tree_braces: Add Brace To Plotted Tree

Description Usage Arguments Details Author(s)


Put a brace around a single clade.


tree_braces(label, offset = unit(0.5, "lines"), alignment = "none",
  name = NULL, gp = gpar())



Label in the tree to attach the brace to. The brace will span all descendents of the node (if internal) or just the single species (if terminal). NB this is not the label that will be eventually drawn next to the brace.


A unit object describing offset in the time axis (positive is forward in time away from the tip/node).


Alignment of multiple braces, which has a visual effect only on non-ultrametric trees. Possible options are "none" (the default; all braces are put 'offset' away from the longest tip for each brace), "set" (all braces are put 'offset' away from the longest tip among all tips spaned by braces in this set of braces) and "global" (all braces are put 'offset' away from the longest tip in the tree).


Name for the brace (optional)


Graphical parameters (optional)


This is going to change, but exists as a holding place so that I can develop the lower level code. Eventually this is going to be subsumed within things like the taxonomic alignment, but that will probably work by using a series of clades anyway, so we're unlikely to be outrageously off.

Eventually this has to handle a brace (type [straight line, square bracket, curly bracket], offset from tree, graphical styling [colour, line type, line thickness]) and a label for the brace (position [centred, top, bottom], graphical styling [colour, font, etc], text alignment, offset from brace). So this function will break into pieces as development proceeds. For now, starting with the simplest cases and moving forward.


Rich FitzJohn

richfitz/forest documentation built on May 27, 2019, 8:17 a.m.