
Defines functions checkInput

checkInput <- function(dataInfo, parameter, urlbase, callDims) {

  #  check that a valid rerddap info structure is being passed
  if (!(methods::is(dataInfo, "info"))) {
    print("error - dataInfo is not a valid info structure from rerddap")

  #  check that the dataset is a grid
  if (!("Grid" %in% dataInfo$alldata$NC_GLOBAL$value)) {
    print("error - dataset is not a Grid")

  # check that there are the correct number of coordinates given
  # and the correct coordinates  by
  # 1) checking that given corrdinates are in dataset
  # 2) the correct number of coordinates are given

  allvars <- getallvars(dataInfo)
  # numparms <- dim(dataInfo$variables)[1]
  allCoords <- dimvars(dataInfo)
  callDims <- callDims[!vapply(callDims, is.null, logical(1))]

  # test coordinate names
  namesTest <- names(callDims) %in% allCoords
  if (any(namesTest == FALSE, na.rm = TRUE)) {
    print('Requested coordinate names do no match dataset coordinate names')
    print(paste('Requested coordinate names:', names(callDims)))
    print(paste('Dataset coordinate names:', allCoords))
    #stop(sprintf("Execution halted"), call. = FALSE)
  if (!(length(callDims) == length(allCoords))) {
    print("Ranges not given for all of the dataset dimensions")
    print("Coordinates given: ")
    print("Dataset Coordinates: ")
    #stop(sprintf("Execution halted"), call. = FALSE)
    print("Execution halted")

  # check that the field given part of the dataset
  if (!(parameter %in% allvars)) {
    cat("Parameter given is not in dataset")
    cat("Parameter given: ", parameter)
    cat("Dataset Parameters: ",
        allvars[(length(allCoords) + 1):length(allvars)])
    #stop(sprintf("Execution halted"), call. = FALSE)
    print("Execution halted")
  #  check that the base url ends in /
  lenURL <- nchar(urlbase)
  if (substr(urlbase, lenURL, lenURL) != '/') {
    urlbase <- paste0(urlbase, '/')

  # check that urlbase connects to an ERDDAP
  suppressMessages(try(myHTTP <- httr::HEAD(urlbase), silent = TRUE))
  if (!exists('myHTTP')) {
    print('failed to connect to given ERDDAP')
  if (!(myHTTP$status_code == 200)) {
    print('error in accessing ERDDAP server')
#  stop("urlbase did not resolve to a valid server", call. = FALSE)

rmendels/rerddapXtracto documentation built on July 20, 2024, 4:58 p.m.