Defines functions NOAA_SLR

Documented in NOAA_SLR

#' NOAA sea-level rise scenarios
#' Time (in years) for a specified amount of sea-level rise (SLR) to occur at Miami Beach according to the five SLR scenarios in NOAA 2017 report titled "Global and Regional Sea Level Rise Scenarios for the United States".
#' @param OsWL_req Numeric vector of SLR required.
#' @param SLR_scen Character vector specifying which of the NOAA (2017) scenarios to consider. Options include \code{High}, Intermediate high \code{Int.High}, \code{Intermediate}, Intermediate low (\code{Int.Low}) and \code{Low}.
#' @param Input_unit Character vector of length one; specifying units of SLR. Default is meters \code{"m"}, other option is feet \code{"ft"}.
#' @param Year Character vector of length one; specifying
#' @return List comprising the specified \code{Threshold} as the quantile of the conditioning variable above which declustered excesses are paired with co-occurrences of the other variable, the resulting two-dimensional sample \code{data} and \code{name} of the conditioning variable.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' NOAA_SLR<-function(OsWL_req=seq(0,1,0.01),SLR_scen = c("High","Intermediate","Low"),
#'                    Input_unit="m")
NOAA_SLR<-function(OsWL_req,SLR_scen = c("High","Intermediate","Low"),Input_unit="m",Year.Inital=2020){
  for(j in 1:length(scenario)){
    sp.Initial<-spline(NOAA2017$Year,ifelse(Input_unit=="m",1,3.28084)*NOAA2017[,scenario[j]], n = 201)
    sp<-spline(NOAA2017$Year[-which(NOAA2017$Year<Year.Initial)],ifelse(Input_unit=="m",1,3.28084)*(NOAA2017[,scenario[j]][-which(NOAA2017$Year<Year.Initial)]-sp.Initial$y[which(sp.Initial$x==Year.Initial)]), n = 201)
    for(i in 1:length(OsWL_req)){
rjaneUCF/MultiHazard documentation built on April 20, 2024, 12:48 a.m.