_R$right_split_levels, '\\|')

  # Section 2. Determine which split NAs take ----

  NA_str <- rep(NA, nrow(h2o_tree_R))

  # code to check NA for each variable
  NA_str[!is.na(h2o_tree_R$NA_direction)] <-

  # Section 3. Determine the split condition for numeric variables ----

  left_split_str <- rep(NA, nrow(h2o_tree_R))

  right_split_str <- rep(NA, nrow(h2o_tree_R))

  # remove NA from split conditions
  num_left_split_direction <-
    sapply(left_split_values[which(h2o_tree_R$node_variable_type == 'numeric')],
           function(x) if (any(x == '[NA]')) x[-which(x == '[NA]')] else x)

  num_right_split_direction <-
    sapply(right_split_values[which(h2o_tree_R$node_variable_type == 'numeric')],
           function(x) if (any(x == '[NA]')) x[-which(x == '[NA]')] else x)

  # put together code for split condition for numeric variables
  left_split_str[which(h2o_tree_R$node_variable_type == 'numeric')] <-
    paste(h2o_tree_R$split_column[which(h2o_tree_R$node_variable_type == 'numeric')],
          h2o_tree_R$node_split_point[which(h2o_tree_R$node_variable_type == 'numeric')])

  right_split_str[which(h2o_tree_R$node_variable_type == 'numeric')] <-
    paste(h2o_tree_R$split_column[which(h2o_tree_R$node_variable_type == 'numeric')],
          h2o_tree_R$node_split_point[which(h2o_tree_R$node_variable_type == 'numeric')])

  # Section 4. Determine the split condition for categorical variables ----

  # remove NA from split conditions
  char_left_split_direction <-
    sapply(left_split_values[which(h2o_tree_R$node_variable_type == 'categorical')],
           function(x) if (any(x == '[NA]')) x[-which(x == '[NA]')] else x,
           simplify = FALSE)

  char_right_split_direction <-
    sapply(right_split_values[which(h2o_tree_R$node_variable_type == 'categorical')],
           function(x) if (any(x == '[NA]')) x[-which(x == '[NA]')] else x,
           simplify = FALSE)

  # put together code for split condition for numeric variables
  left_split_str[which(h2o_tree_R$node_variable_type == 'categorical')] <-
    mapply(function(x, y) paste0(x, " %in% c('", paste0(y, collapse = "','"), "')"),
           h2o_tree_R$split_column[which(h2o_tree_R$node_variable_type == 'categorical')],

  right_split_str[which(h2o_tree_R$node_variable_type == 'categorical')] <-
    mapply(function(x, y) paste0(x, " %in% c('", paste0(y, collapse = "','"), "')"),
           h2o_tree_R$split_column[which(h2o_tree_R$node_variable_type == 'categorical')],

  # Section 5. Return info in data.frame ----

  split_expr_df <- data.frame(node = h2o_tree_R$node,
                              left_split = h2o_tree_R$left_split,
                              right_split = h2o_tree_R$right_split,
                              left_split_str = unlist(left_split_str),
                              right_split_str = unlist(right_split_str),
                              NA_str = NA_str,
                              NA_direction = h2o_tree_R$NA_direction,
                              stringsAsFactors = FALSE)


richardangell/h2oTreeHelpR documentation built on July 3, 2019, 7:35 a.m.