
Defines functions choose_dir choose_files

Documented in choose_dir choose_files

#' @rdname choose_files
#' @importFrom assertive.reflection assert_is_windows
#' @export
choose_dir <- function(default = "", sep = c("/", "\\"))
  sep <- match.arg(sep)
  caption <- gettext("Select a folder", domain = "R-pathological")
  x <- utils::choose.dir(default, caption)
  standardize_path(x, sep, include_names = FALSE)

#' Choose files interactively
#' Choose one or more files or a directory interactively using a pop-up dialog.
#' @param default The default file to be selected.  See the Details section of
#' \code{choose.files} for how to specify.  Only on Windows.
#' @param multi Logical value indicating if multiple files can be selected.
#' Only on Windows.
#' @param sep String separator between directory levels in the output.
#' @return A character vector of standardized file paths that were chosen.
#' @note \code{choose_files} uses \code{choose.files} under Windows 
#' and \code{\link[base]{file.choose}} under other platforms.
#' @importFrom assertive.reflection is_windows
#' @examples 
#' \donttest{
#' if(interactive())
#' {
#'   choose_files()
#'   if(assertive.reflection::is_windows())
#'   {
#'     choose_dir()
#'   }
#' }
#' }
#' @export
choose_files <- function(default = "", multi = FALSE, sep = c("/", "\\"))
    stop("You are not running R interactively; use dir() instead.")
  sep <- match.arg(sep)
  x <- if(is_windows())
    filters <- matrix(
        "All Files", "*",
        "R source files (R, c, cpp, Rnw, Rmd, Rhtml, Rd)", "*.R;*.c;*.cpp;*.Rnw;*.Rmd;*.Rhtml;*.Rd",
        "Delimited text files (csv, dlm, dat)", "*.csv;*.dlm;*.dat",
        "Text files (txt)", "*.txt",
        "Spreadsheets (xlsx, xls, ods)", "*.xlsx;*.xls;*.ods",
        "Archives (zip, tar, tar.gz, tar.xz)", "*.zip;*.tar;*.tar.gz;*.tar.xz",
        "Image files (png, jpeg/jpg, pdf, ps, emf, bmp, svg)", "*.png;*.jpeg;*.jpg;*.pdf;*.ps;*.emf;*.bmp;*.svg",
        "R workspaces and variables (RData, rda, rds)", "*.RData;*.rda;*.rds",
        "Web files (html, xhtml, css, js)", "*.html;*.xhtml;*.css;*.js"
      ncol = 2,
      byrow = TRUE
    caption <- if(multi)
      gettext("Select at least one file", domain = "R-pathological")
    } else
      gettext("Select a file", domain = "R-pathological")
    # Have to use :: rather than @importFrom because fn only exists on Windows
    utils::choose.files(default, caption, multi, filters = filters, index = 1)
  } else
      warning("Setting the default file is only supported under Windows.")
      warning("Choosing multiple files is only supported under Windows.")
      error = function(e) character()
  standardize_path(x, sep, include_names = FALSE)
richierocks/pathological documentation built on May 27, 2019, 8:47 a.m.