tmh.eluted <- read.table("data/TMH-Bcell-elution.txt",as.is=TRUE)$V1
nontmh.eluted <- read.table("data/non-TMH-Bcell-elution.txt",as.is=TRUE)$V1
pdf("plots/figure-3-a.pdf", width=4, height=4, useDingbats=FALSE)
par(bty="n", mar=c(4,4,.2,.2))
hy <- function(x) mean(kyte.doolittle.scale[explode(x)])
tmh.eluted <- sapply(tmh.eluted,hy)
nontmh.eluted <- sapply(nontmh.eluted,hy)
plot( density(nontmh.eluted),
xlab="Mean hydrophobicity index in peptide",
ylab="Probability density",
main="" )
lines( density(tmh.eluted), col=2 )
legend( "topleft", c("all peptides"),text.col=c("black"), bty="n" )
legend( "topright", c("TMH peptides"), text.col=c("red"), bty="n" )
pdf("plots/figure-3-b.pdf", width=4, height=4, useDingbats=FALSE)
par(bty="n", mar=c(4,4,.2,.2))
d <- cbind( c(tmh.eluted,nontmh.eluted), 0 )
d[1:length(tmh.eluted),2] <- 1
d[,1] <- cut(d[,1],10)
barplot( 100*by( d[,2], d[,1], mean ),
xlab="Decile of mean hydrophobicity index", ylab="Percentage eluted TMH peptides",
ylim=c(0,45), border=NA )
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