

test_that("flush cache", {
  st <- storr_environment()
  expect_equal(ls(st$envir), character(0))

  x <- runif(10)
  st$set("a", x)

  h <- st$list_hashes()
  expect_equal(ls(st$envir), st$list_hashes())

  ## check that the cache works by poisoning it:
  expect_equal(st$get("a"), x)
  st$envir[[h]] <- letters
  expect_equal(st$get("a"), letters)
  expect_equal(st$get("a", use_cache = FALSE), x)

  expect_equal(ls(st$envir), character(0))

test_that("traits", {
  expect_equal(storr_traits(NULL), storr_traits_default())
  expect_equal(storr_traits(list()), storr_traits_default())
  expect_error(storr_traits(list(infinite_unicorns = TRUE)),
               "Unknown traits")
  expect_error(storr_traits(list(drop_r_version = TRUE, accept = "object")),
               "if 'drop_r_version' is TRUE, then 'accept'",
               fixed = TRUE)
  expect_error(storr_traits(list(drop_r_version = TRUE, accept = "string")),
               "if 'drop_r_version' is TRUE, then 'accept'",
               fixed = TRUE)
  expect_error(storr_traits(list(accept = "foo")),
               "must be one of")
  expect_error(storr_traits(list(accept = NULL)),
               "must be a scalar")

test_that("mset edge cases", {
  st <- storr_environment()
  expect_error(st$mset(c("a", "b"), list(1, 2, 3), c("x", "y", "z")),
               "Incompatible lengths for key and namespace")
  expect_error(st$mset(c("a", "b"), list(1, 2, 3)),
               "'value' must have 2 elements")

test_that("missing", {
  st <- storr_environment()
  x <- st$mget("foo")
  expect_equal(x, structure(list(NULL), missing = 1L))

  x <- st$mget("foo", missing = NA_integer_)
  expect_equal(x, structure(list(NA_integer_), missing = 1L))

  st$set("a", 1)
  x <- st$mget(c("a", "b", "a"))
  expect_equal(x, structure(list(1, NULL, 1), missing = 2L))

test_that("mset_by_value", {
  st <- storr_environment()
  x <- runif(10)
  y <- runif(20)
  h <- st$mset_by_value(list(x, y))
  expect_equal(h, c(st$hash_object(x), st$hash_object(y)))
  expect_equal(st$exists(h), c(TRUE, TRUE))
  expect_equal(st$get(h[[1]]), x)
  expect_equal(st$get(h[[2]]), y)

test_that("duplicate", {
  st <- storr_environment()

  h1 <- st$set("a", runif(10))
  expect_null(st$duplicate("a", "b"))

  expect_identical(st$get("b"), st$get("a"))
  expect_identical(st$get_hash("b"), st$get_hash("a"))

test_that("fill", {
  st <- storr_environment()
  v <- runif(10)
  h <- st$fill(letters, v)
  expect_equal(h, st$hash_object(v))
               rep(list(v), length(letters)))

test_that("index - empty", {
  st <- storr_environment()
                   data.frame(namespace = character(0),
                              key = character(0),
                              hash = character(0),
                              stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
  expect_equal(st$list_hashes(), character(0))

test_that("index one namespace", {
  st <- storr_environment()
  st$mset(letters, LETTERS)

  d <- st$index_export()
  cmp <- data.frame(
    namespace = "objects",
    key = sort(letters),
    hash = vcapply(toupper(sort(letters)), st$hash_object, USE.NAMES = FALSE),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  expect_equal(d, cmp)

  expect_equal(nrow(st$index_export()), 0L)

  expect_identical(st$index_export(), d)

test_that("index multiple namespaces", {
  k1 <- letters[1:10]
  k2 <- letters[7:13]
  v1 <- runif(length(k1))
  v2 <- runif(length(k2))

  st <- storr_environment()
  st$mset(k1, v1, "n1")
  st$mset(k2, v2, "n2")

  d <- st$index_export()
  expect_equal(d$namespace, rep(c("n1", "n2"), c(length(k1), length(k2))))
  expect_equal(d$key, c(k1, k2))
               vcapply(c(v1, v2), st$hash_object, USE.NAMES = FALSE))

  d1 <- st$index_export("n1")
  d2 <- st$index_export("n2")
  expect_equal(d1, d[seq_along(k1), ])
  expect_equal(d2, d[d$namespace == "n2", ],
               check.attributes = FALSE)

test_that("invalid import", {
  st <- storr_environment()
  d <- data.frame(namespace = "objects",
                  key = "foo",
                  hash = st$hash_object(1),
                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    "Missing required columns for index: 'namespace', 'key', 'hash'",
    fixed = TRUE)
               "Missing 1 / 1 hashes - can't import")
  d$key <- factor(d$key)
               "Column not character: 'key'")

test_that("throw_missing", {
  data <- list(a = "x", x = 1)
  driver <- list(
    traits = list(throw_missing = TRUE),
    get_object = function(hash) {
      data[[hash]] %||% stop("Not found")
    get_hash = function(key, namespace) {
      data[[key]] %||% stop("Not found")

  st <- storr(driver)
  expect_equal(st$get_value("x"), 1)
  expect_error(st$get_value("y"), class = "HashError")

  expect_equal(st$get_hash("a"), "x")
  expect_error(st$get_hash("b"), class = "KeyError")
richfitz/storr documentation built on Dec. 6, 2020, 7:35 p.m.