
splendid is a SPeciation Likelihood Engine with a DIDapper logo. (N.B.: splendid is a provisional name)

The project is run by G. Laudanno, R.J.C. Bilderbeek and P.M. Santos Neves.


Our goal is to make easier to build R packages for likelihood models in macroevolution.

The package is built in a fully modular fashion. In this way the user can build a likelihood package providing: - one (or more) loglik function(s); - one (or more) conditioning function(s); - one (or more) simulation condition(s); - a function for any event that can occur in simulations;

Once these functions are provided the user should be able to maximize the likelihood and infer the best parameters for any model.

Use case: birth-death model

First, we'll show how to use splendid on a known model: the standard birth-death model.

This model has two parameters:

Simulating a birth-death phylogeny

In this use case, we will use:

Or in R:

speciation_rate <- 1.0
extinction_rate <- 0.1

When simulating a phylogeny, a user needs to specify:

In this use case, we'll:

Or in R:

#' Determine when a phylogeny simulation must stop
#' @return TRUE if the simulation needs to stop
stop_if_phylogeny <- function(phylogeny) { ape::Ntip(phylogeny) == 20 }

#' Determine when a phylogeny simulation must restart
#' @return TRUE if the simulation needs to be restarted
restart_if_phylogeny <- function(phylogeny) { ape::Ntip(phylogeny) == 0 }

rng_seed <- 314

How the model works, needs to be specified by a model expert:

In this use case:

Or in R:

#' Create a first starting phylogeny
#' @return a function that creates a phylogeny
create_first_phylogy <- function() { 
 ape::read.tree(text = "(A,B);")

#' Calcualate the rates at which all events happen
#' @param phylogeny a phylogeny
#' @param parameters the model's parameters
#' @return a list of events. 
#'   Each element is an event. 
#'   An event has a name (\code{name}) and a rate (\code{rate})
calc_event_rates <- function(phylogeny, parameters) {
    list(name = "speciation", rate = ape::Ntip(phylogeny) * parameters$lambda),
    list(name = "extinction", rate = ape::Ntip(phylogeny) * parameters$mu)

#' Create the phylogeny after an event took place
#' @param phylogeny a phylogeny
#' @param event one event, as created by \link{calc_event_rates}.
#'   An event has a name (\code{name}) and a rate (\code{rate})
#' @return the phylogeny after the event has taken place
process_events <- function(phylogeny, event) {
  if (event$name == "speciation") {
     # Add node to phylogeny
  } else {
     testit::assert(event$name == "extinction")
     # Remove node from phylogeny

Using these functions, splendid can simulate a birth-death phylogeny:

#' Simulate a macroevolutionary speciation process
#' @param stop_if_phylogeny function that determines 
#'   when a phylogeny simulation must stop. 
#'   The function must have a \code{phylogeny} as an argument,
#'   and return TRUE or FALSE
#' @param restart_if_phylogeny function that determines 
#'   when a phylogeny simulation must restart 
#'   The function must have a \code{phylogeny} as an argument,
#'   and return TRUE or FALSE
#' @param rng_seed a RNG seed
#' @param create_first_phylogy a function to create a first starting
#'   phylogeny. 
#'   The function must have a \code{parameters} as an argument,
#'   and return a phylogeny
#' @param calc_event_rates function to calculate the rates at which events happen
#'   The function must have \code{phylogeny} and \code{parameters} as argument,
#'   and return a list of events.
#'   An event has a name (\code{name}) and a rate (\code{rate})
#' @pparam process_events function to create a phylogeny after an event took place
#'   The function must have \code{phylogeny} and \code{event} as argument,
#'   and return the new phylogeny.
#'   An event has a name (\code{name}) and a rate (\code{rate})
phylogeny <- splendid::sim(
  stop_if_phylogeny = stop_if_phylogeny,
  restart_if_phylogeny = restart_if_phylogeny, 
  create_first_phylogy = create_first_phylogy,
  calc_event_rates = calc_event_rates,
  process_events = process_events,
  rng_seed = rng_seed

One of the goals of splendid is to generalize the simulation a phylogeny. Although simulating a birth-death process can be done in usually simpler ways, we are more flexible than ever. And the function can be used to run newer models, like the SLS model.

Simulating an SLS phylogeny

To simulate an SLS phylogeny,

#' Create a first starting phylogeny
#' @return a function that creates a phylogeny
create_first_phylogy <- function() { 
 # Something with sim_initialize_data_new_clade

#' Calcualate the rates at which all events happen
#' @param phylogeny a phylogeny
#' @param parameters the model's parameters
#' @return a list of events. 
#'   Each element is an event. 
#'   An event has a name (\code{name}) and a rate (\code{rate})
calc_event_rates <- function(phylogeny, parameters) {
  # Something with sim_sample_deltas

#' Create the phylogeny after an event took place
#' @param phylogeny a phylogeny
#' @param event one event, as created by \link{calc_event_rates}.
#'   An event has a name (\code{name}) and a rate (\code{rate})
#' @return the phylogeny after the event has taken place
process_events <- function(phylogeny, event) {
  # Something with sim_event

Using these functions, splendid can simulate an SLS phylogeny:

#' Simulate a macroevolutionary speciation process
#' @param stop_if_phylogeny function that determines 
#'   when a phylogeny simulation must stop. 
#'   The function must have a \code{phylogeny} as an argument,
#'   and return TRUE or FALSE
#' @param restart_if_phylogeny function that determines 
#'   when a phylogeny simulation must restart 
#'   The function must have a \code{phylogeny} as an argument,
#'   and return TRUE or FALSE
#' @param rng_seed a RNG seed
#' @param create_first_phylogy a function to create a first starting
#'   phylogeny. 
#'   The function must have a \code{parameters} as an argument,
#'   and return a phylogeny
#' @param calc_event_rates function to calculate the rates at which events happen
#'   The function must have \code{phylogeny} and \code{parameters} as argument,
#'   and return a list of events.
#'   An event has a name (\code{name}) and a rate (\code{rate})
#' @pparam process_events function to create a phylogeny after an event took place
#'   The function must have \code{phylogeny} and \code{event} as argument,
#'   and return the new phylogeny.
#'   An event has a name (\code{name}) and a rate (\code{rate})
phylogeny <- splendid::sim(
  stop_if_phylogeny = stop_if_phylogeny,
  restart_if_phylogeny = restart_if_phylogeny, 
  create_first_phylogy = create_first_phylogy,
  calc_event_rates = calc_event_rates,
  process_events = process_events,
  rng_seed = rng_seed

richelbilderbeek/splendid documentation built on May 20, 2019, 9:42 a.m.